Clinton tears up at Yale


New member
Just saw this; on the eve of another crucial primary vote.

Ain't gonna work this time. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me again....well, won't get fooled again.....

Voters can be dumb, but they're not THAT dumb. I'm predicting backfire on this one.
"No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people"
Just saw this; on the eve of another crucial primary vote.

Ain't gonna work this time. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me again....well, won't get fooled again.....

Voters can be dumb, but they're not THAT dumb. I'm predicting backfire on this one.

gotta link?
Hillary missed her callin'

she would be great in a mini-series...Let's title the series 'I cried in my beer' cause' Bill spilled the hops on a blue dress...:rolleyes:
Just saw this; on the eve of another crucial primary vote.

Ain't gonna work this time. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me again....well, won't get fooled again.....

Voters can be dumb, but they're not THAT dumb. I'm predicting backfire on this one.

well the first time came after she began trailing in the NH polls.... this time... right after the first national poll showing Obama in the lead came out and coincidentally the day before Super Tuesday. The last time the day before the NH primaries. I mean.....WHAT are the odds? :rolleyes:
shes crying because she didnt do enough election rigging to guarantee her a win by super tuesday.

1) diebold machine tampering
2) mccauliff changing dates of primaries to help her
3) back room super delegate deals
4) voter disenfranchisement when not her base
5) blatant lying about her rival
shes crying because she didnt do enough election rigging to guarantee her a win by super tuesday.

1) diebold machine tampering
2) mccauliff changing dates of primaries to help her
3) back room super delegate deals
4) voter disenfranchisement when not her base
5) blatant lying about her rival

I'm glad Chapdog takes such interest in bashing the Democratic candidates...

Oh wait...he "says" he going to vote D in 2008....

I don't really care, but it is pretty funny. The only time it really mattered was 2000, when she used it to unseat the Republican senator.
Hillary's new campaign song:

Its my campaign, and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cryyy if I want to. You would cry to if Bill cheated on you...

I'm surprised by the Clinton's unintelligent strategy thus far. I thought they were smarter.

The problem is that they really don't have any ammunition on Obama AND they were so completely arrogant that they presumed they would not get any real challenge from any other Dem.
The problem is that they really don't have any ammunition on Obama AND they were so completely arrogant that they presumed they would not get any real challenge from any other Dem.

Even so, they could have played this mush smarter.

Even if the tear wasn't intended this time, they must know that if she's seen crying again, PARTICULARLY at this time .. which mirrors the last time .. that it would be seen as a sham.

They've made a lot of missteps, including Bill believing the bullshit that he was the "first black president" and could challenge Obama for blackness.
Even so, they could have played this mush smarter.

Even if the tear wasn't intended this time, they must know that if she's seen crying again, PARTICULARLY at this time .. which mirrors the last time .. that it would be seen as a sham.

They've made a lot of missteps, including Bill believing the bullshit that he was the "first black president" and could challenge Obama for blackness.

desperation leads to stupidity. They never thought this race would be this close at this stage.