Christine Gregoire is a Bitch


God Bless America
I can't begin to describe how much I despise Washington state's governor. Maybe it's that fact that she looks like a witch, or that she is full of shit. I don't know. But every time she opens her mouth, there's probably a 90% chance she is lying.

Thank God we must suffer only six more months under this bitch. She won't be missed.
I can't begin to describe how much I despise Washington state's governor. Maybe it's that fact that she looks like a witch, or that she is full of shit. I don't know. But every time she opens her mouth, there's probably a 90% chance she is lying.

Thank God we must suffer only six more months under this bitch. She won't be missed.
The polls show her leading by 7%. How do you figure you are getting rid of her?
The polls show her leading by 7%. How do you figure you are getting rid of her?

The fact that a lot of Dems hated her in 2004 and still hate her now. We are expected to get a new superintendent at OSPI, since Dr. Bergeson failed to secure the WEA endorcement. I think everyone else is secure though, althought the Comm. of Public Lands has his first serious challenger in a long time...

I just hate that the Gregoire ads are rife with Van Burenism. :(
Gregoire can't even stand on her own record.

Instead, she sorts to petty attacks and non-sequiturs.

A recent poll has the two candidates neck and neck at 45% each, with 9% undecided. I believe Rossi will win by at least 1 percentage point.

According to a recent survey, 48% approve of Gregoire; 46% disapprove.

Rossi's victory hinges on the 6% who are undecided.
I've met Rossi a couple of times and he's a real douche. He tells the same stupid jokes each time he gives a campaign speech.
I think you're a lying asshole.

I've met him, too, as has my cousin. Rossi is a genuinely nice guy.

I may be an asshole, but I met him at least twice. He always uses the joke, "My family was so poor, I thought everyone grew up eating powered milk."
Threedee, no state has a system in which anyone but the winner of the popular vote wins.

Besides Mississippi.

Yeah, its called King County gets the last word. I'm from KC, by the way. Seattle is the county seat (way up in the northern most part, with just three cities further north to the east and west, one of which I was raised in).
Which machines did they use?

Electronic voting machines, at least in my county (Snohomish county).

Rossi won on election night, and won the initial recount. The subsequent hand-recount is what established Gregoire's supposed "victory," and put her in the governor's mansion. However, I am of the belief that Rossi actually won by several thousand votes. Let's just say the Democratic machine in this state makes Tammany Hall look legit. :)