Clinton's top strategist Mark Penn quits


The Force is With Me
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton's chief presidential campaign strategist is quitting his post amid criticism of his public relations firm's contacts with the Colombian government over a pending free-trade deal, Clinton's campaign announced.

Mark Penn and his political consulting firm will continue advise the New York senator's Democratic presidential bid, but Penn will give up his job as chief strategist, campaign manager Maggie Williams said.

"After the events of the last few days, Mark Penn has asked to give up his role as chief strategist of the Clinton campaign," Williams said.

Clinton did not answer reporters' questions about Penn's exit during a campaign stop in New Mexico on Sunday.

Penn is CEO of public relations giant Burston Marsteller and is president of Penn, Schoen and Berland, his political consulting firm.

Friday, he acknowledged he had met with the Colombian ambassador to the United States earlier in the week in his role as Burston Marsteller's chief to discuss the pending U.S.-Colombia trade pact, which Clinton has criticized on the campaign trail.

-- more at link

Smells like victory.
I don't know why she bothered firing him. She's a liar. I know she fully supports trade agreements, that she fully supported NAFTA and that she doesn't give a rat's behind about negotiating for labor protections. I wonder does she really think everybody fell for it until Penn blew it?
I don't know why she bothered firing him. She's a liar. I know she fully supports trade agreements, that she fully supported NAFTA and that she doesn't give a rat's behind about negotiating for labor protections. I wonder does she really think everybody fell for it until Penn blew it?

She fired him so she could continue the masquerade.

Not only does she not care about labor protections, ahe also doesn't care about healthcare unless the plan is hers.
she will lie, cheat, steal to win this thing.. i wonder if even murder.. whoooooo hahahaha