clinton will be like a second term president in her first term


she already knows all the worlds leaders

she already knows all the government appointed people who will not change after the election

its the power of a good resume
she already knows all the worlds leaders

she already knows all the government appointed people who will not change after the election

its the power of a good resume

A resume of the worst foreign policy in history. A resume of four dead in Benghazi. A resume of paying women less than men on her staff. A resume of enabling her sexual predator husband to ruin the lives of women, including his rape victim.

A resume of a FELON who broke the law concerning classified information in E-mails.

This bitch belongs in prison.
she already knows all the worlds leaders

she already knows all the government appointed people who will not change after the election

its the power of a good resume

Plus; she's got her own private graveyard, to bury the rest of the bodies in.
She already has the kickbacks coming in.
She already owes Wall Street for the campaign donations.
She already knows how to lie, cheat and steal to the American people.

Yep, another top democrat pick.

No thanks...
she is the best qualified hands down

mommys coming to fix everything little boy

That's your appeal for Hillary? You don't love this country if you don't vote for her? A lot of Democratics don't love this country huh?

Doesn't answer this question.

Why would Bill Clinton beat George H.W. Bush with all the experience Bush had?