CNN Republican Debate....


New member
The McCain media bandwagon continues....

Yes lets pound Mitt Romney with 2 questions about his service fees....

And give McCain a breeze question about what we should do about global warming....

The Bullshit Talk Express on CNN....

Thanks to all the Lieberman Democrats..... You got your favourite Republican...

Now watch him take the Presidency.....Democrats are so short sighted...

Rasmussen 2008 General Election Poll, conducted Jan. 25th-27th, 2008

John McCain 48%
Hillary Clinton 40%

John McCain 47%
Barack Obama 41%

This telephone survey of 1,200 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports January 25-27, 2008. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Thanks Lieberman Democrats!

The McCain media bandwagon continues....

Yes lets pound Mitt Romney with 2 questions about his service fees....

And give McCain a breeze question about what we should do about global warming....

The Bullshit Talk Express on CNN....

Thanks to all the Lieberman Democrats..... You got your favourite Republican...

Now watch him take the Presidency.....Democrats are so short sighted...


It was a outrage. Sitting in childrens desks. If I were running--I would have told CNN to stuff it, along with that prick AC DC Cooper.
It just finished--I have to say--I still like Ron Paul, with a very close Mitt Romney--but that is just me.
McCain reminded me of a childish Jurnor high school student--laughing and ginning at everything Paul and Romney said. Romney did a bit of that to toward McCain. In my mind--Paul would bring the debate tangents of a issue--back to a constitutionalists reality--one that most Americans have forgot about. He got some great aplause by not getting into the Juan/Mitt trivial fight, and exposing it as trivial.

I saw Arnold S there--I wonder if he learned anything? Romney and Paul seem to bring a certain integrity to the race--that no dem can match. McCain sounded good--but I know better--I feel the same about huckabee, but not as strongly as Juan McCain.
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Fucking dickholes didn't give Paul any airtime. What a fucking joke.

well--that is liberial media for you. Paul did a great job. I want to hear him say win before we leave--but that is about it. The man can make Americans free again-better than no other IMO.

Now--one thing I need to be educated on (if you did not know--I have only been interested in politics for about 6 months now from 100% out of touch). If MCcain gets the nomination--can paul still run the general as a independant? If so--He will get my vote if McCain gets the rep nom. If Romney get the nom---I will have a hard choice. I want Paul--but i will take Rom if he is our best hope to fight the dems socialism.
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well--that is liberial media for you. Paul did a great job. I want to hear him say win before we leave--but that is about it. The man can make Americans free again-better than no other IMO.

Now--one thing I need to be educated on (if you did not know--I have only been interested in politics for about 6 months now from 100% out of touch). If MCcain gets the nomination--can paul still run the general as a independant? If so--He will get my vote if McCain gets the rep nom. If Romney get the nom---I will have a hard choice. I want Paul--but i will take Rom if he is our best hope to fight the dems socialism.

Absolutely he can run as an independent. And if he does, he's got my vote. The only way I'll vote mainstream would be for Obama, and I only do that as a single issue voter.

If its hillary/Mccain without paul as a 3rd party candidate, I will once again for the 2nd straight presidential election, vote for whoever the Libertarian candidate is.

These elections are so undemocratic its pathetic.
Absolutely he can run as an independent. And if he does, he's got my vote. The only way I'll vote mainstream would be for Obama, and I only do that as a single issue voter.

If its hillary/Mccain without paul as a 3rd party candidate, I will once again for the 2nd straight presidential election, vote for whoever the Libertarian candidate is.

These elections are so undemocratic its pathetic.

Does that mean you voted for Bush? Staying home is a good option too. People should be abused of the idea that there is some duty to participate in the farce.
Juan McCain...LOL

Hey--I had a question for you earlier. You seem to know the cogs of our econopmy pretty well from some of the posts I have seen you write.

My huge concern is what I call "Irresponsibel globalization". #1, I am a man of sovernty, not a one world government. I am a man of freedon--not socialism/communisum. Now--we are facing a resession, and I believe possibly a depression if we are not very very carefull. We have a mortage problem, that is said by our media to be only caused internally, but I suspect other inductrialized nations that allowed their people to have a good life are facing the same problems we are as a people. I beilieve this iresponsible trade globalization, which is costing all nations of value to lose their value is the prime reason for the recession we face now. I think the housing is more of a global issue--there for--possilby a golbal ressession/depression.

I come from the manufacturing sector also--and it is well known in that sector that we have to produce product, and add value--or we lose our way of life. Washington, Wallstret and the media never mention how this irresponsible globalization may be effecting our economy for our own people.

Think about this for a sec--we have never had this many companies jump ship before--it is new. The old methods of controling it may not work.

What do you think? How much do you think this globalization is responsible for the recession we are in now? personally--I think it is the prime factor.
Absolutely he can run as an independent. And if he does, he's got my vote. The only way I'll vote mainstream would be for Obama, and I only do that as a single issue voter.

If its hillary/Mccain without paul as a 3rd party candidate, I will once again for the 2nd straight presidential election, vote for whoever the Libertarian candidate is.

These elections are so undemocratic its pathetic.

This is where you confuse me a bit. paul and Obamma are totally on the opposite side of the spectrum. paul is the best constitutionalist out there--Obamma is about as much of a socialist as Puten IMO. If Romney is in there, and paul has not much chance--I feel it is of utmost importance to get Romney in there over any dem that is running.

Did you just see the highlights? CNN--just puts McCain on a pedestal. God--that is sooo freeking transparent to me. I might never had realized this BS--if it were not for talk raido with apposing views.

Your right--it is pathetic. I am new--and I can see that clearly. We really need to fix these fuckers.
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Obama holds hope for peace better than any other maintream candidate. That's why many libertarians are gravitating towards him. Unlike many of the lefties pulling for Clinton, we actually care about this issue.

The difference between Romney and Obama on economics are miniscule and irrelevant. Neither seem to care about the constitution much and again Obama might hold some hope on rolling back the civil rights infringments of Bush. There is some hope on Romney too despite his rhetoric because he is a shameless panderer, but my guess is he will keep pandering.
Does that mean you voted for Bush? Staying home is a good option too. People should be abused of the idea that there is some duty to participate in the farce.

Yeah, I was an asshole in 2000, and voted for W. But unlike SuperFreak, I learned my lesson.
This is where you confuse me a bit. paul and Obamma are totally on the opposite side of the spectrum. paul is the best constitutionalist out there--Obamma is about as much of a socialist as Puten IMO. If Romney is in there, and paul has not much chance--I feel it is of utmost importance to get Romney in there over any dem that is running.

Did you just see the highlights? CNN--just puts McCain on a pedestal. God--that is sooo freeking transparent to me. I might never had realized this BS--if it were not for talk raido with apposing views.

Your right--it is pathetic. I am new--and I can see that clearly. We really need to fix these fuckers.

The republicans are as sorry a bunch as most democrats. Shit in this debate, they were arguing (with the exception of Paul) who would want a longer war in Iraq, and who found Russia to be a bigger enemy.

I'm a 1 issue voter this time around. Ending the bloodbath in Iraq is number 1 with me, because both parties have proven to be a disaster everywhere else.

Shit, I'd vote for Kucinich to get it don, but Obama will be the olny chance of reducing the wars and death that this fucking government is so flippantly interested in.

I'll plug my nose, but Obama is the only frontrunner I could vote for.

And he was born here! :clink:
This is where you confuse me a bit. paul and Obamma are totally on the opposite side of the spectrum. paul is the best constitutionalist out there--Obamma is about as much of a socialist as Puten IMO. If Romney is in there, and paul has not much chance--I feel it is of utmost importance to get Romney in there over any dem that is running.

Paul and Obama could conceivably be the closest two candidates to a person, politically. They were for me, at least according to several position tests I've taken.

But also you mention Paul's constitutionalist stances. For what it's worth, Barack Obama is a constitutional scholar. He is completely aware of the original scope and intent of the federal government as the Founders envisioned.

Whether he chooses to respect that is a question open to debate, but he will not trample the Constitution out of ignorance, to be sure.
Obama holds hope for peace better than any other maintream candidate. That's why many libertarians are gravitating towards him. Unlike many of the lefties pulling for Clinton, we actually care about this issue.

The difference between Romney and Obama on economics are miniscule and irrelevant. Neither seem to care about the constitution much and again Obama might hold some hope on rolling back the civil rights infringments of Bush. There is some hope on Romney too despite his rhetoric because he is a shameless panderer, but my guess is he will keep pandering.

I will not vote for a person that boasts hope or change with no definition, or gets a celebrity for an endorsement. I take it as a insult that they think they have to get some no brained celebrity to make them popular enough to vote for. I will only vote for the person who has a plan, and can explain it with fine definition. I have heard no such words from obamma. He is a pandering master IMO.
Paul and Obama could conceivably be the closest two candidates to a person, politically. They were for me, at least according to several position tests I've taken.

But also you mention Paul's constitutionalist stances. For what it's worth, Barack Obama is a constitutional scholar. He is completely aware of the original scope and intent of the federal government as the Founders envisioned.

Whether he chooses to respect that is a question open to debate, but he will not trample the Constitution out of ignorance, to be sure.

Please show me one issue that paul and Obamma agree on--accept bring the troops home. I know Obamma is a constitutional scholar--but that does not mean he will follow it or even have learned it as it was intended. I think he will kill us just as badly as Hillery.

here he is now on TV

It is time for new leadership (no defination). He is harping on the war--but he thinks leadership is surrendering and giving iraq to the radicals. The man is a unrealistic liberial idealist--and that will kill us IMO. He has no realism compared to Paul, and he is not 1/10th the constitutionalist paul is. No way--no how. Don't forget where he learned the constitution from--a liberial commie college. Back in Pauls college days--they did not teach socialism over individual liberity and freedom. All those big universities teach socialism today. I would be suprised if they spent one week on the constitution without defining it in a socialistic way.
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