Clarence Thomas as new billionaire-funded vacations revealed


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I wonder if any of the billionaires got favorable ruling from Thomas because of their generous gifts.

Pro Publica on Thursday dropped a major new story documenting dozens of previously undisclosed vacations taken by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas that were funded by billionaire friends.

The point here is the appearance of impropriety," said Honig. "How does Clarence Thomas think the world actually works? We all have friends. Do any of your friends pay for your private vacations? It is unheard of."

Honig then outlined why Thomas accepting trips from billionaires and failing to disclose them was wildly inappropriate and damaging to the Supreme Court as an institution even if no laws were broken.
I wonder if any of the billionaires got favorable ruling from Thomas because of their generous gifts.

I've wondered, for years, how many senators, congressmen, and presidents got generous gifts for favorable legislation..........but all too often both sides just point fingers at each other and nobody does anything..............
I've wondered, for years, how many senators, congressmen, and presidents got generous gifts for favorable legislation..........but all too often both sides just point fingers at each other and nobody does anything..............

For once, I have to agree with you.
More revelations emerge about billionaires’ gifts to Clarence Thomas

Thomas’s friends and acquaintances “have treated him to far-flung vacations aboard their yachts, ushered him into the premium suites at sporting events and sent their private jets to fetch him — including, on more than one occasion, an entire 737,” Brett and Alex report.

The gifts include:

“At least 38 destination vacations, including a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas”
Twenty-six private jet flights and eight helicopter flights
A “dozen VIP passes to professional and college sporting events, typically perched in the skybox”
“Two stays at luxury resorts in Florida and Jamaica”
A “standing invitation to an uber-exclusive golf club overlooking the Atlantic coast”
"How does Clarence Thomas think the world actually works? We all have friends. Do any of your friends pay for your private vacations? It is unheard of."


Yes, my friends do this. I spent 4 days for New Years Eve in New York City - free room, plenty of food provided, even picked me up from the airport.

I keep an RV on a nice river spot - and loan it to my friends whenever they want a getaway

Have another friend with a cabin in the woods, and I can use it whenever it isn't used by family
What a curious thing that Thomas is able to make so many right wing billionaire "FRIENDS" soon after becoming a SC Justice.

what an amazing coincidence.

"Friends" who just want to pay for his mothers life by buying her house from them, fixing it up, and then letting her live their rent free. "Friends" who want to pay for the education of his grandson he is raising as if his son. "Friends" who lavish them with private jet, yacht and other luxury trips.

Nothing to see here. Even if Clarence never became a SC Justice, there is no reason to believe they would not all still be his friends and lavish him with gifts.

Forget that any other Judge or public servant would be fired, impeached or jailed for such "Friends giving them gifts'.

I mean, it is unreasonable to assume a SC Justice would have the assessment skills to look at the laws and statutes governing all other public servants and determine whether they should apply to him as well.

If only we had a body capable of making such assessments? Skilled in interpreting laws and statutes and applying ethics. Perhaps we should create such a body and put it at the top of the Judicial chain to ensure we actually people in charge who understand law and ethics. Maybe call it the Supreme, Really Supreme Court.

What do you guys think as i do not think we can or should expect the SC to have such judgement. that is an unfair expectation of them based on why they were given power.

Yes, my friends do this. I spent 4 days for New Years Eve in New York City - free room, plenty of food provided, even picked me up from the airport.

I keep an RV on a nice river spot - and loan it to my friends whenever they want a getaway

Have another friend with a cabin in the woods, and I can use it whenever it isn't used by family

So that is the same as a Supreme Court judge being bought off for decades. He is a huge blemish on the court and should do the right thing and retire.
So that is the same as a Supreme Court judge being bought off for decades. He is a huge blemish on the court and should do the right thing and retire.

he was not bought off. He is the most consistent judge on earth. Everyone will always know how he will rule, because he follows intent

you liars are shit stains
I think it's important to know just how close Thomas was with these vacation hosts.

In general, people do accept the generous hospitality of close friends.

On the other hand,
how many close billionaire friends
would a fakakta schvartze like Thomas
realistically have?
look at the shit stains ignore the Biden crime family while they go after the black guy

Typical right-wing deflection. Clarence is a stain on the court diminishing its respect and the faith people have in it. He is by himself, doing more harm to the judiciary than anyone ever has. He should never have been given the seat. He is a shitty judge and a shitty person like Trump, without values.
look at the shit stains ignore the Biden crime family while they go after the black guy

Ah, first you have to prove the “shit stains” are real, which hasn’t been done yet beyond innuendo, while the “black guy’s” transgressions are all documented
Typical right-wing deflection. Clarence is a stain on the court diminishing its respect and the faith people have in it. He is by himself, doing more harm to the judiciary than anyone ever has. He should never have been given the seat. He is a shitty judge and a shitty person like Trump, without values.

typical horseshit from the resident turd.

Clarence Thomas is the top judge on the bench to millions of Americans
What a curious thing that Thomas is able to make so many right wing billionaire "FRIENDS" soon after becoming a SC Justice.

actually he knew the last one for years prior to his appointment to the court.......tell me, does it suck to be an idiot?.......or do you enjoy it?......
Typical right-wing deflection. Clarence is a stain on the court diminishing its respect and the faith people have in it. He is by himself, doing more harm to the judiciary than anyone ever has. He should never have been given the seat. He is a shitty judge and a shitty person like Trump, without values.

why should the fact you're a lying piece of lib'rul shit diminish Clarence Thomas in any way....I mean it's not like anyone who knows you thinks you have any credibility......and those who don't know you aren't likely to ever hear your lies......