Climatologists use faulty science. Proven by NASA


HaHa! Thanks man, that was great!

The Website provided:


The paper cited:

A non-peer reviewed "article" written by three dudes with no apparent connection to actual and credible climate research.

I especially LOL'd at the "author" who describes himself as a "former analytical raidochemist". HaHa! 20 dollars says he's a former x-ray technician.

I provide links to National Science Foundation, US Academy of Sciences, and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Adminstration.

And in contrast, the climate gate conspiracy theorists/comedians provide links to unemployed "mushroom researchers"; "I Love My Carbon"; "Climate Audit"; and "pajamasmedia/

Outstanding man, thanks for the comedy gold!
Poor Cypress will play the fool no matter what evidence is presented against the fraud ....

You go'll be in the boat with the last flat earther, the last birther and the last socialist .....too bad, the jokes on you.
Poor Cypress will play the fool no matter what evidence is presented against the fraud ....

You go'll be in the boat with the last flat earther, the last birther and the last socialist .....too bad, the jokes on you.

Matt Drudge neglected to report to you that two independent investigations of the climate gate comedy, completely exonerated the scientists. You really should stop believing what you read on right wing blogs. Didn't they lie to you and easily dupe you into supporting the Iraq Fiasco?

While “I My Love Carbon” is great for comedic relief, here’s an actual credible and reputable scientific link.

News Release for UCAR: A consortium run by some of the best research universities in the world: Including Johns Hopkins University, Stanford, UC Berkley, and Scripps Institute”

Record High Temperatures Far Outpace Record Lows Across U.S.

2009-11-12 00:00:00.0
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

BOULDER—Spurred by a warming climate, daily record high temperatures occurred twice as often as record lows over the last decade across the continental United States, new research shows. The ratio of record highs to lows is likely to increase dramatically in coming decades if emissions of greenhouse gases continue to climb.

"Climate change is making itself felt in terms of day-to-day weather in the United States," says Gerald Meehl, the lead author and a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). "The ways these records are being broken show how our climate is already shifting."

The study, by authors at NCAR, Climate Central, The Weather Channel, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has been accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters. It was funded by the National Science Foundation, NCAR's sponsor, the Department of Energy, and Climate Central.

If temperatures were not warming, the number of record daily highs and lows being set each year would be approximately even. Instead, for the period from January 1, 2000, to September 30, 2009, the continental United States set 291,237 record highs and 142,420 record lows, as the country
experienced unusually mild winter weather and intense summer heat waves.

A record daily high means that temperatures were warmer on a given day than on that same date throughout a weather station's history. The authors used a quality control process to ensure the reliability of data from thousands of weather stations across the country, while looking at data over the past six decades to capture longer-term trends.

The authors caution (the model results) are, by their nature, inexact......... However, the model results are important because they show that, in all likely scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions, record daily highs should increasingly outpace record lows over time.
Matt Drudge neglected to report to you that two independent investigations of the climate gate comedy, completely exonerated the scientists. You really should stop believing what you read on right wing blogs. Didn't they lie to you and easily dupe you into supporting the Iraq Fiasco?

While “I My Love Carbon” is great for comedic relief, here’s an actual credible and reputable scientific link.

News Release for UCAR: A consortium run by some of the best research universities in the world: Including Johns Hopkins University, Stanford, UC Berkley, and Scripps Institute”

LOL cypress buys the whitewash. It's like pedophile catholic priests exonerating a kiddie diddler. Of course they said nothing was wrong. but the science fails, you fucking dumbass.
Gee we have two trailer park rednecks with GED's ridiculing a guy who is a PhD level geoscientist. Gee I wonder who might possibly be more informed on this subject and have more crediblity?

Hmmm, don't you two clowns have some white hoods in your closet you need to go wash?
Gee we have two trailer park rednecks with GED's ridiculing a guy who is a PhD level geoscientist. Gee I wonder who might possibly be more informed on this subject and have more crediblity?

Hmmm, don't you two clowns have some white hoods in your closet you need to go wash?

GED, KKK, poor.

You have shamed yourself Mott by falling to the level of Topspin.
GED, KKK, poor.

You have shamed yourself Mott by falling to the level of Topspin.
I know and it's even more fun when the insults are true. :)

I mean get real. Tinhead and Pavo have absolutely no scientific credentials (not to mention credibility) and the only things they know about this topic is what they parrot from right wing blogs.

I mean Cypress is right. It's low comedy of the slap stick variety to even read what they have to say on scientific topics they are that clueless.
LOL cypress buys the whitewash. It's like pedophile catholic priests exonerating a kiddie diddler. Of course they said nothing was wrong. but the science fails, you fucking dumbass.

When you are seeking expert medical advice, do you read obscure blogs written by dental receptionists or nursing assistants?


Neither do I. When I seek expert medical advice, or expert climate science information I turn to qualified physicians and reputable climatologists, respectively.

But, I always LOL when you provide a link like "I Love My Carbon". Great stuff!

don't feel like an idiot man...the other day some climate science-denier tried to link me up with a blog written by a mentally disturbed, self-described "mushroom researcher". Outstanding, man!! :hand: It doesn't get funnier than this crap!
I know and it's even more fun when the insults are true. :)

I mean get real. Tinhead and Pavo have absolutely no scientific credentials (not to mention credibility) and the only things they know about this topic is what they parrot from right wing blogs.

I mean Cypress is right. It's low comedy of the slap stick variety to even read what they have to say on scientific topics they are that clueless.

Al Gore has no scientific credentials either yet he won a Nobel Prize. Guys with the best scientific credentials have been caught pants-down, fudging data. This issue is clouded heavily with politics, as every issue involving the public always is. Your outrage here is selective, and transparent.
Al Gore has no scientific credentials either yet he won a Nobel Prize. Guys with the best scientific credentials have been caught pants-down, fudging data. This issue is clouded heavily with politics, as every issue involving the public always is. Your outrage here is selective, and transparent.

Surprisingly I mostly agree with you. In history very little science has been decided by consensus, indeed many times it is the odd contrary bastard who comes up with the truth often in the teeth of opposition from the orthodoxies of the day.
Al Gore has no scientific credentials either yet he won a Nobel Prize. Guys with the best scientific credentials have been caught pants-down, fudging data. This issue is clouded heavily with politics, as every issue involving the public always is. Your outrage here is selective, and transparent.
I'm not outraged. Hell I'm honest enough to admit that I'm not very informed on this topic. I'm just agreeing with Cypress about how comical a couple of scientifically illiterates like Tinhead and Pavo are bloviating on a topic where their only knowledge is from parroting what they read on a right wing blog.
I'm not outraged. Hell I'm honest enough to admit that I'm not very informed on this topic. I'm just agreeing with Cypress about how comical a couple of scientifically illiterates like Tinhead and Pavo are bloviating on a topic where their only knowledge is from parroting what they read on a right wing blog.

Yet you're silent about Gore, the Nobel Prize winning Divinity School drop-out. :)
Surprisingly I mostly agree with you. In history very little science has been decided by consensus, indeed many times it is the odd contrary bastard who comes up with the truth often in the teeth of opposition from the orthodoxies of the day.
We are way past science on this issue, and into public policy. When that happens science goes out the window.

I know this from personal experience working on controversial public projects spanning 30 years, from highway interchanges to trash incinerators to landfills to sewage sludge recycling projects. "Scientists", especially university researchers with tenure, routinely toss science under the bus and go straight for the emotional and political arguments.
Al Gore has no scientific credentials either yet he won a Nobel Prize.

Al Gore won a Nobel for his activism. Not for being a scientist. The world, at large respects Al Gore. Unlike the chimpanzee you voted for twice who has earned virtually universal scorn and condemnation.

Guys with the best scientific credentials have been caught pants-down, fudging data.

Man, you’re as bad as the wingnuts who still keep screeching that the WMDs got moved to Syria. You live in this fact-free bubble of righwing blogs and talk radio.

The scientists that the rightwing climate gate comedians laughably accused of lying, were completely exonerated by two independent investigations.

This issue is clouded heavily with politics, as every issue involving the public always is. Your outrage here is selective, and transparent.

I agree that conservatives hate science, and view scientific progress and achievement as generally blasphemous, anti-christian, and the provenance of educated people. But yo man, Science isn’t out to make conservatives look foolish. Y’all do that with no help at all. Science is about good observations, good data, and robust analysis. It’s not out to make conservatives look dumb. Mott doesn’t seem outraged. He seems amused. He, Thorn, and a couple others are the only people on this board with more than a passing, rudimentary understanding of science. And I suspect Mott, like me, gets a guilty pleasure out of observing the follies of lower life forms.

TomPendergast wrote:

Surprisingly I mostly agree with you. In history very little science has been decided by consensus, indeed many times it is the odd contrary bastard who comes up with the truth often in the teeth of opposition from the orthodoxies of the day.

There is no brave contingent of minority scientists who have demonstrated a plausible alternative theory to the current consensus.

As tinfoil and his merry band of science deniers demonstrate daily, they don’t have any links except to rightwing blogs, tabloids, and crackpot obscure websites.

Almost universally, the only people who are squawking that the science is all wrong, are simply chirping in from the peanut gallery….in editorials, blog posting, and non-peer reviewed and web-posted “studies” masquerading as credible analysis.

The climate data is almost all out in the public domain. I’ll post it below. If the climate skeptics and science deniers want to do their own research, and plausibly and convincingly demonstrate other theories, using the standard scientific methods of excellent research and peer review, they’re welcome to do it. But, they choose not too.

Climate scientists weren’t out to make GEDs, neoconservatives, and Christian theocrats look like dummies. There was no global, liberal conspiracy to make this a “consensus”. A consensus didn't magically appear because of the devious schemes of liberals. In the 1980s, most scientists themselves were skeptical that humans were changing the climate. It was only on the basis of good, solid science that human-induced climate change became, in the words of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences A Settled Scientific Fact

Climate Data Sources....all raw, processed, paleo-data, temperature records, model codes, paleo reconstructions, etc. available at

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I'm not outraged. Hell I'm honest enough to admit that I'm not very informed on this topic. I'm just agreeing with Cypress about how comical a couple of scientifically illiterates like Tinhead and Pavo are bloviating on a topic where their only knowledge is from parroting what they read on a right wing blog.
Fuck off, idiot. I've linked relevent articles for the past three fucking years. everything I've said has come to pass fromn the el ninio peak in 1998 and subsequent lack of warming despite increses in CO2. You warmers are as stupid a christian fundies. Go buy some carbon credits, stupid warmer