Clinton Wins Nevada


100% recycled karma
don't begrudge Hillary her win. Congratulations to her. She very likely will chalk up several more in the South in coming weeks.

But although she had the support of the African American voters, she lost among Hispanics, and once again did very poorly with Independents, the younger voters, with women under 45. Those are crucial voting blocks.
With those voters against her, and with the Trump supporters being fiercely enthusiastic, there's no way Clinton is going to win a general election with the thin support she has. She had a strong group of supporters in Nevada going back to 2008, and the black voters supported her, but she can't win the country when she doesn't have the Latino or Independent vote, and people under 45 are turning away from her in droves.

If Clinton were to win the nomination, those voting groups could very well either vote for Trump, write in someone else, or simply stay home. She has had the entire Democratic Establishment behind her, and years of political markers to call, but even with that, she only whacked her way to a win.

It would be a mistake to interpret it as any sign that a new engine of enthusiasm is suddenly behind her.

With about 80 percent of results tallied, Hillary Clinton was the projected winner of the Nevada Democratic caucus, a win the campaign, now headed to South Carolina for its Feb. 27 primary, attributed to support from African-Americans. The win was hard-fought and surprisingly close: Polls a little over a month ago gave Mrs. Clinton a more than 20-point lead over Bernie Sanders. The Clinton operation was in Nevada six months earlier than the Sanders campaign, though over the past two weeks, Mr. Sanders had flooded the state with staffers and outspent Mrs. Clinton 2 to 1 on advertising.

The victory was an important one for Mrs. Clinton, who lost to Mr. Sanders by 22 points in the nation’s first primary in New Hampshire on Feb. 9, and had been counting on minority support in Nevada and South Carolina as a “firewall.” Exit polls showed Mrs. Clinton had solid support among African-Americans, women and people who would like to see President Barack Obama’s policies continued. Mr. Sanders won among Latino voters, youth and independents, a sign of the challenges awaiting Mrs. Clinton as she looks to build momentum heading into Super Tuesday contests on March 1.

those votes will all go to her in the end and not your smucks in the end.

to win the general your fool has to get like half the latino vote.

latinos hate you people for good reasons

those votes will all go to her in the end and not your smucks in the end.

to win the general your fool has to get like half the latino vote.

latinos hate you people for good reasons

You think Latinos love people like you?
why so you can try and find my house?

fucking stalkerbot evil fuck

Because YOU made the claim. Just more proof you won't support of what you say yet expect people to believe you because you said it. Thanks for proving your claim about it being 70% latino was a lie.
You think Latinos love people like you?

see what stalkers on the internets do

they refuse to discuss politics on a politics sight and try to make the conversation about some female poster

trying to TRICK them out of information to find them in person

I would make you dead

Now stop stalking me asshole

lets discuss politics

You don't want to discuss politics. You want to threaten people, call them racist despite no evidence, and misspell words. That's all you have. Also, you want to make claims that you don't prove.

Don't miss.
I got my hopes up for Bernie in Nevada. At least he closed the gap to just a few points.
ya. Hillary has lots of vulnerabilities - besides her crappy job performance as Sec of State . It's no surprise she won the black vote.
But Bernie did beat her on the Latino vote - much more amendable to swinging.. Clinton for sure has the "enthusiasm gap"

I'm amazed Bernie is doing so well - he has a good message, and he does bring in new voters.
Hillary is the same old tired *blech*
don't begrudge Hillary her win. Congratulations to her. She very likely will chalk up several more in the South in coming weeks.

But although she had the support of the African American voters, she lost among Hispanics, and once again did very poorly with Independents, the younger voters, with women under 45. Those are crucial voting blocks.
With those voters against her, and with the Trump supporters being fiercely enthusiastic, there's no way Clinton is going to win a general election with the thin support she has. She had a strong group of supporters in Nevada going back to 2008, and the black voters supported her, but she can't win the country when she doesn't have the Latino or Independent vote, and people under 45 are turning away from her in droves.

If Clinton were to win the nomination, those voting groups could very well either vote for Trump, write in someone else, or simply stay home. She has had the entire Democratic Establishment behind her, and years of political markers to call, but even with that, she only whacked her way to a win.

It would be a mistake to interpret it as any sign that a new engine of enthusiasm is suddenly behind her.

The women votes is hers