Clinton, you invoked a political nightmare


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One of these days the headlines are going to read, Keith Overblows head explodes ON AIR..I can't wait.
Olbermann: Referencing RFK's assassination as a reason for staying in the race is unforgiveable
I am absolutely no Hillary fan, but all she did was to point out that the race has gone to June. The reference to Robert Kennedy seemed more like an attempt to show everyone her grasp on historical facts that most seem to have forgotten. In my opinion, this was just another example of Hillary showing her elitist attitude.
It showed everyone just how desperate to be president she is.

She wants it for the wrong reasons and she has taken for too much lobbyist money.

Much like McCain.

They both seem to think its their turn.

This is not about taking turns ,its about fixing this country and we sure cant fix it by doing the same things we have been doing for decades.

Obama is the only logical choice and all this silly talk about eliteism is just laughable.

You are the peopel who voted for the people who gave us the mess we are now in. It benifited no one but the elite of this country who vote more for Republicans than democrats.
I am absolutely no Hillary fan, but all she did was to point out that the race has gone to June. The reference to Robert Kennedy seemed more like an attempt to show everyone her grasp on historical facts that most seem to have forgotten. In my opinion, this was just another example of Hillary showing her elitist attitude.

Yes because you are such an elitist if you remember that Robert Kennedy was assasinated. Gee Republicans are such thinkers.
Yes because you are such an elitist if you remember that Robert Kennedy was assasinated. Gee Republicans are such thinkers.

And in typical form, you missed the point of what Hillary was talking about. She was referring to the fact that race was well into June before a nominee was known. The fact that he was assassinated only changed who was the nominee. But it is good that I was able to give you the chance to use the word "elitist" in an empty reference.
It showed everyone just how desperate to be president she is.

She wants it for the wrong reasons and she has taken for too much lobbyist money.

Much like McCain.

Last summer, everyone thought that Hillary was going to be the nominee. She has no intention of quiting.

And how is it that you are able to bring McCain into any discussion about Hillary talking about Robert Kennedy. How weak is that? If you are going to talk about how great or not-so-great Hillary is, you should be able to make your case based on what Hillary has done or said based on those merits without trying to assert irrelevant facts about someone else. If you think that she wants the Presidency for the wrong reasons, there is no reason wander off course with comparisons to McCain. Just make your case.
And in typical form, you missed the point of what Hillary was talking about. She was referring to the fact that race was well into June before a nominee was known. The fact that he was assassinated only changed who was the nominee. But it is good that I was able to give you the chance to use the word "elitist" in an empty reference.

OK so Hillary completely missed the reality of possible assassination did she?

I could maybe take that as an excuse for a slip of the tongue but she is an established political operator, she knows her words have meaning beyond the obvious (she pays people to point these things out, don't you know) and this isn't the first time she has uttered this stuff.

Everything an aspiring American President says is going to be scrutinised by every domestic network and foreign news outlet and you think Hillary repeated her remark on several occasions by accident?

Man, you want to go out to the hardware store and get me a long weight?
OK so Hillary completely missed the reality of possible assassination did she?

All I was saying is the assassination of Robert Kennedy was not her point. Her point was that nothing is settled until the convention and she should not be counted out by anyone as she is not going to dropout early.
Ha I agree about Olberman's head.

One of these days he is going to explode from anger. I would love to see him and O'Reilly debate one another and simulatenously blow up.

Crowds on both sides of the aisle would cheer.
All I was saying is the assassination of Robert Kennedy was not her point. Her point was that nothing is settled until the convention and she should not be counted out by anyone as she is not going to dropout early.

The really pathetic thing was Bill had it sowed up well before and bobby had it sewed up and was shot.

They both had it sewed and they ONLY reason Bobby was not president is that he was HIT by someone.

Hillary was telling Hey he may get shot.

She had made the same referance for months, this tiem she was very tired and stated it too blantently.
Ha I agree about Olberman's head.

One of these days he is going to explode from anger. I would love to see him and O'Reilly debate one another and simulatenously blow up.

Crowds on both sides of the aisle would cheer.

Olberman will be arround for very many years. Oliely........ well not so much
You're kidding yourself desh.

They will both be around for a long while.

Each side loves their divisive, loudmouthed partisans.
Ha I agree about Olberman's head.

One of these days he is going to explode from anger. I would love to see him and O'Reilly debate one another and simulatenously blow up.

Crowds on both sides of the aisle would cheer.

I tend to see Olberman more as a Michael Savage type. Savage will blow off his head one day on the air. It's almost to a point of not a matter of if but when. Olbermann has some of those Savage traits. I'd never seen Olbermann's show until a few weeks back and now I'm almost hooked. It's like that car crash you can't turn away from. You know it's going to happen, just when...