Colorado Police Laughing At Violent Arrest Of 73-Year-Old With Dementia.

Hello Jack,

"The Colorado police officers who violently arrested a 73-year-old woman with dementia, dislocating her shoulder and fracturing her wrist over an unpaid Walmart grocery bill, laughed about the incident as they watched back the body camera footage, video released Monday by the woman’s lawyer shows."

Anybody want to support these Assholes?

Saw that disgusting display.

These people are hacks, not professionals. They have no business in law enforcement.

They don't care about people.
Hello Jack,

Saw that disgusting display.

These people are hacks, not professionals. They have no business in law enforcement.

They don't care about people.

How many are running loose out there?
How many are getting away with it?
How many are sitting around laughing about being 'hired thugs'?

The woman was 73, how old was the Cop? It makes you wonder if he had a Mother.
Hello Jack,

How many are running loose out there?
How many are getting away with it?
How many are sitting around laughing about being 'hired thugs'?

The woman was 73, how old was the Cop? It makes you wonder if he had a Mother.

He deserves to do time for that.

Was he proud of himself?

Able to 'take down' a frail 73 year old woman?

What the guy.
"The department traditionally has been $3-4 million overbudget on OT, but they stayed within the overall budget because they had extra money from salaries that weren't being paid due to open positions. Now, that money will be allocated elsewhere.

Jones said $4 million in the budget that would have been used to pay for those positions will instead be directed to diversion and support programs as detailed below by Jones’ office:

$1.5 million will be allocated to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, a subject which received the most scrutiny during public comment last Friday.
$1 million towards Victim Support services, including supporting funeral expenses, medical needs, child care, mental health support, case and crisis management, as well as trauma informed support.
$1 million towards increasing the capacity of the Department of Health & Human services to support the unhoused.
$500,000 towards affirmative litigation, directing the city counselor’s office to provide legal support to the Civil Rights Enforcement Agency (CREA)."

Reduce their budgets and requirements, the bad cops will survive.

"The Colorado police officers who violently arrested a 73-year-old woman with dementia, dislocating her shoulder and fracturing her wrist over an unpaid Walmart grocery bill, laughed about the incident as they watched back the body camera footage, video released Monday by the woman’s lawyer shows."

Anybody want to support these Assholes?

I hope the whole state burns to the fucking ground. I hope you get what you deserve
It's in the schools. They teach them to NOT respect the elderly anymore.

Ok Ms. Doris. It's the commie indoctrination program in the schools.

AFAIK that's the 1st time today. ;)

They teach that once one can no longer work, they are no longer useful.

The indoctrination mills are churning the mush-heads on out. Some wear black and some wear badges, but they all have a lessened sense of empathy and respect for elderly. Lack of work ethic and morality, too.