China’s Parasite Army


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Lou Dobbs hit on a topic near and dear to my heart:

During the height of the Cold War I knew one thing above everything else: Never let Democrats come anywhere near an intelligence agency. I began pounding on Democrats infiltrating the intelligence community on my first message board in 2000. Today, Democrats control the entire intelligence community through the Director of National Intelligence. God only knows what Democrats are doing to the country in the Department of Homeland Security.

I am not sure if Coats knows that capitalism is an economic system that works to perfection for the most people in a limited form of government. Communism/Socialism is a form of government that works for the least number of people. The two are, and always will be, incompatible. If the intelligence community is finally gearing up for an ideological war they better start with understanding the battlefield.

There is no such thing as:

. . . "authoritarian capitalism" with the government and Party controlling Chinese companies and requiring they provide business and other information to Beijing.

Put it this way. Communism is a form of government where parasites absorb the wealth created in an economic system called capitalism.

"Beijing has stepped up efforts to reshape the international discourse around human rights, especially within the U.N. system," he stated.


"Chinese leaders will increasingly seek to assert China's model of authoritarian capitalism as an alternative—and implicitly superior—development path abroad, exacerbating great-power competition that could threaten international support for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law," he stated.

DNI: Beijing Set for ‘Ideological Battle’ with U.S.
BY: Bill Gertz
January 30, 2019 5:00 am

In short: Parasites everywhere serve in China’s army. Communism’s parasite army is the same as the armies that serve the organized religion of their choice with one exception. Organized religion’s armies do not serve a country. Roman Catholics soldiers everywhere do not fight for the Vatican; Islam’s soldiers do not fight for a specific Muslim country like Iran. Ditto Buddhists and so on; whereas, Communism’s parasites fight for China just as parasites the world over fought for the Soviet Union without realizing it. It is important that parasites everywhere know they are fighting for China in an ideological war. Basically, put parasites in the position of fighting for their country or fighting for China.

Withdrawing from the United Nations is the first, and easiest battle, to win. Defeating a global government administered by the United Nations are the fruits of a victorious first battle. The most difficult battles are the ones fought against the democracy movement, and tax dollar human Rights.

Parasites know all about human Rights that must be paid for with tax dollars, but they know nothing about the Rights in our original Bill of Rights. (Not a one of those Rights requires tax dollars.)

Speaking about Rights, our own clever little Communist had to doublespeak negative and positive Rights in the U.S. Constitution. If Coats’ & Company are looking to identify China’s recruiting posters they need look no further than Obama’s ideology.

In sum, Obama views the Constitution as a flawed document from which we must “break free.” We need, instead, a “living” Constitution that refocuses from “negative rights” to requiring income redistribution from the Haves to provide “positive economic rights” to the Have Nots.

Why the Fuss? Obama Has Long Been On Record In Favor Of Redistribution
Paul Roderick Gregory

U.N.-loving Democrats and their machinery were up and running before Obama took control of every intelligence agency as well as controlling the Department of Justice. President Trump barely scratched the surface in his first encounter with Obama’s holdovers:

President Donald Trump said that he respected the intelligence agencies but not the former prominent figures who made their careers into criticizing his presidency.

“It’s been terrible,” Trump told CBS anchor Jeff Glor, citing the names of former CIA director John Brennan, former director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, Former Director of the National Security Agency Michael Hayden, former FBI director James Comey, as well as prominent FBI agents Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok.

The president responded to a question from Glor about whether or not he felt that former intelligence agents were “out to get him.” Trump said that he had difficulty trusting their judgement, as they stood vehmently against him.

“Certainly I can’t have any confidence in the past,” Trump said, citing the “all of the shenanigans that have gone on” in the intelligence community under former President Barack Obama.

“Very hard to have confidence in that group,” he added.

Trump said Brennan was “a total low-life” and that said that even though Clapper wrote him a “beautiful” letter when he first got into the presidency, he turned against him.

“All of a sudden, he’s gone haywire because they got to him and they probably, got him to say things that maybe he doesn’t even mean,” he said.

Trump said that he was confident in the present intelligence led by his own appointees such as Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.

“I can have a lot of confidence in the present and the future, because it’s getting to be now where we’re putting our people in,” he said.

Donald Trump: No Confidence in Intelligence Led by Brennan, Clapper, Comey
by Charlie Spiering
18 Jul 2018

NOTE: In 2013 the sewer rat replaced traitor Kerry with a crook, Hillary Clinton, who was herself no great shakes in the Loyal American department. But it was nominating John Brennan for CIA director that convinced me the White House had moved to the burbs in Cuckooland.

Brennan was with the CIA for 25 years. Part of that time was spent as a daily intelligence briefer for President Clinton. He was station chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia when the Khobar Towers was bombed killing 19 U.S. servicemen in 1996. Brennan was deputy executive director of the CIA in March 2001.

My point. If you remember the phoney-baloney 9-11 Commission you know that incompetence was the stated reason the entire intelligence community took the fall for 9-11-2001.

Parenthetically, Democrats hate national security walls while the dearly loved Gorelick’s Wall:

The disclosure that Jamie Gorelick, a member of the September 11 commission, was personally responsible for instituting a key obstacle to cooperation between law enforcement and intelligence operations before the terrorist attacks raises disturbing questions about the integrity of the commission itself. Ms. Gorelick should not be cross-examining witnesses; instead, she should be required to testify about her own behavior under oath. Specifically, commission members need to ask her about a 1995 directive she wrote that made it more difficult for the FBI to locate two of the September 11 hijackers who had already entered the country by the summer of 2001.

Jamie Gorelick's wall
By - The Washington Times
Thursday, April 15, 2004

Sadly, life in Cuckooland being what it was —— it was natural for the sewer rat to promote one of his America-haters living in the fürhrerbunker.

A lot of info is known about Brennan’s track record. So I never believed he was just plain stupid. He had to impress a whole lot of Democrats, as well as con more than a few Republicans, for him to run the CIA for 4 years.

I cannot believe that an average bumpkin like me was the only who saw the real John Brennan. His reputation and résumé was pockmarked with road signs for the well-informed:

John Brennan's extremism and dishonesty rewarded with CIA Director nomination
Glenn Greenwald Monday 7 January 2013 09.55 EST

An article by George Neumayr basically recapped Brennan’s treachery:

The real story about John Brennan’s security clearance is not that he lost it under a Republican president but that he once got one. One of the peculiar footnotes of Brennan’s history is that he obtained a position in Bill Casey’s CIA after having supported the Soviet-backed American Communist Party at the height of the Cold War. Had Casey conducted the polygraph test in which Brennan admitted to voting for Soviet proxy Gus Hall in 1976, Casey would have tossed him out of the office. Casey hated communists. Whoever hired Brennan must have been a Deep State holdover from the Carter years.

John Brennan, a Security Risk from the Start
George Neumayr
August 17, 2018, 12:05 am

Let me point out that I never said Brennan should be blamed for 9-11, or for any of the earlier attacks, but it seemed to me that a whole lot of bad shit happened right under his nose. His comeuppance barely rose to a gentle pat on the wrist.

Infiltrating the U.S. military

The federal government was thoroughly infiltrated by the very type of person the country was warned about in the Army-McCarthy hearings (1954). Nobody, myself included, separated hardcore Communists from global government traitors in the military who were not Communists.

Loyalty to the existing form of government among high-ranking military officers is not universal in any country. The 2016 presidential campaign shined a light on one type of infiltrator in the military. Trump and Clinton understood it during the campaign.

Generals and admirals endorsing Hillary Clinton were loyal to the United Nations first. Generals and admirals endorsing Donald Trump were loyal to the country first. (If Hillary did not have so much trouble with the truth she would add her generals and admirals to her list of excuses for losing.)

President Trump is powerless against the United Nations in the U.S. Senate. Loyalty to the United States will never replace loyalty to the United Nations so long as the U.S. Senate remains a nest of traitors.

A few politically astute Americans always identified the United Nations as this country’s most dangerous enemy from within. My point is: Senator McCarthy was right. Indeed, Communists were infiltrating every branch of the armed services. Such men were fairly easy to identify as the years passed. In the decades since the Army-McCarthy hearings congressional Democrats & RINO advanced the careers of military officers they could “trust.”

Understandably, in 1954 the United Nations was too young for Senator McCarthy to separate Socialist true believers from U.N.-loyalists. Even today, most Americans cannot see the danger involved when our military serves the United Nations.

Creating a DNI is a classic example of how Congress solves problems: Every time something goes wrong they cover their congressional asses by creating another bureaucracy.

Before there was a Director of National Intelligence different agencies served as watchers watching watchers. With one person controlling the entire Intelligence Community who will watch the watcher? Certainly not Congress. Those people are useless before a disaster strikes, and not much good afterward. In addition, an American would have to be a political zombie to trust leading Democrats in oversight positions.

The DNI can short-circuit any intelligence agency that sets up a sting operation aimed at damaging Socialism’s global and domestic infrastructure. Jamie Gorelick’s infamous memo was nothing compared to the things a left-leaning Director of National Intelligence can get away with. Remember that the best Democrats will never admit that Communists are America’s enemies.

The Director, or the Principal Deputy Director, of National Intelligence is required to be an active duty commissioned officer in the armed forces. That is not a safeguard against a Democrat president putting a dedicated Socialist/Communist in place, or even a Director of National Intelligence sympathetic toward Islamic fundamentalism.

In practical terms, the Left was determined to gain control of the entire Intelligence Community. Having very little input throughout the Cold War was always a big thorn in the sides of Democrats. Socialists/Communists in the Democrat Party counted on a Director of National Intelligence to remove that thorn once and for all. That is why I was convinced that NOT creating a DNI was an issue second in importance to the Iraq War itself.

Had Democrats controlled the intelligence community at the start of the Cold War Americans would be speaking Russian today.

Finally, I have no proof, but I suspect that Saul Alinsky (1909 – 1972) contributed the political philosophy for the screenplay of a 1964 super-hit movie. In Alinsky’s convoluted logic the villain was loyal to the country, while his ‘hero president’ professed his love of the Constitution.

Seven Days in May is a 1964 American political thriller film about a military-political cabal's planned takeover of the United States government in reaction to the president's negotiation of a disarmament treaty with the Soviet Union.
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I'd be worried about their Cyber Army.

To Jack: Nice misdirection.

China’s war against this country will continue if and when cybertheft is stopped; China will still have its seat on the Security Council; the United Nations will continue recruiting parasites for China’s Army; Clinton-Obama holdovers will still populate the intelligence community, and the global government crowd will still dictate our foreign policy for Communist China’s benefit —— State Department policy that began after WWII ended:

Parenthetically, the American people fought and won the war. The federal government coordinated the war effort. In many respects they screwed up the peace to a large degree. They gave half of Europe to the Soviet Union. They lost China to Communism. They funded European Socialism with the Marshall Plan; and they handed America’s independence to the United Nation. Not a sterling record in my opinion.

(Didn't read your OP, too long)

To Jack: Naturally, you will not read anything that threatens Communism regardless of the length. Had I posted nothing except the title you would have said it was too long.
Flanders: "To Jack: Naturally, you will not read anything that threatens Communism ..."
Jack: Is 'Communism' traded on the NYSE?

To Jack: Nice misdirection.

China’s war against this country will continue if and when cybertheft is stopped; China will still have its seat on the Security Council; the United Nations will continue recruiting parasites for China’s Army; Clinton-Obama holdovers will still populate the intelligence community, and the global government crowd will still dictate our foreign policy for Communist China’s benefit —— State Department policy that began after WWII ended:

Parenthetically, the American people fought and won the war. The federal government coordinated the war effort. In many respects they screwed up the peace to a large degree. They gave half of Europe to the Soviet Union. They lost China to Communism. They funded European Socialism with the Marshall Plan; and they handed America’s independence to the United Nation. Not a sterling record in my opinion.

To Jack: Naturally, you will not read anything that threatens Communism regardless of the length. Had I posted nothing except the title you would have said it was too long.
Is 'Communism' traded on the NYSE?

To Jack: It certainly is:

The government ordering Americans what to buy, where to buy, and how much they have to pay for the items they buy is no different than the government ordering Americans where to purchase electricity.

Environmental industry stocks traded on Wall Street are called too big to fail; hence, bailouts will be used to prop up corrupt, inefficient companies while the standard of living for low and medium income Americans falls to Third World levels because retail prices rise out of reach.

If you really want to see who controls Congress see how far you get by insisting that tax dollars NOT go to any entity traded on Wall Street either directly or indirectly. If nothing else, company stocks traded in every market should be permanently barred from receiving tax dollars.
Is that your answer to: "Is 'Communism' traded on the NYSE?" ?

To Jack: I do waste my time explaining everything to dim bulbs. Anybody with an ounce of intelligence can see the connection.

Here is a bit more about Communism that will also go over your head.

Dr. Paugh is one of the good guys. I think this is the first time I ever found fault with her analyses.

Communism Making Comeback as Globalism
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
January 31, 2019

Communism is not making a comeback. IT NEVER WENT AWAY.

The U.S. did not defeat Communism, or China, when the Soviet Union imploded. The reported demise of the Soviet Union caused Americans to drop their guard. Media Communists encouraged a false sense of security with claims that Americans had nothing to fear because Communism was dead. The Left was so successful in announcing the death of Communism the country ignored the Clintons while they went about salvaging Communism’s worldwide infrastructure left behind by the Soviet Union. Today, the country has a piss-pot full of Clinton and Obama Communists in high places; most notably in intelligence agencies.

During the height of the Cold War I knew one thing above everything else: Never let Democrats come anywhere near an intelligence agency. I began pounding on Democrats infiltrating the intelligence community on my first message board in 2000. Today, Democrats control the entire intelligence community through the Director of National Intelligence.
So ... 'Communism' is now posing as Capitalism (or at least State Capitalism)? Is THAT what you are saying?

To Jack: I do waste my time explaining everything to dim bulbs. Anybody with an ounce of intelligence can see the connection.

Here is a bit more about Communism that will also go over your head.

Dr. Paugh is one of the good guys. I think this is the first time I ever found fault with her analyses.

Communism Making Comeback as Globalism
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
January 31, 2019

Communism is not making a comeback. IT NEVER WENT AWAY.

The U.S. did not defeat Communism, or China, when the Soviet Union imploded. The reported demise of the Soviet Union caused Americans to drop their guard. Media Communists encouraged a false sense of security with claims that Americans had nothing to fear because Communism was dead. The Left was so successful in announcing the death of Communism the country ignored the Clintons while they went about salvaging Communism’s worldwide infrastructure left behind by the Soviet Union. Today, the country has a piss-pot full of Clinton and Obama Communists in high places; most notably in intelligence agencies.
So ... 'Communism' is now posing as Capitalism (or at least State Capitalism)?

To Jack: I will make it easy for you. Every institution, and every individual, that takes tax dollars for profit contributes to totalitarian government —— I.E. COMMUNISM.

Is THAT what you are saying?

To Jack: No.

What I am saying is that tax dollars should be only be paid to operate necessary government enumerated in the Constitution. Corporate profits, coerced charity, education, welfare state programs, and the entire parasite class are either Socialists/Communists by choice, or they unwittingly give aid and comfort to the most insidious demolition of their own freedoms. Indeed, the parasite class destroys life itself.
Translation: "I have no idea what 'communism' is. Anything I dislike is 'Communist'!"

Thanks, Flanders. That clarifies your position on everything. :good4u:

To Jack: I will make it easy for you. Every institution, and every individual, that takes tax dollars for profit contributes to totalitarian government —— I.E. COMMUNISM.

To Jack: No.

What I am saying is that tax dollars should be only be paid to operate necessary government enumerated in the Constitution. Corporate profits, coerced charity, education, welfare state programs, and the entire parasite class are either Socialists/Communists by choice, or they unwittingly give aid and comfort to the most insidious demolition of their own freedoms. Indeed, the parasite class destroys life itself.
Generals and admirals endorsing Hillary Clinton were loyal to the United Nations first. Generals and admirals endorsing Donald Trump were loyal to the country first.

Res Ipsa Loquitur

The biggest flare that identifies Andrew Peek’s ideology is the connection to former U.S. General John Allen. CTH has tracked Allen for several years; he was used as part of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. He spoke at the DNC convention for Hillary Clinton.

NSC Russia Expert Escorted From White House Under Intelligence Investigation…
Posted on January 19, 2020 by sundance
Generals and admirals endorsing Hillary Clinton were loyal to the United Nations first. Generals and admirals endorsing Donald Trump were loyal to the country first.

The U.S. military is now Biden’s parasite army:

Friday, Tucker Carlson kicked off a firestorm.

His monologue focused n the barking shambles that Joe Biden has made of the Department of Defense in less than two months.

His theme was the degree to which the Biden bunch is focusing on making the military a test bed for woke orthodoxy and putting combat readiness, particularly readiness to confront Joe Biden’s paymasters in Beijing, in its rearview mirror. He took, as a point of departure, Biden’s mumblings on the occasion of “International Women’s Day.”

Carlson’s strongest point was directed at Biden’s decision to appoint a secretary of defense who is not only beholden to the defense industry but a rabid partisan

Joe Biden has put a man called Lloyd Austin in charge of the Pentagon. Biden plucked Austin from the cynical world of private equity, but you’re not supposed to notice that. You’re supposed to notice only that Lloyd Austin is Black. The real headline, however, is that Lloyd Austin is the second defense secretary in a row to have been on the payroll of Raytheon, the massive defense contractor. If you saw something like this happen in a Central American country, you would call it corruption, and you would be right.

For centuries, our military has been self-consciously non-partisan. In a democracy, it has to be that way. No country can survive if its armed forces become the tool of a specific political party. We know that because it happens all the time, all over the world, and the consequences are always horrifying. It has never happened here.

However, Lloyd Austin is openly political. In his first days on the job, Austin made the entire armed services submit to a kind of political purity test. Anyone with views that he found “extreme” had to leave. The rest of us watched as this happened, and once again, no one said anything. The left approved, the right felt hamstrung because they support the troops. Of course, if you support the troops, you should probably speak up when they’re being abused.

Then Austin set about accelerating poisonous trends already in progress at the Pentagon, the worst of these being the use of irrelevant criteria in hiring and promotion. In order to meet the demands of various Democratic interest groups, the Pentagon has dramatically lowered standards in the services.

Then Carlson narrowed in on this one quote.

And some of it is going to take — and — you know, an intensity of purpose and mission to really change the culture and habits that cause women to leave the military:

That women are — making sure more diverse candidates are considering — being considered for career-advancing opportunities at every single level.

That women aren’t penalized in their careers for having children.

That women aren’t just token members, but integral parts throughout all branches and all divisions.

And that they can completely, fairly engage in promotion and compete all across the board, including on the — on age and gender neutrality and the physical fitness test.

Let’s be serious. If you take time out of your career to have children, you should be penalized unless male officers (or homosexual officers) are also given a “sabbatical.” When lieutenants are selected for promotion to captain at somewhere around the three-year point of their time in service, it isn’t reasonable, or equitable, to have male officers who have served three years competing equally with women who have only served only about two due to pregnancy and maternity leave.

If women take any physical fitness test based on “gender neutrality,” they aren’t going to be, as a group, terribly competitive. The Army had a “gender-neutral” physical fitness test directly modeled on tasks soldiers are required to perform in combat, but it is being trashed because 65% of women in the Army can’t pass it. I suspect that Biden uses “neutrality” to mean that performance levels are skewed to “norm” the test to compensate for lack of physical ability.

And he highlighted the monumental lack of seriousness in all of this, again quoting Biden:

You know, some of — some of it is relatively straightforward work where we’re making good progress designing body armor that fits women properly; tailoring combat uniforms for women; creating maternity flight suits; updating — updating requirements for their hairstyles.

Nothing here makes sense. How do you justify the expense of designing, producing, and distributing body armor that “fits women properly?” Why create “maternity flight suits” when pregnant women can’t be on flight duty (this also goes back to the promotion penalty issue)? Are male hairstyles being updated to allow man-buns?

This is a sign of a military that has lost its way and has no greater purpose than to ensure the correct kind of person is promoted to the highest possible level of command. As an aside, a few months ago, I visited the US Army Museum at Fort Belvoir, VA. If you get the chance to visit, it is well worth the time. In the “hall of fame” was this “first”:

Keep in mind that this is a military service that has as its service academy motto “Duty, Honor, Country” and a credo of “a cadet does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do,” and which preached “integrity” all the time honoring a woman who lied and cheated to advance her career because she was successful in pulling off her deception over a long period of time.

The Department of Defense’s reaction and the military services to Carlson’s was something out of a horror movie.

My colleagues have commented on it, see Tucker Brings Straight Fire and Truth in Response to DOD’s Unprecedented Political Attack, Tammy Duckworth Is Immensely Triggered by Tucker Carlson, but Her Response Is Still Garbage, Official Military Twitter Accounts Start Attacking Tucker Carlson in Shocking, Highly Politicized Display, but suffice it to say the response was unprecedented in its grotesque lack of professionalism. Never before have serving general officers weighed in on commentary by a cable news talk show host in such a juvenile way. Never before has a military organization’s public affairs apparatus been enlisted to stir up social media invective directed against that host.

The vehemence of the reaction and the chosen subject show that Carlson hit the point. The Armed Forces’ senior leadership is now as much an arm of the Democrat party as the typical university gender studies department. They’ve stopped caring about training and have zero self-discipline, so you can expect that is now the coin-of-the-realm in the lower ranks. They knew they couldn’t defend Austin or counter Carlson’s critique of what is happening, so they manufactured a “Tucker Carlson hates women in the military” narrative. If you think this happened organically without official direction from the SecDef’s office, you need to take a deep breath. The invective directed against Carlson comes from the official accounts of military officials.

Italian communist Antonio Gramsci is often credited with coining the phrase “the long march through the institutions.” This describes the process whereby communists undermine a nation by slowly taking over its institutions. This episode is a clear indication that the US military has followed Hollywood and academia and the civil service into the camp of institutions that can no longer be counted upon to defend this nation or its laws.

My advice to the next Republican president would be to carry out a thorough purge of the officer corps of all branches of the military and get rid of anyone remotely connected with this imposition of wokeness on our Armed Forces.

The Official Outrage Over Tucker Carlson's Critique of Joe Biden's Military Shows Just How Lost Our Military Is
By streiff
Mar 14, 2021 1:00 PM ET

My advice to the next Republican president would be to carry out a thorough purge of the officer corps of all branches of the military and get rid of anyone remotely connected with this imposition of wokeness on our Armed Forces.

The Official Outrage Over Tucker Carlson's Critique of Joe Biden's Military Shows Just How Lost Our Military Is
By streiff
Mar 14, 2021 1:00 PM ET​

Traitors in the U.S. Military should be given the choice of getting hanged for treason, or emigrating to a country of their choice. I suspect they they will choose the former before they go and live in one the countries they love so much.

Biden administration is purging our military reminiscent of Stalin’s Great purge

As you read this, the Biden administration is purging our military reminiscent of Stalin’s Great purge. Between 1937 and 1938, Stalin purged the military of all those deemed disloyal to him and Communism. He purged much his experienced ranks, what he was going to need just three years later when Hitler’s Wehrmacht went through his country like poop through a goose. After the so-called Capitol Riot, the Biden Pentagon began scouring the military for extremists, or what’s commonly referred to as conservatives or Trump supporters, especially those that attended any Trump rallies. The new Communist Purge. The only security the Democrats are working on is their guarantee to stay in power.

Waking Up the Lions
By Ray DiLorenzo
May 15, 2021