Colorado voters reject affirmative action ban


One small step against ignorance and racism.

Colorado voters reject affirmative action ban

By COLLEEN SLEVIN – 3 days ago

DENVER (AP) — Colorado voters have rejected a ban on affirmative action at public colleges and universities.

The measure on Tuesday's ballot would have barred state officials from considering race or gender in decisions on hiring, contracting and admissions.

Voters in Nebraska approved a similar measure. California, Michigan and Washington approved affirmative action bans in previous years.

In Colorado, the proposal would have amended the state constitution to declare that the state may not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, individuals or groups based on race, color, sex, ethnicity or national origin.

The ballot language didn't specifically mention affirmative action.

Initially, Amendment 46 seemed headed for easy passage. Polls suggested it had support among a wide range of voters.

Opponents, including Gov. Bill Ritter, called the measure deceptive, saying it would have, among other things, jeopardized outreach programs for minority children.

Opponents credited an intense door-to-door campaign among voters for the ban's rejection.

Detractors also included Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper and three NCAA Division I men's basketball coaches.

"We definitely had moments when we though it was a David-and-Goliath fight, when we thought no one was listening. But they were," said Melissa Hart, a University of Colorado law professor who led the fight against Amendment 46.

Ward Connerly, the black businessman and former University of California regent who orchestrated the effort to ban affirmative action in Nebraska and Colorado, blamed its failure here on the size of the state's ballot, the nation's longest with 13 other measures, as well as the groundswell of support for Barack Obama, the nation's first black president-elect.

Colorado, a traditional red state, went for Obama in Tuesday's election.

Faced with so many complicated ballot issues — from a proposal to define when life begins to another that would raise oil severance taxes — Coloradans were in no mood to approve the ban, Connerly said.

"More than anything else, more than anything, it was the tendency to just vote 'no,'" he said.

Connerly said he would still try to pass affirmative action bans in other states that allow citizen initiatives and left open the possibility of trying again in Colorado.

He had originally envisioned a "Super Tuesday for Equal Rights" this year featuring proposed bans in five states but could only get ballot measures in Colorado and Nebraska.
What was the percentage?
It was extremely close. Another year where Bush didn't drive R voting down so huge it would have passed by a large margin. Then it would have been struck down by the SCOTUS, it happens quite often in this state.
It was extremely close. Another year where Bush didn't drive R voting down so huge it would have passed by a large margin. Then it would have been struck down by the SCOTUS, it happens quite often in this state.

An affirmative action BAN would've been struck down?

AA hasn't been struck down by the SCOTUS, but states are under no responsibility to pursue the policy.
An affirmative action BAN would've been struck down?

AA hasn't been struck down by the SCOTUS, but states are under no responsibility to pursue the policy.

In fact, they're technically supposed to uphold the constitution which is supposed to guard against race and gender based discrimination. Every instance of an AA program is unconstitutional. But you don't care about that.
In fact, they're technically supposed to uphold the constitution which is supposed to guard against race and gender based discrimination. Every instance of an AA program is unconstitutional. But you don't care about that.

I'm not going to argue with you because you're going to be completely and totally unreasonable.

So here:

An affirmative action BAN would've been struck down?

AA hasn't been struck down by the SCOTUS, but states are under no responsibility to pursue the policy.
I'm just going by the regular pattern of such amendments here. I am sure they would find some technicality to exploit in their rejection of the Amendment.