Columbia Leaders Grilled at Antisemitism Hearing Over Faculty Comments


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The House committee investigating Columbia University for antisemitism has claimed that “an environment of pervasive antisemitism has been documented at Columbia for more than two decades” and that the administration has not done enough in response.

The new HUAC. Are you now, or have you been, an antisemite. We have Congress telling universities they have to be loyal to Israel? This is grotesquely wrong.
"Omar, one of just two Muslim women serving in Congress, is grilling Shafik from the left, using her time to ask why pro-Palestinian students on campus were evicted, suspended, harassed and intimidated for their participation in a pro-Palestinian event. Shafik said it was a very serious situation and the students refused to cooperate with the investigation.
The “grotesquely wrong” is Anti-Semites like you supporting the hatred and violence against Jews.

American foreign policy for decades is to support the only democratic country in the ME, Israel.
Pro-Israel money pours in to unseat progressives in congressional races

Quarterly campaign finance reports reveal the Democratic representatives Jamaal Bowman of New York and Cori Bush of Missouri – progressive “Squad” members – will face formidable challenges in their 2024 congressional primaries, partly due to the influence of pro-Israel lobbying groups.

The powerful pro-Israel lobbying group American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) is expected to lavish $100m on efforts to defeat progressive candidates it views as insufficiently supportive of Israel in 2024 – and the latest campaign finance reports in closely watched races pitting high-profile progressives against moderate challengers offer a preview of where the group may prioritize spending.

Let us get this straight. AIPAC is funding attacks on Congressmen not sufficiently pro-Israel. AIPAC now has the House attacking universities not sufficiently pro-Israel. And the US is giving that money to Israel. This is fucked up.
Amazing how we have the most incompetent unsuccessful House of Representatives probably in US History and they are running around using their efforts to selectively “investigate” private colleges that are populated overwhelmingly by select and upper income families’ kids located coincidentally in the NorthEast part of the country.

One could actual believe their supposed intentions if this so called investigation included also religious institutions and State schools from all over the county but we know it does not for specific reasons