Church Apologises to Darwin

Well that leaves god as just some vague 'first cause'.

What an idle god! What is the point in it? What is left for god to explain?

And what a come-down. From explaining everything to explaining nothing!
Well that leaves god as just some vague 'first cause'.

What an idle god! What is the point in it? What is left for god to explain?

And what a come-down. From explaining everything to explaining nothing!

Sarah's gonna get you!

What's the Difference Between Palin and Muslim Fundamentalists? Lipstick

"John McCain announced that he was running for president to confront the "transcendent challenge" of the 21st century, "radical Islamic extremism," contrasting it with "stability, tolerance and democracy." But the values of his handpicked running mate, Sarah Palin, more resemble those of Muslim fundamentalists than they do those of the Founding Fathers. On censorship, the teaching of creationism in schools, reproductive rights, attributing government policy to God's will and climate change, Palin agrees with Hamas and Saudi Arabia rather than supporting tolerance and democratic precepts. What is the difference between Palin and a Muslim fundamentalist? Lipstick."
Does she really believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old?

Where do you get these people from?

I stopped trying to figure this one out years ago. The sad truth is that people will believe anything, as long as it makes them feel better. I don't exclude myself, and I'm not just talking about organized religion.
I stopped trying to figure this one out years ago. The sad truth is that people will believe anything, as long as it makes them feel better. I don't exclude myself, and I'm not just talking about organized religion.

Very true. All of us look for a comforting answer to the big uncertainties of life and death.

The reason religion is so successful is because it gives us a cheap and easy answer to this. An answer you don't really have to work for, you don't really have to go through the trauma of accepting and moving past nihilistic reality. It is handed to you on a plate with the name of some long-dead guy on it. It is such a cop-out!
That is the insanity of the Palinmania. The somewhat thinking ones of us cannot figure out why she is politically popular at all.

What a crazy world we live in.
Its like electing someone who professes belief in augurism through bird entrails or criminology by phrenology....
Have you seen the clips of Palin talking about her natural gas pipeline being backed by god ? Or the Iraq war being a holy cause ? Pretty scary.
Have you seen the clips of Palin talking about her natural gas pipeline being backed by god ? Or the Iraq war being a holy cause ? Pretty scary.

After Bush, that's not really what the US needs. A few years of sanity are needed before another lunatic takes over. Why did McCain pick her? He seems relatively normal???
Have you seen the clips of Palin talking about her natural gas pipeline being backed by god ? Or the Iraq war being a holy cause ? Pretty scary.

After Bush, that's not really what the US needs. A few years of sanity are needed before another lunatic takes over. Why did McCain pick her? He seems relatively normal???

appearances can be deceptive.

My thoughts on why he picked her ?
1. She has boobies.
2. She will suck in the religious right vote.
3. She has boobies.
4. She will get some Right leaning womens votes which had been leaning to Obama because fo the war.

too early there are a few more reasons I forgot.
Did I mention she has boobies ?
The polls show Palins running mate gaining ground since he picked her.

Not a good thing, however it could be a flash that will die out, but I am afraid stupidity will win yet again.
Oh well, at least the Church of England have seen sense.

They are now so irreligious they will soon be little more than a sunday club!