Climate change chocolate

Rich creamy taste
It's carbon neutral!!

Look for our other great products

Global Warming brand hot sauce. Great for wings and tacos!

Continental Ice Shelf brand ice cream

including the great new flavor Polar Berry Blast!
Climate Change
Some stay dry and others feel no pain
Climate Change
A baby born will die before the rain

Climate Change
The school books say it must be here again
Climate Change
The new graphs make you wonder where it went

Climate Change
Build a graph and say the end is nigh
Climate Change
Zoom the camera out and see the lie

Climate Change
Forecast to be climbing everyday
Climate Change
Never like this in the past they say

Climate Change
Raised your neighborhood insurance rates
Climate Change
Makes us happy 'livin in a gate

Climate Change
Made me cross the street the other day
Climate Change
Made you turn your head the other way

Good one!! I LOL'd

I'm going to run right out and buy me a tectonic blue plate special today !

I feel so guilt free !!!!!!!!!!!