CNN Poll: 56% believe Fed Gov't a threat to rights...

I am very surprised the number wasn't significantly higher than 56%.
From the OP link:

The survey indicates a partisan divide on the question: only 37 percent of Democrats, 63 percent of Independents and nearly 7 in 10 Republicans say the federal government poses a threat to the rights of Americans.

Its obvious where the problem lies.
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The federal government IS a threat to our freedom, they seek to limit our incomes, by taxing the successful, to limit our freedom by listening in on phone conversations and we now KNOW that they listened to conversations that were not JUST between citizens and foreign nationals, hell they listened to the ininmate conversations of troops and their spouses. They keep passing laws that criminalize more and more behavior. It is the left and the right in this country that have both worked in this vein. A pox on both your houses.
The federal government is a dangerous weapon in the hand of any conservative. That's why the constitution should be amended to preclude positions of power from those who have shown themselves unworthy of public office by embracing the error of conservatism.
you mean like a couple hundred year window or over a decade or two?

Mainly from one president to the next, just to see what the partisan element does. I imagine you'd see pretty big swings on the the left and right (although less so on the right) depending on who is president. This is the breakdown under this poll:

The survey indicates a partisan divide on the question: only 37 percent of Democrats, 63 percent of Independents and nearly 7 in 10 Republicans say the federal government poses a threat to the rights of Americans.

My guess is that the percentage of people who think the federal government is a threat to individual rights would have been higher under Bush than under Obama and the main reason is lefty inconsistency on the question. My guess is that a whole hell of a lot more than 37% of self-identified Democrats viewed the federal government under Bush as a threat to the rights of Americans. Conversely, there are probable a lot (though fewer) self-identified Republicans that were cool with Bush but think Obama is a socialist.
It'd be interesting to see this sort of question asked over time.
It would be. Definitely. I think that when Bush was the one promoting the PATRIOT Act, for instance, Desh would have been "No, duh!" rather than "BS"... How many on the right would have swapped up?
Mainly from one president to the next, just to see what the partisan element does. I imagine you'd see pretty big swings on the the left and right (although less so on the right) depending on who is president. This is the breakdown under this poll:

My guess is that the percentage of people who think the federal government is a threat to individual rights would have been higher under Bush than under Obama and the main reason is lefty inconsistency on the question. My guess is that a whole hell of a lot more than 37% of self-identified Democrats viewed the federal government under Bush as a threat to the rights of Americans. Conversely, there are probable a lot (though fewer) self-identified Republicans that were cool with Bush but think Obama is a socialist.

I figured that's probably what you meant and I would agree. As you said when certain actions are taken by someone we 'support' or voted for they are often viewed a lot less harshly than if it came from someone we didn't 'support' or vote for.
Fifty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday say they think the federal government's become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. Forty-four percent of those polled disagree.

The fact that it's CNN reporting it, the libs here are probably in a twist about how they can't chalk it up to FoxNews bias, or some conservative leaning polling entity.