Coast Guard not bound by US Constitution

Did you know that the US Coast Guard can board your boat anywhere, anytime, in any manner whatsoever, whether it's on open water or even on land, and there is nothing that legally stops them?

The U.S. Coast Guard Boarding Policy:

Title 14 section 89 of the United States Code authorizes the U.S. Coast Guard to board vessels subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, anytime, any place upon the high seas and upon any waterway over which the United States has jurisdiction, to make inquires, examinations, inspections, searches, seizures, and arrests. The U.S. Coast Guard does not require a warrant to conduct search, seizures, arrests over any United States Waterway or high seas. The U.S. Coast Guard also have full legal law enforcement power on any land under the control of the United States, as needed to complete any mission.​

The penalty for resisting the boarding is ten years of prison and $10,000 fine.

Over the years and many Supreme Court cases, the Fourth Amendment has been interpreted to mean that without a warrant or probable cause law enforcement can’t search your car, your office, your mountain cabin, your pocket, or your wood shed. According to the Constitution, law enforcement personnel can’t search anywhere in your private universe without probable cause or a warrant issued by a judge.

Except your boat: They can board your boat any time they please and look anywhere they want without warning, warrant, or cause, and they do so every day. This is called a “suspicionless search.”

Why can the Coast Guard search our boats without a warrant or probable cause when law enforcement is prohibited by the Fourth Amendment from searching our homes, cars, offices, or motorhomes?

It’s always been this way. The same congress that passed the Bill of Rights passed the Revenue Service Act of 1790, which gave revenue cutters the right to search any vessel anywhere in US waters, and any US-flagged vessel anywhere in the world.

Our fledgling nation was strapped for cash, and tariffs were the way to solvency. This was controversial even back in 1790, since many of our gripes against the British, as stated in our Declaration of Independence, had to do with tariffs (see Boston Tea Party). The crews of revenue cutters were allowed to board vessels to make sure they’d paid the tariffs on their cargoes.
So you have a problem with the Coast Guard's law keeping ability? How would you suggest we as a nation prevent wholesale smuggling of humans, weapons and drugs into the country?
So you have a problem with the Coast Guard's law keeping ability? How would you suggest we as a nation prevent wholesale smuggling of humans, weapons and drugs into the country?
so you believe that the 4th amendment doesn't exist on somebodies boat? What if you lived on that boat, as your permanent home? should the 4th Amendment not apply?
so you believe that the 4th amendment doesn't exist on somebodies boat? What if you lived on that boat, as your permanent home? should the 4th Amendment not apply?

I have been a professional mariner for over 35 years. I have yet to see any abuse of Coast Guard powers, either institutional or personal. In addition I read a plethora of maritime trade magazines. This is an issue for none but you. Furthermore, there are other agents with far more vast police powers, such as the IRS and state enviromental police, both of which can enter homes and search without warrants.
I have been a professional mariner for over 35 years. I have yet to see any abuse of Coast Guard powers, either institutional or personal. In addition I read a plethora of maritime trade magazines. This is an issue for none but you.
if that's the case, then y'all are pretty fucking pathetic. if you tell the coasties that you deny them permission to board, will they just sail away?

Furthermore, there are other agents with far more vast police powers, such as the IRS and state enviromental police, both of which can enter homes and search without warrants.
and i've raised as much damn hell about them as well. do you not pay any attention to my posts? or only the ones that interest you?
if that's the case, then y'all are pretty fucking pathetic. if you tell the coasties that you deny them permission to board, will they just sail away?

and i've raised as much damn hell about them as well. do you not pay any attention to my posts? or only the ones that interest you?
they issued my license moron.

Thanks for clearly illustrating your complete misunderstanding of the situation. The Coast Guard are partners in any legitimate marine enterprise, and only a problem to iligitimate ones. They keep sailors safe. Since they issued my license, I would never resist a boarding.
Thanks for clearly illustrating your complete misunderstanding of the situation. The Coast Guard are partners in any legitimate marine enterprise, and only a problem to iligitimate ones. They keep sailors safe. Since they issued my license, I would never resist a boarding.

the DMV issues your vehicle license, would you also allow them to search your vehicle anytime they wish?

fucking tool.
Thanks for clearly illustrating your complete misunderstanding of the situation. The Coast Guard are partners in any legitimate marine enterprise, and only a problem to iligitimate ones. They keep sailors safe. Since they issued my license, I would never resist a boarding.
I see, you little sheeple.
1) what 'license' are you referring to?
2) is safety a bigger priority that liberty?
3) how is a legitimate enterprise differentiated from an illegitimate enterprise?
4) If the maritime border is supposed to be 7 miles, where does the CG authority begin and end?
5) If you have the freedom to travel, how is the CG authority legitimate in open waters?

I can only assume that as a professional mariner, you know these answers, so answer them.
I see, you little sheeple. 1) what 'license' are you referring to?
2) is safety a bigger priority that liberty? 3) how is a legitimate enterprise differentiated from an illegitimate enterprise? 4) If the maritime border is supposed to be 7 miles, where does the CG authority begin and end? 5) If you have the freedom to travel, how is the CG authority legitimate in open waters?
I can only assume that as a professional mariner, you know these answers, so answer them.

So you own a boat?

What are you going to do about it?

As a professional punk, you know these answers, so answer them.