Cindy Sheehan


Well-known member
Probably a name most haven't heard for awhile. She's challenging Pelosi for her seat in Congress. Here's the write-up from the local paper today.

Cindy's world: Things are getting downright weird for Cindy Sheehan, the world's most famous anti-Iraq war activist.

Sheehan, who is running an uphill fight for the San Francisco congressional seat held by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is telling the world via her "Cindy for Congress '08" Web site that she is now the target of a dirty-tricks campaign.

According to Sheehan, the first sign was at the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August when she returned to her hotel room just in time to catch a maintenance worker who supposedly was changing a lightbulb. She thinks he was actually bugging her phone.

Then two weeks ago, Sheehan says, she was invited down to the "We the People" music festival in Los Angeles - only to be prevented from speaking once she arrived. The next day, she heard from a reporter of an alternative newsweekly that no less than L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was "involved in the decision to silence my voice."

Then last week, she filed a restraining order against a former volunteer who allegedly has been sending threatening e-mails. On her Web site, Sheehan says "we now know (he) was probably spying on us for the Pelosi camp." Pelosi's people brushed off the suggestion as absurd.

The taillights on her campaign's RV were subsequently busted out. Not long after that, Sheehan writes, four young men walked into the campaign office on Mission Street, acted like they wanted to register to vote, then "grabbed one of our computers and beat an intern over the head when she tried to stop them."

To top it off, Sheehan says, she has been summoned to jury duty in San Francisco on "the week of, you guessed it, the elections!"

But for Sheehan, the most compelling evidence of dirty play involved the robo calls that her campaign made to voters. The idea was to start last Monday, she says, but then "we started getting phone calls and e-mails blasting us for sending out the calls at 10:30 on a Saturday night." The candidate noted that people tend to find such late-night calls "extremely annoying."

"Was it just a 'glitch' in the system, as the owner of the robo-call company claims, or overt sabotage of the campaign?" Sheehan wrote, before concluding: "The stakes are high and I have a feeling 'they' won't stop at anything to assure that the tyranny of incumbency continues."

By the way, Sheehan campaign manager Tiffany Burns tells us that "except for these little bumps, everything is going great."
Haha I hate Pelosi and wish that she would lose. I hate Sheehan too but at least sheehan would have zero power.
Probably a name most haven't heard for awhile. She's challenging Pelosi for her seat in Congress. Here's the write-up from the local paper today.

Cindy's world: Things are getting downright weird for Cindy Sheehan, the world's most famous anti-Iraq war activist.

Sheehan, who is running an uphill fight for the San Francisco congressional seat held by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is telling the world via her "Cindy for Congress '08" Web site that she is now the target of a dirty-tricks campaign.

According to Sheehan, the first sign was at the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August when she returned to her hotel room just in time to catch a maintenance worker who supposedly was changing a lightbulb. She thinks he was actually bugging her phone.

Then two weeks ago, Sheehan says, she was invited down to the "We the People" music festival in Los Angeles - only to be prevented from speaking once she arrived. The next day, she heard from a reporter of an alternative newsweekly that no less than L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was "involved in the decision to silence my voice."

Then last week, she filed a restraining order against a former volunteer who allegedly has been sending threatening e-mails. On her Web site, Sheehan says "we now know (he) was probably spying on us for the Pelosi camp." Pelosi's people brushed off the suggestion as absurd.

The taillights on her campaign's RV were subsequently busted out. Not long after that, Sheehan writes, four young men walked into the campaign office on Mission Street, acted like they wanted to register to vote, then "grabbed one of our computers and beat an intern over the head when she tried to stop them."

To top it off, Sheehan says, she has been summoned to jury duty in San Francisco on "the week of, you guessed it, the elections!"

But for Sheehan, the most compelling evidence of dirty play involved the robo calls that her campaign made to voters. The idea was to start last Monday, she says, but then "we started getting phone calls and e-mails blasting us for sending out the calls at 10:30 on a Saturday night." The candidate noted that people tend to find such late-night calls "extremely annoying."

"Was it just a 'glitch' in the system, as the owner of the robo-call company claims, or overt sabotage of the campaign?" Sheehan wrote, before concluding: "The stakes are high and I have a feeling 'they' won't stop at anything to assure that the tyranny of incumbency continues."

By the way, Sheehan campaign manager Tiffany Burns tells us that "except for these little bumps, everything is going great."

if you ever witnessed, in person, the counter-protesters who arrive when cindy is at an event, or holding an event, and the things that they scream at her, you would doubt nothing.

i have seen, in nyc, police officers become so disgusted by what these people were screaming, that they removed them. forced them out of central park and up into the streets, where they stood and yelled down at her anyway.

you could not even imagine. you have never seen such hate. you only believe you have. they want to kill her. with their bare hands.
if you ever witnessed, in person, the counter-protesters who arrive when cindy is at an event, or holding an event, and the things that they scream at her, you would doubt nothing.

i have seen, in nyc, police officers become so disgusted by what these people were screaming, that they removed them. forced them out of central park and up into the streets, where they stood and yelled down at her anyway.

you could not even imagine. you have never seen such hate. you only believe you have. they want to kill her. with their bare hands.

if counter protestors don't like her why would Nancy Pelosi and her campaign run 'dirty tricks' and other things against her? It's not like she has a chance to beat Nancy.
Another cunt with her 15 minutes of fame long over. The DNC used her for political gain and tossed her in the trash once they were done.
I wish Sheehan would win so that we'd have a real liberal in congress, not an ultra-right AMerica hating conservative like Pelosi. How did such a massive anti-human right-winger win in San Fransisco anyway? That seat should go to a Green.

Republicans should be stripped of all committee assignments and all speaking privilidges, and, preferably, citizenship. The don't deserve it. But Nancy Pelosi, Republican loving bitch that she is, treats them like they are actually human beings. Which they aren't.
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I wish Sheehan would win so that we'd have a real liberal in congress, not an ultra-right AMerica hating conservative like Pelosi. How did such a massive anti-human right-winger win in San Fransisco anyway? That seat should go to a Green.

Republicans should be stripped of all committee assignments and all speaking privilidges, and, preferably, citizenship. The don't deserve it. But Cindy Sheehan, Republican loving bitch that she is, treats them like they are actually human beings.

Unless that's a typo crack kills WM. How does Sheehan go from being a true liberal to a Republican loving bitch in the matter of a paragraph?
You do not have to be any political party to not believe in Gawd.

Of course I don't believe in the debbil either.

I believe what we have while alive is all that we have. And to promise later payment is just another form of living on credit. And just cheapens our real existance.
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You do not have to be any political party to not believe in Gawd.

Of course I don't believe in the debbil either.

I believe what we have while alive is all that we have. And to promise later payment is just another form of living on credit. And just cheapens our real existance.
Which you believe has value? Because you say it does?