Code Pink Declares Victory In Berkley???


Code Pink - One of Obama's fund raiser groups announces victory in Berkley against the USMC Recruiting Center.

CodePINK and our allies have prevailed!

Major protest operations at the MRS have been ended, one year since covert military recruiting operations were first uncovered in Berkeley!

Our coalition is now engaged in dis(as)sembling and deconstructing the U.S. military, making the world safe and secure!

Our city and our coalition are proud of these accomplishments!

Come to our One Year End Recruiting Commemoration Wednesday, Sept 24th noon at the MRS* to honor these courageous Peace Activists!

Share and hear testimonies from the front lines of our most memorable, meaningful, insightful actions, episodes, and occurrences over the past year.

So they're giving up. Note that "protest operations" have been ended, not the USMC office. "Covert" and "uncovered" is funny - it's a storefront on a major street and was there for months before Code Pink noticed it - but I guess they have to do anything they can to make it sound like they accomplished anything. In what warped reality do these crazy people live in??


USMC' Secret Covert Recruting Station
View attachment 48

Marines in Berkeley | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

Did you know our founding fathers were against having professional standing armies? Did you know that the original second amendment was going to be a prohibition on having any professional standing armies at all, unless the nation was invaded or at war?

High five to code pink, for exercising their democratic rights to protest the war machine. The motherf*ckers who are recruiting are using lies and manipulations to recruit young kids. Maybe not all of them. But, the egregious acts of manipulation and lies are all documented and beyond question.

If the recruiters wouldn't lie, maybe they wouldn't piss people off. But, telling a kid he's going to get shipped to Iraq for two or three tours isn't exactly a great selling point.

Better to tell her or him that they'll be stationed in Germany and learning an electronics technical skill set.
Did you know our founding fathers were against having professional standing armies? Did you know that the original second amendment was going to be a prohibition on having any professional standing armies at all, unless the nation was invaded or at war?

High five to code pink, for exercising their democratic rights to protest the war machine. The motherf*ckers who are recruiting are using lies and manipulations to recruit young kids. Maybe not all of them. But, the egregious acts of manipulation and lies are all documented and beyond question.

If the recruiters wouldn't lie, maybe they wouldn't piss people off. But, telling a kid he's going to get shipped to Iraq for two or three tours isn't exactly a great selling point.

Better to tell her or him that they'll be stationed in Germany and learning an electronics skill set.


Keep drinking the kool-aid. Admit that the Code-Pink :igive: cunts lost and the USMC :usflag: is still standing tall and proud in the city of Berkley.

Keep drinking the kool-aid. Admit that the Code-Pink :igive: cunts lost and the USMC :usflag: is still standing tall and proud in the city of Berkley.

Fuck off, nationalist freak.

Only a state-worshiping clown would deride a peace organization and cheer on the leviathan federal government at a time it is robbing the people of a trillion dollars in order to dole out corporate welfare to Wall Street while we occupy two countries that did not attack us and threaten others.