Chuck Schumer: To protect rule of law, Congress must check Supreme Court overreach


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The Supreme Court recently handed down one of the most dangerous rulings in its history, granting vast immunity to presidents from criminal prosecution. This decision violates one of the most important precepts of our country and our Constitution: No person is above the law, not even the president.

America’s Founding Fathers, deeply fearful of tyranny, would be appalled by the unchecked power the Supreme Court handed to our executive branch in the Donald Trump immunity decision. They are probably turning in their graves over this decision.

More like Schumer wants to stack the court so it rubber stamps anything Congress--So long as it's controlled by the Democrats--passes...
The courts have been handing government agents immunity for so called official acts for decades. I find it hilarious that you fuckheads are wailing about it now. Where were you when the qualified immunity doctrine was invented?