Chris Matthews calls West Point the "Enemy Camp"


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December 01, 2009

After President Obama's Speech to West Point about Afghanistan, Chris Matthews calls West Point the "Enemy Camp"

[ame=""]YouTube- Chris Matthews calls West Point the "Enemy Camp"[/ame]
West Point the "Enemy Camp"

I'm not surprised Matthews said it...I'm fucking outraged that he actually believes it....
Mathews is an asshole and I have hated him for years.

He talks over his guests and very often doesnt even listen to their answers to his questions.

I think MSNBC should dump his ass and give Dilion Ratagan his spot.
bad choice of words on a live show, to any but a moron or mental midget he meant a more republican crowd.

Nice false outrage weaklings.
poor Chrissy, I guess seeing an audience that wasn't falling and tripping all over themselves for his boy wonder in chief made him declare them an "enemy".. funny how the truth slips out isn't it..
Mathews makes wierd comments all the time.

Take a look at the book he wrote "life is a campaign".

What a stupid fucking idea
He is a warped fool who has outlived his abilites on TV.

He is so out of touch with reality he doesnt even see his huge flaws.

I really wish MSNBC would dump him and put in Dillion Ratigan