Chris Christie; another example of a great Liberal lie

Truth Detector

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Recent events in the political storm that has erupted around Christie is more evidence of what I have been saying for a very long time to naive dunces in the Republican Party about how one deals with hate mongering Liberal ideologues.

You cannot be their friends. You cannot work honestly with them. You cannot trust them. And most importantly you cannot beat them if you do not understand the truths and reality of the previous sentences.

The mainstream media, who have shed any hints of objectivity and practice journalistic malfeasance these days, has been desperately promoting this false intellectually corrupt claim that Republicans cannot win future elections unless...they become more like Democrats.

They suggest that Americans are weary of Republican (racist) efforts to hinder this great President from acheiving his agenda based on the arrogant presumption that The One knows best what is good for America and the sheeple. They pointed to Christie declaring THIS is what Republicans need to be like in order to succeed politically in this country. This "moderate" Republican who pushed aside his ideological conservatatism and embraced Obama and Democrats in the aftermath of a natural disaster in an election year. An act that may have helped seal Romney's fate in his efforts to win the hearts and minds of the American sheeple.

They claimed that Christie's moderation are why he is able to succeed politically in a State buried in corrupt Democratic politics.

George Bush learned about the disgusting deceipt by Liberal Democrats thinking that by working with Ted (the drunk) Kennedy, he could gain some respect from them through his bi-partisan efforts and refusal to criticize his political enemies.

So my question for Christie is this; how's that working for you dude?
So why are lane closures bigger than the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi?

The former is a blatant abuse of power and political revenge and the latter is incompetence in office and both are lying to cover up. Do you really expect anything more from any fucking politician? Is there any doubt that both are guilty?
Democrats shrug and ask "what difference does it make" and continue to idolize The Hildebeast, don't they?

Has it been proven that Christie lied about the lane closings?
what difference does it make? the GOP was always a longshot bet to nominate Christie given the ascendance of the tea bagger wing. Now, y'all can see who, other than Christie, can survive your primary gauntlet. Cruz? Santorum? Ryan? Jeb?

good times.... good times.
Democrats shrug and ask "what difference does it make" and continue to idolize The Hildebeast, don't they?

Has it been proven that Christie lied about the lane closings?

The bastard lied about raising taxes and claiming he'd cut taxes. Why should anybody trust a fucking liar? Besides, he's anti-Second Amendment like Hillary. He's an Obama ass kisser, liker Hillary. He thinks Obama-Care is a good thing, like Hillary and he believes in Global Warming like Hillary. What the fuck makes you think there's any real difference between his fat ass and Hillary's?
The bastard lied about raising taxes and claiming he'd cut taxes. Why should anybody trust a fucking liar? Besides, he's anti-Second Amendment like Hillary. He's an Obama ass kisser, liker Hillary. He thinks Obama-Care is a good thing, like Hillary and he believes in Global Warming like Hillary. What the fuck makes you think there's any real difference between his fat ass and Hillary's?

Is The Hildebeast of Benghazi your pick for the next POTUS?