Climate change follies: Score one for the good guys!


Shaken, not stirred!
In the never ending PR battle regarding scientists proving the detrimental effects of our industrial society on the world's climate change, here's something that should lighten the hearts of the sane and rational and just cause the corporate toadies and right wing stooges to just grind their teeth in frustrated anger. Enjoy!

US climate scientist Michael Mann wins $1m in defamation lawsuit
Scientist wins award against conservative writers who said his work was ‘fraudulent’ and that he ‘molested and tortured’ data

The high-profile climate scientist Michael Mann has been awarded $1m by a jury in a defamation lawsuit against two conservative writers who compared his depictions of global heating to the work of a convicted child molester.

The case stretches back 12 years. In a statement posted on Mann’s X account, one of his lawyers said: “Today’s verdict vindicates Mike Mann’s good name and reputation. It also is a big victory for truth and scientists everywhere who dedicate their lives answering vital scientific questions impacting human health and the planet.”
Wow, Mann won one! On the other hand, he's lost a bunch of others already...

It took almost a decade, but the DC Superior Court has finally ruled against Michael Mann in his lawsuit against Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn.

Mann had sued them for libel because they criticized his incompetent and fraudulent global warming research. They demanded evidence of damages, the court agreed and ordered Mann to produce that evidence. He has refused (for almost a decade) and the court has now finally decided that because of his refusal he must pay all the court courts, including Simberg’s and Steyn’s.

Apologists for discredited ‘climate scientist’ Michael E Mann have been trying to spin his defeat in the ‘science trial of the century’ versus skeptic climatologist, Dr Tim Ball.

~Mann vs Professor Timothy Ball (British Columbia Supreme Court):
Case dismissed; Mann loses (and has been ordered to pay costs, which the bum and deadbeat has declined to do);

~Mann vs National Review (District of Columbia Superior Court):
Case dismissed; Mann loses;

~Mann vs Competitive Enterprise Institute (DC Sup Ct):
Case dismissed; Mann loses.

I guess in Mann's case, the fourth time's a charm...
Wow, Mann won one! On the other hand, he's lost a bunch of others already...

It took almost a decade, but the DC Superior Court has finally ruled against Michael Mann in his lawsuit against Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn.

Mann had sued them for libel because they criticized his incompetent and fraudulent global warming research. They demanded evidence of damages, the court agreed and ordered Mann to produce that evidence. He has refused (for almost a decade) and the court has now finally decided that because of his refusal he must pay all the court courts, including Simberg’s and Steyn’s.

Apologists for discredited ‘climate scientist’ Michael E Mann have been trying to spin his defeat in the ‘science trial of the century’ versus skeptic climatologist, Dr Tim Ball.

~Mann vs Professor Timothy Ball (British Columbia Supreme Court):
Case dismissed; Mann loses (and has been ordered to pay costs, which the bum and deadbeat has declined to do);

~Mann vs National Review (District of Columbia Superior Court):
Case dismissed; Mann loses;

~Mann vs Competitive Enterprise Institute (DC Sup Ct):
Case dismissed; Mann loses.

I guess in Mann's case, the fourth time's a charm...

Your first link is out of date, as the OP shows.

And no, losing a previous case does NOT mean you are automatically wrong on all other pertaining cases. His million dollar win proves that. But hey, you've got those other cases that he lost, so now you have a MAGA narrative to repeat ad nausea. As I said, score one for the good guys.
In the never ending PR battle regarding scientists proving the detrimental effects of our industrial society ...
There are no scientists proving any such things. Learn what a proof is.

... on the world's Climate Change [religion], here's something that should lighten the hearts of the [Climate Change congregation] ... cause the [evil capitalist imperialists] to just grind their teeth in frustrated anger. Enjoy!
Is this going to be another case of claiming that the results of legal technicalities somehow prove that Global Warming is real? Let's see.

US climate scientist Michael Mann wins $1m in defamation lawsuit
A gross miscarriage of justice. It's like an armed robber who breaks into your home, slips, falls and requires medical attention, suing you for $1 million in a kangaroo court that finds you liable.

Scientist wins award against conservative writers
Michael Mann isn't a scientist.

... who said his work was ‘fraudulent’
Well, that part is true.

and that he ‘molested and tortured’ data
The 1st Amendment extends to poetic license.

“Today’s verdict vindicates Mike Mann’s good name and reputation.
Nope. Michael Mann has neither a good name nor a good reputation to vindicate.

It also is a big victory for truth
Nope. It's a victory for Climate Change worshipers who are desperate from something, anything, to help validate their self-delusion.

In summary, a court ruling does not impact science. Court rulings do, however, impact various religions from time to time.
Your first link is out of date, as the OP shows.

And no, losing a previous case does NOT mean you are automatically wrong on all other pertaining cases. His million dollar win proves that. But hey, you've got those other cases that he lost, so now you have a MAGA narrative to repeat ad nausea. As I said, score one for the good guys.

Mann has been trying for decades to sue to shut up his detractors. Like any good radical Leftist, he doesn't want and won't accept any criticism of his 'work.' Instead, he takes his detractors to court trying to shut them up rather than debate them or prove them wrong using facts and reasoning. He's a pseudoscientist who is far more a political opportunist and hack than anything else.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Your first link is out of date, as the OP shows.

And no, losing a previous case does NOT mean you are automatically wrong on all other pertaining cases. His million dollar win proves that. But hey, you've got those other cases that he lost, so now you have a MAGA narrative to repeat ad nausea. As I said, score one for the good guys.

Mann has been trying for decades to sue to shut up his detractors. Like any good radical Leftist, he doesn't want and won't accept any criticism of his 'work.' Instead, he takes his detractors to court trying to shut them up rather than debate them or prove them wrong using facts and reasoning. He's a pseudoscientist who is far more a political opportunist and hack than anything else.

Repeating a mantra doesn't change the fact of the OP. My, but you MAGA types are such snowflakes that even the slightest defeat sends you into a tizzy (as my grandma would say). Carry on.
Repeating a mantra doesn't change the fact of the OP. My, but you MAGA types are such snowflakes that even the slightest defeat sends you into a tizzy (as my grandma would say). Carry on.

What? That Mann after repeated attempts to get a ruling in his favor finally got one? Hardly a decisive win.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Repeating a mantra doesn't change the fact of the OP. My, but you MAGA types are such snowflakes that even the slightest defeat sends you into a tizzy (as my grandma would say). Carry on.

What? That Mann after repeated attempts to get a ruling in his favor finally got one? Hardly a decisive win.

Why do you think there are such things as "appeals", genius? If you're going to dismiss that, then you should have equal condemnation for every right wing case that eventually won on appeal. If not, stop braying like an ass. The subject title is what it is, as with the OP. GTFU and deal with it, or carry on just like the OP predicted.
Why do you think there are such things as "appeals", genius? If you're going to dismiss that, then you should have equal condemnation for every right wing case that eventually won on appeal. If not, stop braying like an ass. The subject title is what it is, as with the OP. GTFU and deal with it, or carry on just like the OP predicted.

My point is that Mann, after multiple lawsuits, multiple appeals, against an array of scientists, journalists, writers, and political pundits finally managed to scrape out a win. Not much of a track record if you ask me.
In the never ending PR battle regarding scientists proving the detrimental effects of our industrial society on the world's climate change, here's something that should lighten the hearts of the sane and rational and just cause the corporate toadies and right wing stooges to just grind their teeth in frustrated anger. Enjoy!

US climate scientist Michael Mann wins $1m in defamation lawsuit
Scientist wins award against conservative writers who said his work was ‘fraudulent’ and that he ‘molested and tortured’ data

The high-profile climate scientist Michael Mann has been awarded $1m by a jury in a defamation lawsuit against two conservative writers who compared his depictions of global heating to the work of a convicted child molester.

The case stretches back 12 years. In a statement posted on Mann’s X account, one of his lawyers said: “Today’s verdict vindicates Mike Mann’s good name and reputation. It also is a big victory for truth and scientists everywhere who dedicate their lives answering vital scientific questions impacting human health and the planet.”

One of any all time favorite examples to prove to those moronic climate change deniers just how serious this issue is

You filthy bastards!
My point is that Mann, after multiple lawsuits, multiple appeals, against an array of scientists, journalists, writers, and political pundits finally managed to scrape out a win. Not much of a track record if you ask me.

Are you drunk, stupid or just insipidly stubborn? WE ALREADY COVERED THIS, GENIUS! If you think parroting the SOS as the last word is "winning", then God go with you because tying your shoes must be a major achievement. I'm done with you here. Carry on predictably.
Are you drunk, stupid or just insipidly stubborn? WE ALREADY COVERED THIS, GENIUS! If you think parroting the SOS as the last word is "winning", then God go with you because tying your shoes must be a major achievement. I'm done with you here. Carry on predictably.
In other words, your king is tipped. Come back anytime you want to play again.
In the never ending PR battle regarding scientists proving the detrimental effects of our industrial society on the world's climate change, here's something that should lighten the hearts of the sane and rational and just cause the corporate toadies and right wing stooges to just grind their teeth in frustrated anger. Enjoy!

US climate scientist Michael Mann wins $1m in defamation lawsuit
Scientist wins award against conservative writers who said his work was ‘fraudulent’ and that he ‘molested and tortured’ data

The high-profile climate scientist Michael Mann has been awarded $1m by a jury in a defamation lawsuit against two conservative writers who compared his depictions of global heating to the work of a convicted child molester.

The case stretches back 12 years. In a statement posted on Mann’s X account, one of his lawyers said: “Today’s verdict vindicates Mike Mann’s good name and reputation. It also is a big victory for truth and scientists everywhere who dedicate their lives answering vital scientific questions impacting human health and the planet.”
**grinds teeth in frustrated anger**

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Some major cities are banning autos from downtown areas. Do you know what happens? The air gets much cleaner, breathing is better and people's health improves.

Yup, because "downtown areas" are in their own separate bubble in which no outside air can access..... and that would somehow instantly cause people to stop shoving twinkies down their throats, stop guzzling 12 packs of soda and beer, stop smoking ciggies and doing drugs, and give up their sedentary lifestyles... oh, and also stop donning their holy masks while sitting alone waiting for the metro transit to arrive.

Yup. Banning autos from downtown areas... THAT'S the key to "clean air, easier breathing, and improving one's health" :rofl2:
.... and that would somehow instantly cause people to stop shoving twinkies down their throats, stop guzzling 12 packs of soda and beer, stop smoking ciggies and doing drugs, and give up their sedentary lifestyles...
Every banning of ICEs from downtown areas has resulted in zero killings of the fatted calf in those downtown areas, leaving those areas much cleaner, without all that blood oozing around.
Some major cities are banning autos from downtown areas. Do you know what happens? The air gets much cleaner, breathing is better and people's health improves.

More likely, with most cities, the downtown dies and people move elsewhere. Think about it for a minute. If you couldn't drive into a downtown area and were faced with walking blocks in what was a car-centric downtown, would you do it or would you move your business elsewhere--particularly if you could still perform everything you did before from the new location?

Of course you'd move. Why stay where it is inconvenient for you, or where you are forced onto crowded public transit, or have to walk in bad weather frequently? The Left does these things because they don't consider consequences of their actions.