Clinton has the popular vote!


I dare you to stop us GL
Who cares if you count Florida and Michigan and don't count the cacuses? She is leading if you look at it that way. End of debate! If you question this, you are a sexist. Doesn't Obama play the race card all the time? What a hypocrite! Black people, black people, black people! Enough already Hussein! It is a fact that the boys want to gang up on Hillary because they hate women. She is winning the popular vote if you don't play by the rules. And who wants to play by the rules anyway? Delegates are so undemocratic! Let the voters decide the winner and not some elite system! However, the superdelegates should override Obama's lead over her. Hey, it's perfectly in the rules so ha!
it is up to the political party to decide, this is not an official election per sie but a political party primary.