Church bombing set off alarms over rise of white supremacists in Ohio

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
According to a report from, a recent firebombing of a small-town church is setting off alarms that a rise in "do-it-yourself" white supremacist domestic terrorism is on the rise.

The report notes that Aimenn Penny was infuriated after watching coverage of a drag-queen storytime in France which led the member of White Lives Matter Ohio to attack a church in a small Geauga County town with Molotov cocktails for having similar plans.

According to the report, as Penny faces federal hate crime charges, Jonathan Lewis, a researcher at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism raised a red flag about the rise of extremism in the Buckeye state and beyond.

In an interview, he stated, "It paints a really disturbing picture of the state of domestic terrorism and domestic violent extremism in this country. I think that the case that was recently brought in in Ohio is, unfortunately, a really good indicator of the types of violent extremism bubbling to the surface today.”
The report adds, "The group [White Lives Matter Ohio] launched in April 2021. It is loosely affiliated with a nationwide group and uses Telegram to spread propaganda and disrupt drag shows like the one the Chesterland Church of Christ organized," adding, "The Anti-Defamation League report said there were 85 incidents of reported white supremacist propaganda efforts in Ohio in 2021 and 128 last year. Most of the efforts include dropping fliers at various locations, and the dominant group in Ohio in the last two years has been the Patriot Front."
The report adds, "The group [White Lives Matter Ohio] launched in April 2021. It is loosely affiliated with a nationwide group and uses Telegram to spread propaganda and disrupt drag shows like the one the Chesterland Church of Christ organized," adding, "The Anti-Defamation League report said there were 85 incidents of reported white supremacist propaganda efforts in Ohio in 2021 and 128 last year. Most of the efforts include dropping fliers at various locations, and the dominant group in Ohio in the last two years has been the Patriot Front."

The Jihadists evolved similarly after 9/11 when the US began taking out their leadership structure. They devolved into Youtube videos to radicalize lone wolf losers like Aimenn Penny....who will certainly get all the sex he wants in prison. LOL
According to court documents, on March 25, Aimenn D. Penny, 20, of Alliance, used Molotov cocktails against the Community Church of Chesterland (CCC), in Chesterland, Ohio, in an attempt to burn the church to the ground....

...If convicted, Penny faces a mandatory minimum of five years and up to 20 years in prison for the malicious use of explosive materials charge and up to 10 years in prison for the possession of a destructive device charge.
America's own, personal apocalypse is long overdue anyway.

We could very well be entirely in flames while I'm still on this absurd planet.

And who would have the balls to suggest that we don't deserve it?

Go ahead. May as well burn it all, people.
Not being one of the official victim groups he is up for 20 years for what looks to be about $10 of damage, more if he broke a cheap sign, which is not clear.
America's own, personal apocalypse is long overdue anyway.

We could very well be entirely in flames while I'm still on this absurd planet.

And who would have the balls to suggest that we don't deserve it?

Go ahead. May as well burn it all, people.

Not being one of the official victim groups he is up for 20 years for what looks to be about $10 of damage, more if he broke a cheap sign, which is not clear.

You two hate America so much, maybe you should consider starting a club. Maybe even start sexting each other. :thup:
According to a report from, a recent firebombing of a small-town church is setting off alarms that a rise in "do-it-yourself" white supremacist domestic terrorism is on the rise.

The report notes that Aimenn Penny was infuriated after watching coverage of a drag-queen storytime in France which led the member of White Lives Matter Ohio to attack a church in a small Geauga County town with Molotov cocktails for having similar plans.

According to the report, as Penny faces federal hate crime charges, Jonathan Lewis, a researcher at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism raised a red flag about the rise of extremism in the Buckeye state and beyond.

In an interview, he stated, "It paints a really disturbing picture of the state of domestic terrorism and domestic violent extremism in this country. I think that the case that was recently brought in in Ohio is, unfortunately, a really good indicator of the types of violent extremism bubbling to the surface today.”

Is this the next thing you fuckwits are going to focus on?