Christian Soldiers

Can’t deny that lynching—in all of its grotesque brutality—was an act of religious significance justified by the Christianity of the day.

These lynchings weren’t just vigilante punishments or, as the Equal Justice Initiative notes, “celebratory acts of racial control and domination.” They were rituals. And specifically, they were rituals of Southern evangelicalism and its then-dogma of purity, literalism, and white supremacy. “Christianity was the primary lens through which most southerners conceptualized and made sense of suffering and death of any sort,”
Blacks of the era understood lynching as rooted in the Christian practice of white southerners. “It is exceedingly doubtful if lynching could possibly exist under any other religion than Christianity,” wrote NAACP leader Walter White in 1929, “No person who is familiar with the Bible-beating, acrobatic, fanatical preachers of hell-fire in the South, and who has seen the orgies of emotion created by them, can doubt for a moment that dangerous passions are released which contribute to emotional instability and play a part in lynching.” And while some church leaders condemned the practice as contrary to the Gospel of Christ—“Religion and lynching; Christianity and crushing, burning and blessing, savagery and national sanity cannot go together in this country,” declared one 1904 editorial—the overwhelming consent of the white South confirmed White’s view.
Can’t deny that lynching—in all of its grotesque brutality—was an act of religious significance justified by the Christianity of the day.

These lynchings weren’t just vigilante punishments or, as the Equal Justice Initiative notes, “celebratory acts of racial control and domination.” They were rituals. And specifically, they were rituals of Southern evangelicalism and its then-dogma of purity, literalism, and white supremacy. “Christianity was the primary lens through which most southerners conceptualized and made sense of suffering and death of any sort,”

In some pseudo Christianity maybe. How anyone that claims to know, and follow Christ, can think hurting anyone is OK is beyond me. Christ teaches mercy to even your biggest enemies, those that have done you harm.
In some pseudo Christianity maybe. How anyone that claims to know, and follow Christ, can think hurting anyone is OK is beyond me. Christ teaches mercy to even your biggest enemies, those that have done you harm.

Oh right, the crusades, the inquisitions, burning people at the stake , pogroms, the holocaust, the klan , over 2000 years of christian love
Can’t deny that lynching—in all of its grotesque brutality—was an act of religious significance justified by the Christianity of the day.

These lynchings weren’t just vigilante punishments or, as the Equal Justice Initiative notes, “celebratory acts of racial control and domination.” They were rituals. And specifically, they were rituals of Southern evangelicalism and its then-dogma of purity, literalism, and white supremacy. “Christianity was the primary lens through which most southerners conceptualized and made sense of suffering and death of any sort,”

I don't think that that dogma is dead by any means, do you?
In some pseudo Christianity maybe. How anyone that claims to know, and follow Christ, can think hurting anyone is OK is beyond me. Christ teaches mercy to even your biggest enemies, those that have done you harm.

That's because perhaps you really follow Christ, whereas far more ppl just use his name as sort of a designer logo to let them in the club.
Oh right, the crusades, the inquisitions, burning people at the stake , pogroms, the holocaust, the klan , over 2000 years of christian love

The crusades were an abomination, as were the actions of many in Christian name only. Those that did those things are not Christian, as you have to follow Christ's word to be a Christian. All those acts, are not acceptable in the word of Christ. Many an organized Christian religion continues to butcher the ideals of Christ. Many use the excuse the ends justify the means, but that will never be the case.
That's because perhaps you really follow Christ, whereas far more ppl just use his name as sort of a designer logo to let them in the club.

Exactly. All these Christian offshoots that want to do their own thing, are a joke. Look back to what Christ said, and you know how full of shit many a wannabe is.
no it is alive and well


I find it ironic all the disdain and hate for Hispanic immigrants. Most of them are deeply devout Christians. Yeah, Catholic but that is still a Christian religion. You'd think the mental morons who believe that "America was founded on Christianity" would welcome fellow Xtians to the country.

I find it ironic all the disdain and hate for Hispanic immigrants. Most of them are deeply devout Christians. Yeah, Catholic but that is still a Christian religion. You'd think the mental morons who believe that "America was founded on Christianity" would welcome fellow Xtians to the country.
They mostly oppose abortion as well. It is perplexing