Christians. Some Are More Disgusting Than Others


Don't get me wrong. Being an Atheist, I think all christians are disgusting. But some are worse than others. Namely, the ones who support the jews. The reason I think they do so is to show the manufactured power of their imaginary god. And if some jews in Israel will spit on you, and they will, to a christian that apparently just proves the power of their imaginary god even more.

Also, to have the ability to be spit on, the U.S. gives Israel over 3 billion a year in aid. According to one website, the average Israeli citizen receives more U.S. aid than the average American does! Maybe if I started spitting on other Americans, my social security payments might be increased by $3600.00 a year. To make up for all the years that it hasn't kept up with inflation.
They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

From what I gather from history, the jews are just as much into organized crime as the Italians with their Mafia are. If not more so. Because supposedly being the "chosen of god," thay have an actual religious excuse to do anything to the "unchosen" gentiles. Also, from what I gather, it is the orthadox jews in Israel that like to spit on christians. But I wouldn't bother trying to separate one from the other.
Don't get me wrong. Being an Atheist, I think all christians are disgusting. But some are worse than others. Namely, the ones who support the jews. The reason I think they do so is to show the manufactured power of their imaginary god. And if some jews in Israel will spit on you, and they will, to a christian that apparently just proves the power of their imaginary god even more.

Also, to have the ability to be spit on, the U.S. gives Israel over 3 billion a year in aid. According to one website, the average Israeli citizen receives more U.S. aid than the average American does! Maybe if I started spitting on other Americans, my social security payments might be increased by $3600.00 a year. To make up for all the years that it hasn't kept up with inflation.

Well I do not recommend it, but if you're feelin lucky you can go down to the mall & start out small, maybe w/ some kids & then work your way up to old ppl you know you can out run... I dunno about the money but I am guessing you are gonna get your ass kicked a couple times a week so eat your wheaties old man..

That may very well be, although I have never heard that.. Most of the ones I am familiar w/ are lookin for Armageddon & if Jesus is to slow they are lookin to kick start it themselves.. & they are willing to fight until the last Jew is dead if need be...

These old men of course will have their backs, here, 8,000 miles away... :whoa: