Clinton's supporters are being played into dangerous ground


The Force is With Me
First it should be noted that any discussions about Hillary Clinton are in fact discussions about the Clintons, both of them. Hillary Clinton is a very curious symbol of woman power in my opinion.

The Clintons have decided to blow the Democratic Party up and it appears they have the power and supporters to do so. The rest of the Democratic Party doesn't have the courage to stop them.

PLEASE, no one ever mention the glory of Al Gore to me ever again in life. That weasel, and the rest of the weasels, like Pelosi, Reid, and other weakling "leaders" of the party don't have the courage to take a stand and stop them.

It's why I'm not a democrat. They are a party of weaklings.

No matter what happens in the rules committee meetings or what happens in the last primaries, the Clintons aren't going to stop until they force their will on the American people. This thing is going all the way to the convention and beyond. Battle lines are being drawn within the party and its about to get real.

The Clinton mindfuck is an amazing thing to behold. Absolutely amazing.

He mesmerized and confused his flock with the word "is".

And again he's done it with one word .. "women".

I do not suggest that every Clinton supporter is a clone, but denying their existence isn't an honest argument. This election is over, Clinton lost.

By invoking the word "women", his flock remove the word America and images of dying US soldiers in their brains and replace them with images of womens rights. At a time when the Democratic Party should be enjoying the prospects of trying to figure out what to do with all the power they're going to be handed, the Clinton mindfuck puts those prospects in question.

The amazing thing about the Clinton use of the word "women" is that it doesn't represent all women by any stretch of the imagination, the Clintons shaped it that way .. but like "is", it isn't a real thing.

Every time one metric gets defeated, the Clintons just invent another. There isn't any argument about that truth. But they cloak that truth with "women" and to the flock that truth goes away. That's amazing.

Many in the flock were once antiwar, but when the maestro pimpmaster speaks .. the truth that Hillary not only voted for the war and never regretted it, voted for Bush's threat of war against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and has blustered about how she'd "obliterate Iran" .. suddenly that truth goes away. That is truly amazing.

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton .. no bells going off?

Clintons $500,000.00 to untold wealth in less than 10 years .. no bells?

Won't reveal donors to his foundation, but we know at least 31.3 million of it came in a single donation, with a pledge of an additional 100 million, from the financier of a questionable mining deal .. no bells.

Election after election failures of the Clinton owned and operated DLC that allowed the rise of the neocon machine .. and the war .. and the failed economy .. no bells?

Why have so many ex-Clintonites, the ones who know them best, no longer support them? .. no bells?

The Clintons are playing their flock for fools. Fools who haven't taken the time to research, analyze, and think.

Old alliances are at risk and perhaps in the long run, that may be what's best for America.
Well, while I certainly disagree with some statements you make here, let’s move to the larger point as I personally said all I have to say yesterday about that stuff. (And I am still a great admirer of Al Gore’s) And the larger point is; what makes you believe this is going to go to the convention? I think it ends next week. Admittedly, I am also hoping that it ends next week, but I am wondering what signs have you seen that this will go on past next week? I think the Clinton camp was angling for the VP slot, which would indicate to me that she knows it’s over. No?
One look at her lobby money told me she was part of the problem.

Even Democrats can be bought and It sure looks like Hilly is bought to me.
Well, while I certainly disagree with some statements you make here, let’s move to the larger point as I personally said all I have to say yesterday about that stuff. (And I am still a great admirer of Al Gore’s) And the larger point is; what makes you believe this is going to go to the convention? I think it ends next week. Admittedly, I am also hoping that it ends next week, but I am wondering what signs have you seen that this will go on past next week? I think the Clinton camp was angling for the VP slot, which would indicate to me that she knows it’s over. No?

She's not angling for VP, they've burned way too many bridges for that to happen. The Clintons themselves are now talking about going all the way to the convention and everything they've done demonstrates that.

Clinton Camp: All the way to the Convention

or even better ..

No graceful bow-out for Clinton

It's no secret.
She's not angling for VP, they've burned way too many bridges for that to happen. The Clintons themselves are now talking about going all the way to the convention and everything they've done demonstrates that.

Clinton Camp: All the way to the Convention

or even better ..

No graceful bow-out for Clinton

It's no secret.

Yes but, at the same time she was saying some of that stuff, all reports were saying that Bill and others high in her campaign were trying to pressure Obama for the VP spot. So I kind of considered that to be more ammunition she was holding over him. Maybe I am wrong, I guess we will find out next week. Hopefully I’m not wrong.
Yes but, at the same time she was saying some of that stuff, all reports were saying that Bill and others high in her campaign were trying to pressure Obama for the VP spot. So I kind of considered that to be more ammunition she was holding over him. Maybe I am wrong, I guess we will find out next week. Hopefully I’m not wrong.

I hope you're right my friend .. but it would be counter to his character.

It's all or nothing for them and none of this is about Florida, Michigan, polls, or womens rights. This is about the Clintons and in your heart you've got to be getting a clearer picture of that.

After next week, then what?

What excuse, new goalpost, metric, or word is going to suffice for reality?
I hope you're right my friend .. but it would be counter to his character.

It's all or nothing for them and none of this is about Florida, Michigan, polls, or womens rights. This is about the Clintons and in your heart you've got to be getting a clearer picture of that.

After next week, then what?

What excuse, new goalpost, metric, or word is going to suffice for reality?

Who cares... the longer they continue to put up the good fight...the better.

I don’t think that she is running for President on account of women’s rights. I think she is running for President for the same reason everyone else running is running; they want to be president, real bad like.

I think that the way she is treated, is about women’s rights. I have never seen such garbage all over liberal websites as I have seen this week. My God, you would not even know there was such a thing as Mister John McCain or Mister George Bush. It is just awful.

I don’t believe she’ll have a choice but to bow out after next week. I agree she cannot be VP at this point, though I never thought that was a good idea anyway.

I think this was a close race, much closer than you would know if you listened only to Obama-supporters.

I don’t think she would have made a bad President.

I think Obama may very well make a better President.

That’s about it.
I don’t think that she is running for President on account of women’s rights. I think she is running for President for the same reason everyone else running is running; they want to be president, real bad like.

I think that the way she is treated, is about women’s rights. I have never seen such garbage all over liberal websites as I have seen this week. My God, you would not even know there was such a thing as Mister John McCain or Mister George Bush. It is just awful.

I don’t believe she’ll have a choice but to bow out after next week. I agree she cannot be VP at this point, though I never thought that was a good idea anyway.

I think this was a close race, much closer than you would know if you listened only to Obama-supporters.

I don’t think she would have made a bad President.

I think Obama may very well make a better President.

That’s about it.

People aren't attacking her because she's a woman, they're attacking her because they see what the Clintons are and what they represent .. and what they represent is every bit as dangerous as what Bush represents .. in fact it's the exact same thing.

There has been elements of sexism, racism, and age in this campaign, but the better candidate wins, as you've acknowledged. But what the Clintons are doing is beyond the pale and it's going to leave a scar.

They've planned protests saturday if they don't get their way.

Dem lawyers: Fla., Mich. can't be fully restored

"Saturday's meeting is expected to draw a large crowd, with Clinton supporters among those encouraging a protest outside demanding that all the states' delegates be seated. Proponents of full reseating have mailed committee members Florida oranges and pairs of shoes to get their attention.

DNC officials are concerned about a potentially large turnout at the "Count Every Vote" rally outside the event and have asked the hotel staff to increase security to keep everyone safe. The DNC says the roughly 500 seats available to the public inside were taken within three or four minutes of becoming available online Tuesday."
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People aren't attacking her because she's a woman, they're attacking her because they see what the Clintons are and what they represent .. and what they represent is every bit as dangerous as what Bush represents .. in fact it's the exact same thing.

There has been elements of sexism, racism, and age in this campaign, but the better candidate wins, as you've acknowledged. But what the Clintons are doing is beyond the pale and it's going to leave a scar.

Some people are attacking her because she's a woman, and some are attacking her with sexist language. As far as the Clintons being the exact same thing as the Bush's, I strongly disagree.

And there is more than one scar.

But I have always preferred Obama to Clinton and I still do, and will until November, no matter how provoked I am.

But, not every woman is like me.
Some people are attacking her because she's a woman, and some are attacking her with sexist language. As far as the Clintons being the exact same thing as the Bush's, I strongly disagree.

And there is more than one scar.

But I have always preferred Obama to Clinton and I still do, and will until November, no matter how provoked I am.

But, not every woman is like me.

Exactly the point. Nor is every woman what the Clintons falsely claim to be fighting for.

Obama's been attacked by some racism .. if he had lost, would that be reason for him to blow up the party demand he be given what he wants?

If McCain loses can he claim that because some age discrimination has occured he should be declared the winner?

I hope you don't consider this provocation, but the truth is just too damn obvious.
Exactly the point. Nor is every woman what the Clintons falsely claim to be fighting for.

Obama's been attacked by some racism .. if he had lost, would that be reason for him to blow up the party demand he be given what he wants?

If McCain loses can he claim that because some age discrimination has occured he should be declared the winner?

I hope you don't consider this provocation, but the truth is just too damn obvious.

I will wait and see if she blows up the party before I get angry about it, that’s all I’m saying. It’s funny, I heard last night that in 1980, Ted Kennedy took the nominating fight all the way to the convention. You know, I didn’t know that? It’s funny how I have some gaps in my historical knowledge, and they seem to fall within the years I was a schoolkid. I know what happened before then, and I remember what happened after that, but I don’t seem to know much about the details of what happened during that. Anyway, I thought it ironic, since Ted blew up the party, but the party survived, the country survived, and everybody loves them some Ted today.

Now, I personally in no way want to see it go to that. I don’t want John McCain in the white house, and I actually do like Obama. But I’m just saying. Can we have a little, just a tiny little bit of perspective here?