Climate - The Movie

This is a brilliant production where actual scientists discuss the AGW myth.


Video is unattainable, no loss, it is the product of a debunked Netherlands group of Climate deniers also associated with nationalist movements

Always a chuckle, the Flat Earthers find some obscure contrarian and promote their views as game changers all intending to create a false paradigm
Video is unattainable, no loss, it is the product of a debunked Netherlands group of Climate deniers also associated with nationalist movements

Always a chuckle, the Flat Earthers find some obscure contrarian and promote their views as game changers all intending to create a false paradigm

What country are you in?
Video is unattainable, no loss, it is the product of a debunked Netherlands group of Climate deniers also associated with nationalist movements

Always a chuckle, the Flat Earthers find some obscure contrarian and promote their views as game changers all intending to create a false paradigm

Poor anchovies, thanks for the heads up, and sorry you hate anyone listen to an alternate view. Classic malcontent lefite.
As I said, didn’t miss anything, again, it exemplifies Flat Earthers promoting some obscure contrarian and promote their views as game changers all intending to create a false paradigm

Right - you reject anything that might cause you to think. Thinking is heresy.

Don't look up.
As I said, didn’t miss anything, again, it exemplifies Flat Earthers promoting some obscure contrarian and promote their views as game changers all intending to create a false paradigm

Poor anchovies,

This is a brilliant production where actual scientists discuss the AGW myth.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. There are not enough thermometers. No magick satellite has the capability to measure it.
Science is not data or data collection. Data is the result of an observation. That MUST be interpreted by the person according to that person's personal beliefs.

Tree rings do not measure temperature.
Ice cores do not measure temperature.

NONE of them measure the temperature of the Earth.

Climate cannot change. There is no value associated with 'climate' that can change.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. The 1st law of thermodynamics has NOT been falsified by a Magick Holy Gas. The Church of Global Warming simply chooses to ignore the 1st law of thermodynamics.

You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. The 2nd law of thermodynamics has NOT been falsified by a Magick Holy Gas. The Church of Global Warming simply choose to ignore this law too. You cannot trap heat.

You cannot trap light. Planck's law and the Stefan-Boltzmann law is very clear about that. The Church of Global Warming simply chooses to ignore these laws as well.


No movie, website, book, government, scientist, group of scientists, or any other group of people has this data and synthesizing 'data' is not data. It's random numbers.

Yes, sailors have been measuring the temperature of seawater around their ship for as long as there have been sailors and thermometers. That is NOT the temperature of the ocean, nor the temperature of the Earth.
It's idiots like this 'tard who make people arguing that CO2 is bad look like idiots...

He is only making himself look like an idiot.

* He obviously doesn't know enough English to understand that climate cannot change.
* He obviously doesn't know enough math to understand that it is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
* He obviously doesn't know that science has no voting bloc. There is no such thing as 'consensus' in science.
* He is obviously a believer in the Church of Green and the Church of Global Warming, with a hatred against corporations.
(You know what saved the whales? Big oil, not Greenpeace!)

As such he is ignoring (again) the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Or Bill Nye... He's like one of those 1950's science sets for kids...
This idiot again? He's no scientist. He rejects science. He's an evangelist for the Church of Global Warming, not much different from any other TV evangelist for their own religion. They do it for the money.