Clinton clearly has the lead over Obama


I dare you to stop us GL
Obama may have more pledged delegates, more states won and more votes but Hillary wins the big states. That's all that really matters here people. Texas, Ohio, Florida, Michigan, New York and California were all won by Hillary. She may lose tiny, unimportant states but when it comes to the main event, Clinton steps up!

Oh sure one could say that something must be wrong with Hillary if she wins all of the huge states but is still losing the popular vote and delegate count. That's just Obama spin. If he can't win these states now then what makes you think he'll win them against a republican. You know states like California and New York. You can kiss those liberal-dominated states good-bye if Obama wins the nomination.

Delegates schelegates. Hillary wins the big states. It's a safe bet with her in Nov. Plus she has the experience! All Obama has are his speeches from 2002. Even McCain has experience. I mean come on! Obama isn't ready to handle the presidency. What happens when the phone rings at 3 AM and an unqualified president picks it up? Can you say 9-11?

But Obama would make a great Vice President! So vote for Hillary and you'll get both. I can't think of a better qualified person to be second in command than Obama.
Are you even listening to me? New York, Texas, Ohio, Florida, Michigan, Pennsilvania, New Jersey and California.
She got 55% of Michigan and 55% of Florida.

Obama may have won more states but most of them aren't exactly what we'd call important now would we?
She got 55% of Michigan and 55% of Florida.

Obama may have won more states but most of them aren't exactly what we'd call important now would we?
Well seeing as she was the ONLY person running in Michigan, 55% should be embarassing. As for all the other big states, do you really think that a Repub is going to carry California or NY if Clinton is not the campaign. Do you REALLY think that ONLY clinton can win a general election in Florida. My bet is the ONLY way the dems get florida's EC votes is IF Obama is the candidate and that is probably ONLY a 50/50 shot. THere were ONLY DEMOCRATS running in all those big state races. A Democrat HAD to win. That does not translate into a victory in November. Do you really think that since Obama won in Wyoming on Saturday, he is going to win Wyoming. Your logics is, to paint a nice picture, flawed.
Go Hillary, Go Barack, Go John! Take your pick, were doomed! At least any of them are better than Bush.
Well seeing as she was the ONLY person running in Michigan, 55% should be embarassing. As for all the other big states, do you really think that a Repub is going to carry California or NY if Clinton is not the campaign. Do you REALLY think that ONLY clinton can win a general election in Florida. My bet is the ONLY way the dems get florida's EC votes is IF Obama is the candidate and that is probably ONLY a 50/50 shot. THere were ONLY DEMOCRATS running in all those big state races. A Democrat HAD to win. That does not translate into a victory in November. Do you really think that since Obama won in Wyoming on Saturday, he is going to win Wyoming. Your logics is, to paint a nice picture, flawed.

Big states matter. If Hillary isn't the nominee, then those dems will either stay home or vote for McCain. Obama lost the big states now. Why would he win them later on?

If Hils people vote for McCain over Obama then they are pretty shitty Dems huh?

It is not going to happen.

Even the Clinton people hate McSame because of Bush.
At least McCain has the experience to lead unlike Obama. Hillary said that herself. Big Mac would be a better qualified commander in Cheif than Obama and the voters will see that.
Big states matter. If Hillary isn't the nominee, then those dems will either stay home or vote for McCain. Obama lost the big states now. Why would he win them later on?
So you are saying that if Hillary is not the nominee California dems will stay home so that McCain can get elected? Mmmmkay. California has gone to the dems in every electon since 1992. New York since 1988. Texas has gone to the repubs every year since 1980. Do you really think that Hillary has a better chance in Texas than Obama does? Not hardly. Just because you win a big state in the primaries doesn't mean you will win it in the general.
92 and 88 isn't that long ago. You wanna play that game eh?

Hillary won Ohio. Ohio has voted for the president every time since 1960.
92 and 88 isn't that long ago. You wanna play that game eh?

Hillary won Ohio. Ohio has voted for the president every time since 1960.
Well since we are playing your stupid game McCain won Ohio as well so maybe they might vote for him. Again this is the primary season. Someone has to win in BOTH parties during the primaries. Only one gets to win in November. And to get even stupider, Obama, who finished second in Ohio still beat out McCain by 340,000 votes so using what you loosely claim is logic, Obama would win there anyway huh?
Obama got 800,000 more votes in California than McCain
380,000 more than McCain in NY
650,000 more than McCain in Texas.

So sit down and quit embarassing yourself with what is truly flawed logic.
You started this game, not me. Nice try.

Hillary and McCain won Ohio. If Obama steals the lead from Hillary then McCain's the only one who won Ohio. By your logic, Big Mac will win Ohio and the presidency. And as for your vote numbers, there's 8 months until the election. 8 months ago Huckabee was unknown like Tancredo or Tommy Thompson. 8 months ago Rudy was the clear front runner. The people will see how bad of a leader Obama is and will vote for McCain. So if you want real change then vote for the safe bet, Hillary.
You started this game, not me. Nice try.

Hillary and McCain won Ohio. If Obama steals the lead from Hillary then McCain's the only one who won Ohio. By your logic, Big Mac will win Ohio and the presidency. And as for your vote numbers, there's 8 months until the election. 8 months ago Huckabee was unknown like Tancredo or Tommy Thompson. 8 months ago Rudy was the clear front runner. The people will see how bad of a leader Obama is and will vote for McCain. So if you want real change then vote for the safe bet, Hillary.
Obama doesn't have to steal anything. He is ahead in pledged delegates and over all delegates. It is she that would have to MUCH better to win.
He didn't win the big states and therefore shouldn't win the nomination. Big states are called big for a reason.
He didn't win the big states and therefore shouldn't win the nomination. Big states are called big for a reason.
Funny that. The rules that the dems have come up with do not make a distinction as to WHAT STATES your delegates come from. Only that you get the majority of them. Using your logic if Hillary ONLY won the big states she should get the nomination, which is basically what you are saying, but she has won some smaller ones as well.
exactly. Hillary won all of the big states plus lots of smaller ones too. How can she not get the nomination?