Code Pink Bra-Less...!

and it was a Dem who threw them out.... can't believe a dem would limit their right to free speech. So sad.
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there was a time in our country, when manners and showing respect to others meant something..

and then there is the codepinkos .
Good manners is an antequated means of restricting individual liberty and free speech. Fuck "The Man" and all of his moral, socially responsible bullshit!
Good manners is an antequated means of restricting individual liberty and free speech. Fuck "The Man" and all of his moral, socially responsible bullshit!

Oh right..........antequated..

and what you are so.........NEW..;)

Oh right..........antequated..

and what you are so.........NEW..;)

Poor 3D...he must be dating a Code Pink girl...he has the venacular down pat!Got to get them there four letter words in every sentence!:cof1:
Time for a BUMP!

Totally exposed Dirty Laundry and all!

darla is doing the Texas two the 'Support the Troops' thread...she just had to take a swipe at BB again...darla quit with all the lies were well trained by 'Code Pink' in misinformation and deceit...your time has come to face the judgement! Either disingage with Code Pink and denounce them or quit lying already...the gig is up!