Chromosome confused?


Pocket lint
The "woke" left gives the reactionary Looney Tunes ammunition

to use against the serious progressives

trying to concentrate on important things.
The "woke" left gives the reactionary Looney Tunes ammunition

to use against the serious progressives

trying to concentrate on important things.

You're old school. The more working class minded left is mostly gone (at least compared to decades ago). Today there is much more of a focus on environmentalism, identity politics and cultural issues.
I clearly referred to serious progressives.

That's an oxymoron. Misgendering seems to be their biggest concern. Maybe you meant something more like what we used to call a liberal. They were still whacky but nothing like this. Liberals were killed off by the leftists who invaded the democratic party.
You're old school. The more working class minded left is mostly gone (at least compared to decades ago). Today there is much more of a focus on environmentalism, identity politics and cultural issues.

Unfortunately true, and America is becoming a putrid dumpster fire because of it.

The working class is cutting off its own nose to spite its own face
by voting for the Republican candidates supported by the oligarchs
who exploit them while pulling their strings.

Also, working class people who are doing OK think that they're "middle class,"
a sociological demographic that barely exists if at all,
because they don't understand the difference between "income" and "class"
and are devoid of the proletarian solidarity that once brought prosperity to our working class.

What should be class warriors are now wearing tutus and stroking one another's feelings.
That's an oxymoron. Misgendering seems to be their biggest concern. Maybe you meant something more like what we used to call a liberal. They were still whacky but nothing like this. Liberals were killed off by the leftists who invaded the democratic party.

I get it now, Yak.

You like to speak as if you know things.
I get it now, Yak.

You like to speak as if you know things.

Well I know you can't deny that misgendering is the most important thing to "progressives". I also know you can't deny that liberals have been killed off by leftists who have infected the democratic party and America. I also know your a self absorbed piece of shit.
Well I know you can't deny that misgendering is the most important thing to "progressives". I also know you can't deny that liberals have been killed off by leftists who have infected the democratic party and America. I also know your a self absorbed piece of shit.

I'm actually a grammar Nazi.
Unfortunately true, and America is becoming a putrid dumpster fire because of it.

The working class is cutting off its own nose to spite its own face
by voting for the Republican candidates supported by the oligarchs
who exploit them while pulling their strings.

Also, working class people who are doing OK think that they're "middle class,"
a sociological demographic that barely exists if at all,
because they don't understand the difference between "income" and "class"
and are devoid of the proletarian solidarity that once brought prosperity to our working class.

What should be class warriors are now wearing tutus and stroking one another's feelings.

Mott has explained this well on here in the past, you can't sh*t on people and then expect them to vote for you. Your party is now dominated by well educated coastal folks who tend to just crap on "flyover country" people and their lifestyle. Another example, look at the debate around college and trade schools. Trade schools are great for working class people to learn a skill and be able to support a family. Yet again, many of you sh*t on that idea and people who do because 'everyone should go to college'.

I'll offer an analogy, Republicans and black voters. How many Republicans have you heard say "black people need to get off the Democratic plantation" while then saying negative things about black people? One doesn't need a PhD to understand why even black people who may be supportive of Republican ideas might be hesitant to vote that way. Same with working class voters and Democrats today.
Your party is now dominated by well educated coastal folks who tend to just crap on "flyover country" people and their lifestyle.

And you, cawacko, say this as if it were a bad thing.:cool:

In any case, I'm a reasonable well-educated coastal person--no graduate degree, unfortunately--
who still values classic FDR Democratic values
and who also recognizes the damage done to my party by their concentrating on significantly less important things.

A two party system is necessary
to keep the general population instead of the House of Representatives
choosing the president, if that's indeed important.

It's obvious, however, that two parties don't come close to politically representing all of us.

I argue with fellow Democrats on this forum
every bit as much as I do with everyone else.
You're old school. The more working class minded left is mostly gone (at least compared to decades ago). Today there is much more of a focus on environmentalism, identity politics and cultural issues.

Who says? You?

So I suppose you think, that the Republicans are the only ones who work for a living now huh?

Who says? You?

So I suppose you think, that the Republicans are the only ones who work for a living now huh?


El Oh El. Dude, I had to do a double take on what I wrote based on your response. I was like "did I just insult this man's family or something?"

If you disagree with what I said I'm happy to share my thoughts further, hear what you have to say and have a discussion about it. But good lord man...
El Oh El. Dude, I had to do a double take on what I wrote based on your response. I was like "did I just insult this man's family or something?"

If you disagree with what I said I'm happy to share my thoughts further, hear what you have to say and have a discussion about it. But good lord man...

Yes, You are an arrogant Bastard to say that the Democrats do not represent Working Americans! Either that or you are a BLIND FOOL!

Yes, You are an arrogant Bastard to say that the Democrats do not represent Working Americans! Either that or you are a BLIND FOOL!


So you either responded without actually reading what I wrote or you chose to purposefully misrepresent it.

But sure, name call and yell out NEXT! because why actually have a discussion with someone.