Clinton's Big Lie: Libya "would have become Syria"


100% recycled karma
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Sunday stood behind U.S. action in Libya, saying if the country hadn’t participated in the bombing campaign that led to the ouster of Moammar Gadhafi, Libya would look like Syria.

The Democratic presidential contender acknowledged on CBS’s “Face the Nation” the situation in Libya is not optimal but noted the 1,500 deaths in Libya fighting last year were far fewer than the 150,000 in Syria.

“When I look at this, an absence of action … would have probably turned Libya into Syria, which I think would have been an even more dangerous situation,” Clinton said.

“It’s not good. I’m not saying it is. [But] it’s sure better than Syria.”

She blamed the turmoil in Libya on “outside forces” that have tried to subvert the will of the people, who have voted twice for moderate leaders.

“They held two elections. They voted for moderates. They voted for democracy,” Clinton said, adding she thinks the competing interests eventually will realize they need to work together

Libya has been a flash point for Clinton. She has come under close scrutiny for her handling of the attack on the Benghazi consulate that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead. She underwent 11 hours of questioning by the House Select Committee in October.

Clinton supported taking action in Libya, where the United States led a coalition that provided air support for forces arrayed against Gadhafi.

Since then, the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS, and other terrorist organizations have managed to gain footholds in the country, and rival governments have been set up in Tripoli and Tobruk.

The Sunday Telegraph reported the U.S. and its allies are laying plans for military action to oust ISIS, but intelligence assessments on the number of terrorists in the country may be off. The U.S. has put the number at 5,000 to 6,000, while the U.N. has put the number closer to 2,000.

“The estimates of the number of jihadists is grossly exaggerated,” Karim Mezran, a Libya expert with the Atlantic Council in Washington, told the Telegraph.


The Clinton lie on Libya would have become Syria means that Qadaffi wouldn't have been able to put down the insurrection-
like Assad couldnot in Syria.

The BIG LIE is that Qadafffi was well on the way (offensive) to destroying the NTC - it's why the west decided a "no fly zone"
wasn't enough, and took to bombing Qaddafi -which still took the better part of a year to destroy.

More Clinton lies,and Berne won't call her out, and Trump is too stupid, and Rubio too hawkish..
American are hoodwinked because Clinton knows that if you're gonna lie -lie BIG.

^ my comments
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If democrats own your ass for decades on economics
Jury up some faux outrage internationally
Funny but not affective
The death toll in Libya after more than two months of violence could reach as high as 30,000, an Obama administration official said Wednesday.

Gene Cretz, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, said it is very hard to gauge how many people have died in strongman Moammar Gadhafi's crackdown on protesters and the subsequent fighting between rebels and pro-government forces.

But he said that U.S. officials have seen figures ranging from 10,000 to 30,000

^ more Clinton lies...the Civil war of 2011 death count was about 30k
add in the death count in the 2014 -Civil war to Present = about 10k

safe to say about 50k killed at least.
also the wreckage in the cities is approaching and exceeding Syrian levels..
The death toll in Libya after more than two months of violence could reach as high as 30,000, an Obama administration official said Wednesday.

Gene Cretz, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, said it is very hard to gauge how many people have died in strongman Moammar Gadhafi's crackdown on protesters and the subsequent fighting between rebels and pro-government forces.

But he said that U.S. officials have seen figures ranging from 10,000 to 30,000

^ more Clinton lies...the Civil war of 2011 death count was about 30k
add in the death count in the 2014 -Civil war to Present = about 10k

safe to say about 50k killed at least.
also the wreckage in the cities is approaching and exceeding Syrian levels..

Go there crusader
If democrats own your ass for decades on economics
Jury up some faux outrage internationally
Funny but not affective

support your partisan warmonger; it's your right as an ignorant American to be lied to, and swallow the lies whole.
your fucks broke the middle east based on fucking lies
Honestly Desh; Libya is in North Africa....although it it part of the "caliphate" extending thru AQIM in west Africa
to Syria in the ME.

This was Obama's -not the Bush's doing.

In 2000, Bashar al-Assad took over as President of Syria upon Hafez al-Assad′s death. He and his wife Asma al-Assad, a Sunni Muslim born and educated in Britain,[118] initially inspired hopes for democratic reforms. A Damascus Spring of social and political debate took place between July 2000 and August 2001.[119] The Damascus Spring largely ended in August 2001 with the arrest and imprisonment of ten leading activists who had called for democratic elections and a campaign of civil disobedience.[120] In the opinion of his critics, Bashar Assad had failed to deliver on promised reforms.[121]

The Assad government opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the Bush administration undertook to destabilize the regime by increasing sectarian tensions, showcasing and publicising Syrian repression of radical Kurdish and Sunni groups and financing political dissidents.[122] In addition Assad opposed the Qatar-Turkey pipeline in 2009. A classified 2013 report by a joint U.S. army and intelligence group concluded that bringing down Assad would have drastic consequences, since the opposition supported by the Obama administration was dominated by jihadist elements. The report was ignored, according to Michael T. Flynn, the then director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, by the U.S. administration
It was all set ablaze by the removal of SADAM
not Libya..Libya (Qadaffi) was actually an allie against AQ in N. Africa..
A funny thing happened when Clinton went to Paris to meet the NTC's Jibril

She kept pressing him for democratic reform promises, but neglect to ask who was the NTC's leadership.
So we took out Qadaffi, and put in AQ * Yankee Doodle*

And Clinton lies/obfuscates/covers up her tracks about every part of the misadventure....

Thankfully the NYTimes, and various authors have seen through her..
Too bad the American Sheeple are asleep though..


Destruction in Benghazi, Libya, last July after fighting between pro-government forces and an alliance of former anti-Qaddafi rebels linked to the extremist group Ansar al-Sharia

Political unrest during the 1990s[edit]

In the 1990s, Gaddafi's rule was threatened by militant Islamism. In October 1993, there was an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Gaddafi by elements of the Libyan army. In response, Gaddafi used repressive measures, using his personal Revolutionary Guard Corps to crush riots and Islamist activism during the 1990s. Nevertheless, Cyrenaica between 1995 and 1998 was politically unstable, due to the tribal allegiances of the local troops.[98]
now prove Clinton was incorrect asshole
please are giving me a you ever think while posting?

It's saying Qadaffi was threatened by "militant Islamists" - so if you overthrow Qadaffi whom are you supporting? :rolleyes: