Clinton Founation? what's that?


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In all the Democratic convention speeches seeking to “humanize” Hillary Clinton, something went curiously missing: her work with the family charity.

You’d think Hillary, Bill and Chelsea would want to use the national stage to tout how their family’s $2 billion foundation is “helping improve the lives of millions of people across the world,” as it boasts.

You’d think we would’ve heard from some of the beneficiaries of the “partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments and individuals” finding “solutions that last.”

But not a word that we can recall. No speeches, no videos, no personal testimonials — nothing.

The silence is hardly mystifying — for the Clinton Foundation carries heavy baggage.

Starting with the FBI’s investigation into whether any “intersection” between the foundation and the work of Secretary of State Clinton violated anti-corruption laws.

Like her role in handing Russia exclusive mining rights to 20 percent of US uranium reserves via a company that donated millions to the foundation. (You thought Donald Trump was Vladimir Putin’s best friend?)

Or the tens of millions donated by the same Middle Eastern nations — Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait — that Hillary has publicly denounced for supporting terrorism (not to mention criminalizing gay sex).

And the Clintons certainly didn’t want to remind voters that the foundation had to amend four years of tax filings to finally come clean about $20 million in foreign donations it took during Hillary’s tenure.

Fact is, mentioning the foundation would have also shined a spotlight on just how the Clintons acquired their massive wealth in a few short years. So, with Hillary’s future on the line, better silent than sorry.
In all the Democratic convention speeches seeking to “humanize” Hillary Clinton, something went curiously missing: her work with the family charity.

You’d think Hillary, Bill and Chelsea would want to use the national stage to tout how their family’s $2 billion foundation is “helping improve the lives of millions of people across the world,” as it boasts.

You’d think we would’ve heard from some of the beneficiaries of the “partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments and individuals” finding “solutions that last.”

But not a word that we can recall. No speeches, no videos, no personal testimonials — nothing.

The silence is hardly mystifying — for the Clinton Foundation carries heavy baggage.

Starting with the FBI’s investigation into whether any “intersection” between the foundation and the work of Secretary of State Clinton violated anti-corruption laws.

Like her role in handing Russia exclusive mining rights to 20 percent of US uranium reserves via a company that donated millions to the foundation. (You thought Donald Trump was Vladimir Putin’s best friend?)

Or the tens of millions donated by the same Middle Eastern nations — Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait — that Hillary has publicly denounced for supporting terrorism (not to mention criminalizing gay sex).

And the Clintons certainly didn’t want to remind voters that the foundation had to amend four years of tax filings to finally come clean about $20 million in foreign donations it took during Hillary’s tenure.

Fact is, mentioning the foundation would have also shined a spotlight on just how the Clintons acquired their massive wealth in a few short years. So, with Hillary’s future on the line, better silent than sorry.

Watch for my upcoming post: Hillary, the girl in the tax funded bubble. This woman has 0 connection with the people she claims she's fighting for. She is completely isolated from the common folk and has been for years.
IT's a slush fund they use to sell influence. Both domestic and foriegn. The more you donate, the more influence you effectivly by from the Clintons. This is why Hillary wants to be president. More profits for her and bill's slush fund.

This the Saudis would have donated 25 mill if she had no chance of being POTUS?

The Clintons also use shady bookeeping to rob the slush fund at will. They are worth 200,000,000 but never gave enough speeches or sold enough merch to make that amount. Where did it come from? Creative accounting and robbing their slush fund.

How do I know this? Donors have come forward and said they donated, let's say 100,000 to the GCI. The books will show the donation as 50,000. This allows the Clintons to reinvest or take the rest of the 50k and do as they please.
IT's a slush fund they use to sell influence. Both domestic and foriegn. The more you donate, the more influence you effectivly by from the Clintons. This is why Hillary wants to be president. More profits for her and bill's slush fund.

This the Saudis would have donated 25 mill if she had no chance of being POTUS?

The Clintons also use shady bookeeping to rob the slush fund at will. They are worth 200,000,000 but never gave enough speeches or sold enough merch to make that amount. Where did it come from? Creative accounting and robbing their slush fund.

How do I know this? Donors have come forward and said they donated, let's say 100,000 to the GCI. The books will show the donation as 50,000. This allows the Clintons to reinvest or take the rest of the 50k and do as they please.

This is also why Hillary set up a private email server. She did NOT want info about this going public. So her crownies recommended she set up her own server where she could wipe, delete her shady business dealings if needed. Which she did.

Why the hell else do you, as Sec State, take time and money and set up a private server in your basement...? How dumb are Dem primary voters?
In all the Democratic convention speeches seeking to “humanize” Hillary Clinton, something went curiously missing: her work with the family charity.

You’d think Hillary, Bill and Chelsea would want to use the national stage to tout how their family’s $2 billion foundation is “helping improve the lives of millions of people across the world,” as it boasts.

You’d think we would’ve heard from some of the beneficiaries of the “partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments and individuals” finding “solutions that last.”

But not a word that we can recall. No speeches, no videos, no personal testimonials — nothing.

Who babysits you Teabaggers, when you're not here???
IT's a slush fund they use to sell influence. Both domestic and foriegn. The more you donate, the more influence you effectivly by from the Clintons. This is why Hillary wants to be president. More profits for her and bill's slush fund.

Yeah....sure it is......

Unlike Trumpy-The-Klown, the Clinton's (actually) credit their donors, for the foundation's assets!!!!

September 10, 2016 - "The Donald J. Trump Foundation is not like other charities. An investigation of the foundation — including examinations of 17 years of tax filings and interviews with more than 200 individuals or groups listed as donors or beneficiaries — found that it collects and spends money in a very unusual manner.

For one thing, nearly all of its money comes from people other than Trump. In tax records, the last gift from Trump was in 2008. Since then, all of the donations have been other people’s money — an arrangement that experts say is almost unheard of for a family foundation.

Trump then takes that money and generally does with it as he pleases. In many cases, he passes it on to other charities, which often are under the impression that it is Trumps own money.

In two cases, he has used money from his charity to buy himself a gift. In one of those cases — not previously reported — Trump spent $20,000 of money earmarked for charitable purposes to buy a six-foot-tall painting of himself.

Money from the Trump Foundation has also been used for political purposes, which is against the law. The Washington Post reported this month that Trump paid a penalty this year to the Internal Revenue Service for a 2013 donation in which the foundation gave $25,000 to a campaign group affiliated with Florida Attorney General Pamela Bondi (R).

Trumps foundation appears to have repeatedly broken IRS rules, which require nonprofit groups to file accurate paperwork. In five cases, the Trump Foundation told the IRS that it had given a gift to a charity whose leaders told The Post that they had never received it. In two other cases, companies listed as donors to the Trump Foundation told The Post that those listings were incorrect.

Last week, The Post submitted a detailed list of questions about the Trump Foundation to Trumps campaign. Officials with the campaign declined to comment."

