Clinton/Sanders - Both Are Full of It


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Here's a couple of quotes from Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton about North Carolina's HB2 law regarding bathroom use and gender.

Bernie - “It’s time to end discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,” This dopey statement falls on its face immediately, by the use of the word "orientation" People can have an orientation with regard to what foods they eat, what music they listen to, what hobbies they have.
But sex ? No Bernie. Sex is given to you when you're born. And it stays that way, no matter what you say, or think, or do.
And Bernie says we shouldn't discriminate based on "gender identity". Well gender identity comes from one's biological identity. Male sex parts > male. Female sex parts > female. So he therefore is saying we shouldn't have male and female bathrooms, and everyone should all just use the same bathrooms. This is insane.
The only way this could be sane is if he means single use bathrooms, with a lock on the door, and one person at a time uses the bathroom (which is how it should always have been all along)

Hillary - "“LGBT people should be protected from discrimination under the law — period,” EARTH TO HILLARY" There is no such thing as LGBT. If you are born a male, you're a male - ALL YOUR LIFE. Likewise, if you're born a female, you're a female - ALL YOUR LIFE. And it doesn't require explanation to note why multiple use bathrooms should be separate, according to sex.

Lastly, when both of these two stooges start condemning "discrimination" AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE in Affirmative Action (which they both hypocritically support) THEN they can start mouthing off about "discrimination", and not until then.

PS - look how this moronic article conjures up whole new words ("transphobic", "cisgender", "trans-inclusive") Pheeeew! high-pitched whistle ; eyes rolling around in head.:whome: :rolleyes: Is there a doctor in the house ? :palm: :palm:
Clinton/Sanders - Both Are Full of It

How revealing you Teabaggers are.....when attempting to display your political-aptitude.....
How revealing you Teabaggers are..

Yes, indeed we are very "revealing". And that would especially be so, to information-deprived, liberal victims of airhead, liberal OMISSION media.

And even though it wasn't needed, Thanks for the compliment, anyway. It's the thought that counts.

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