CNN, the new See BS...

I don't think she would be caught dead holding that lil peashooter. Have ya seen the video of her running a clip through the AK47? The semi-auto is more her weapon of choice.
I don't think she would be caught dead holding that lil peashooter. Have ya seen the video of her running a clip through the AK47? The semi-auto is more her weapon of choice.

I saw a clip of her shooting and M16 looking rifle. AK47 ?

Something as simple as an unchecked photoshopped picture catches CNN...

Wow. Still flogging the See B.S. crap?

The country is going down in flames because of the policies of the party you vote into office every year, and your going to waste time on a bikini photo?

Damo, Fox News lied to you repeatedly about the Iraq War, warrantless wiretapping, and torture. And you're still clinging to a mistake Dan Rather made four years ago.

Hundreds of thousands are dead because of lies. Lies that Fox News was the leading and most vocal enabler of.

And strangely, I haven't seen you complain about Fox News.
Damo might be finally admitting that Fox has a limited amount of right wing bias at this point. But all other media outlets are liberal according to Damo.

damo has been very adamoant about this.
Damo might be finally admitting that Fox has a limited amount of right wing bias at this point. But all other media outlets are liberal according to Damo.

damo has been very adamoant about this.
Fox, as part of its claim to be "fair and balanced" recently ran an ad I saw that says it has a roughly equal number of R's as Dims that watch it (a few percentage points more R's) and it apparently has the biggest audience of all.

Personally, during the Primaries I was tuning into CNN because MSNBC and Fox were so painfully one-sided. Fox is best when its more obscure people are on like Cavuto, Sheppard Smith, and the Beltway Boys, as well as its awesome Red Eye comedy news show. O'Reilly, Hannity/Colmes, and Van Susteren suck majorly. Its women reporters are hot and have very nice legs though...
Damo might be finally admitting that Fox has a limited amount of right wing bias at this point. But all other media outlets are liberal according to Damo.

damo has been very adamoant about this.

No one has lied more often, fabricated falseshoods more often, or directly been linked to the deaths of hundreds of thousands more often and more egregiously than the rightwing media Damo listens to: O'Reilly, Fox News, WSJ op ed page, Glenn Beck, National Review.

It really borders on the insipid to keep giggling about some mistake Dan Rather made four years ago.

But, that's just me.