Clueless Militarist RINOs In A Tither Over Ukraine


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Fox is bringing all of their high-pitched squeaky voiced x-military big-shots out of the closet lately to bash the Communist & Chief for his sad and bewildered dealings with Russia’s Putin. To hear the Fox RINO militarist contributors tell it, Putin is threatening the US & the west by invading the Ukraine. They babble on endlessly about confronting Putin, arming the Ukraine and even bringing the Ukraine into NATO to scare the shit out of Putin.

Here’s my questions. Why should the United States be concerned or involved in the Ukraine?

Where the hell are the Europeans?

Why can’t Europe settle its own problems?

Do rightwing RINOs understand that America is financially broke and 17 going on 18 trillion $ in debt?

Russia’s economy already sucks, so what’s Putin gonna do about economically supporting the Ukraine’s terrible debt ridden economy now that he owns the fucking place?
Another hot potato, huh? No takers for this one, I thought there might be a militarist here someplace willing to defend and promote more American military involvement. Guess not, huh?

I'll wait!!!!!
What is there to take? Most are looking at your clueless rants and laughing. You're the forums court jester.

I'm amused that you need to ask such child like naive questions; history was never your strong suit. You're better equipped to rant cluelessly about things you obviously know nothing about than making any sense of the real world.

Let's start with your stupid question about "where are the Europeans?". They are engaged, but they are helpless because they have outsourced their defense to a feckless UN that has depended on US might to enforce its resolutions, AND, outsourced their gas production to the ME and Russia in order to fund their Libral Socialist nanny statism.

Why can't Europe settle its own problems? How is this about Europe? This is about the brutal attempt by a member State of the UN trying to interfere with the internal affairs of another member state of the UN violating their agreement with its charter; it becomes EVERYONE'S problem. Unless you live in a clueless Libertarian ideologically pure bubble bereft of history, reality or facts.

Why should the US be concerned with Ukraine? I'm quite certain that question was asked in WWI, WWII and many other wars as a result of brutal despots and megalomaniacs desirous of making the world their personal fiefdoms.

It is important because too much blood is shed by inaction. It's called nipping the despot bud before it blooms.

You're another clueless dunce who apparently cannot learn from history.

BUT, not to worry, as long as you have inept dunces like Obummer in charge, NOTHING will happen to get us engaged and the Russian Bear will continue running roughshod over its smaller neighbors at will.
Let's start with your stupid question about "where are the Europeans?". They are engaged, but they are helpless because they have outsourced their defense to a feckless UN that has depended on US might to enforce its resolutions, AND, outsourced their gas production to the ME and Russia in order to fund their Libral Socialist nanny statism.

Why should the US enforce UN resolutions genius? What God died and made America the World’s police force? What’s America’s interest in the Ukraine? What’s the difference between the leftist BIG government Nanny State and the RINO BIG government Daddy State of world protector?

Why can't Europe settle its own problems? How is this about Europe? This is about the brutal attempt by a member State of the UN trying to interfere with the internal affairs of another member state of the UN violating their agreement with its charter; it becomes EVERYONE'S problem. Unless you live in a clueless Libertarian ideologically pure bubble bereft of history, reality or facts.

How’s this about Europe? Duh!!!!! I do believe the Ukraine is a part of Europe, correct me if I’m wrong genius! Again, what God died and left America as the RINO’s world protector? Again why can’t and shouldn’t the rest of the world expect Europe to deal with its own European problems?

Why should the US be concerned with Ukraine? I'm quite certain that question was asked in WWI, WWII and many other wars as a result of brutal despots and megalomaniacs desirous of making the world their personal fiefdoms.

It is important because too much blood is shed by inaction. It's called nipping the despot bud before it blooms.

Why can’t Europeans shed European blood for Europe’s problems and why should Americans shed blood and treasure for Europe?

America was attacked by Japan and Germany declared war on America. WWII was America’s last constitutionally declared war. When did Russia declare war on America? Why do RINO Fucking idiots like you insist on involving America in other nation’s problems that have never attacked America? Have you a fucking clue that America is bankrupted half because y’all moron RINOs and your Military Industrial Complex and unconstitutional undeclared wars?

You're another clueless dunce who apparently cannot learn from history.

I’ll tell ya what I’ve learned from history Jerkoff. I’ve learned that as much as our leftist neo-commie socialist in our government love BIG fucking authoritarian government and social engineering, our collective gang of rightist neo-fascist socialist RINO’s love BIG fucking authoritarian government just as much or maybe even more especially when it comes to the BIG government militarist war racket.

So tell the class genius what America should do about the Ukraine. What’s your Ukraine policy?????
These large government teabaggers will be the life blood of the democrats.

No Teabaggers! They're Democrat RINOs pretending they're Republicans. They're Neo-Cons straight from the old militarist Blue Dogs faction of the Democrat Party. The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist left to the camp of American conservatism

The term "neoconservative" was popularized in the United States during 1973 by Socialist leader Michael Harrington, who used the term to define Daniel Bell, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Irving Kristol,

The "neoconservative" label was used by Irving Kristol in his 1979 article "Confessions of a True, Self-Confessed 'Neoconservative.'"[9] His ideas have been influential since the 1950s, when he co-founded and edited the magazine Encounter.

Many neoconservatives had been leftist during the 1930s and 1940s, when they opposed Stalinism. After World War II, they continued to oppose Stalinism and to endorse democracy during the Cold War. Of these, many were from the Jewish[29] intellectual milieu of New York City.[30] .
No Teabaggers! They're Democrat RINOs pretending they're Republicans. They're Neo-Cons straight from the old militarist Blue Dogs faction of the Democrat Party. The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist left to the camp of American conservatism

The term "neoconservative" was popularized in the United States during 1973 by Socialist leader Michael Harrington, who used the term to define Daniel Bell, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Irving Kristol,

The "neoconservative" label was used by Irving Kristol in his 1979 article "Confessions of a True, Self-Confessed 'Neoconservative.'"[9] His ideas have been influential since the 1950s, when he co-founded and edited the magazine Encounter.

Many neoconservatives had been leftist during the 1930s and 1940s, when they opposed Stalinism. After World War II, they continued to oppose Stalinism and to endorse democracy during the Cold War. Of these, many were from the Jewish[29] intellectual milieu of New York City.[30] .

^This is your brain on naive and stupid. Don't do naive and stupid.
Why should the US enforce UN resolutions genius? What God died and made America the World’s police force? What’s America’s interest in the Ukraine? What’s the difference between the leftist BIG government Nanny State and the RINO BIG government Daddy State of world protector?

How’s this about Europe? Duh!!!!! I do believe the Ukraine is a part of Europe, correct me if I’m wrong genius! Again, what God died and left America as the RINO’s world protector? Again why can’t and shouldn’t the rest of the world expect Europe to deal with its own European problems?

Why can’t Europeans shed European blood for Europe’s problems and why should Americans shed blood and treasure for Europe?

America was attacked by Japan and Germany declared war on America. WWII was America’s last constitutionally declared war. When did Russia declare war on America? Why do RINO Fucking idiots like you insist on involving America in other nation’s problems that have never attacked America? Have you a fucking clue that America is bankrupted half because y’all moron RINOs and your Military Industrial Complex and unconstitutional undeclared wars?

I’ll tell ya what I’ve learned from history Jerkoff. I’ve learned that as much as our leftist neo-commie socialist in our government love BIG fucking authoritarian government and social engineering, our collective gang of rightist neo-fascist socialist RINO’s love BIG fucking authoritarian government just as much or maybe even more especially when it comes to the BIG government militarist war racket.

So tell the class genius what America should do about the Ukraine. What’s your Ukraine policy?????

Dear moron; if all you wanted to do in this thread is see yourself rant like an uninformed historically ignorant retard, just say so. You don't have to pretend that you are interested in rational debate.

It is painfully obvious you're a history moron and learned nothing in school or in life. You're just a very angry retard stuck on a special brand of stupid that has no peer.

Dear moron; if all you wanted to do in this thread is see yourself rant like an uninformed historically ignorant retard, just say so. You don't have to pretend that you are interested in rational debate.

It is painfully obvious you're a history moron and learned nothing in school or in life. You're just a very angry retard stuck on a special brand of stupid that has no peer.

So yet again you’re stumped and at a total loss for rational words in opposition to the truths and logic I’ve clobbered your fucking little pea brain with, huh Jerkoff? No curiosity there!!!!!

So genius, one more time what’s your Ukraine policy? What do you think AMERICA should do about the Ukraine situation????? You can check with the RINO National Committee if you need to. I’ll wait!!!!!
Truth Detector 1484119 said:
You don't have to pretend that you are interested in rational debate.

You wouldn't know "RATIONAL DEBATE" if you fell over it Jerkoff!!!!!