Columbia Trade Deal


Well-known member
It looks a good trade agreement with one of our allies will probably go down to defeat in Congress thanks to politicians trying to suck up to unions and those economically challenged voters who do not recognize the overall benefit of free trade.

For all this talk of wanting to get back in good graces with our allies we have other trade agreements that are currently being negociated and will come up for votes shortly. How do you think they will view us rejecting a deal with our ally Columbia? It won't be favorably.

I'm from Ohio and have lots of family and friends there. Ohio has been hit as hard as any state in terms of manufactory job loses. It sucks. No amount of isolationism and stopping trade agreements is going to bring those jobs back however.

I hope Congress comes around and passes this trade agreement with Columbia. While not a large deal (less than 1% of our overall trade) it's with an important ally and will send a positive message to our allies in Europe and Asia that we will work with them economically.
First, phony "free" trade deals like NAFTA are widely acknowledged to have been a net negative for our country. And also for Mexico's middle class and working class, which have shrunk and been devastated since the passage of NAFTA.

Second, why reward a country that systematically murders union activists, and is the most dangerous country on the planet for union activists? The way you build a just society is by honoring both labor and capital. A nation that oppresses labor shouldn't rewarded with special trading privileges with the U.S. Hello? China? How'd that work out for us? Do you think a country that is known for oppressing labor, is going to be a good trading partner? Or do you think the oppression of labor, is one reason that mulitnational coporations love places like China and Colombia, because it give them the opportunity to pad their bottom line?

First, phony "free" trade deals like NAFTA are widely acknowledged to have been a net negative for our country. And also for Mexico's middle class and working class, which have shrunk and been devastated since the passage of NAFTA.

Second, why reward a country that systematically murders union activists, and is the most dangerous country on the planet for union activists? The way you build a just society is by honoring both labor and capital. A nation that oppresses labor shouldn't rewarded with special trading privileges with the U.S. Hello? China? How'd that work out for us? Do you think a country that is known for oppressing labor, is going to be a good trading partner? Or do you think the oppression of labor, is one reason that mulitnational coporations love places like China and Colombia, because it give them the opportunity to pad their bottom line?

:lolup: Golly gee having a layover in Columbia?...Yesterday ya said adios to everyone as you were headed for Cambodia/Thailand...desh even asked when you were ignored her question...and now some 24+++ hrs from your you are talking crap again!...amazing-simply amazing!
Yeah a rented ally, Coloumbia is the largest reciepient of foreign aid in our hemisphere.

And after all coloumbia has promised to reform their laws on anti labor and such if we just pass thie trade deal.

I think they have even offered to help find the WMD's in Iraq.
First, phony "free" trade deals like NAFTA are widely acknowledged to have been a net negative for our country. And also for Mexico's middle class and working class, which have shrunk and been devastated since the passage of NAFTA.

Second, why reward a country that systematically murders union activists, and is the most dangerous country on the planet for union activists? The way you build a just society is by honoring both labor and capital. A nation that oppresses labor shouldn't rewarded with special trading privileges with the U.S. Hello? China? How'd that work out for us? Do you think a country that is known for oppressing labor, is going to be a good trading partner? Or do you think the oppression of labor, is one reason that mulitnational coporations love places like China and Colombia, because it give them the opportunity to pad their bottom line?

So, you oppose free trade because it allows good to come into the nation which our citizens might buy instead of American made goods, which steals the jobs of "The American middle class" (rather than the lower class of the past, because the middle class is bigger now and that's who populists now turn their illogical appeals).

You also say you are in support of "real" free trade.

Please excuse me while I laugh my ass.
Yeah a rented ally, Coloumbia is the largest reciepient of foreign aid in our hemisphere.

And after all coloumbia has promised to reform their laws on anti labor and such if we just pass thie trade deal.

I think they have even offered to help find the WMD's in Iraq.

columbia has been RAVAGED by America's drug war.
They have the highest murder rate in the world and, and by far the highest kidnapping rate, with about 10 times higher rates than the next nation on the list.
And we wonder why the world has turned against us.

This is American support for Saddam, the Shah of Iran, and every other brutal regime we've supported all over again. This isn't just economic policy, this is American foreign policy. You'd have to be an American to be blind enough not to recognize what we are. We are a plutocracy and we don't really give a damn about how a regime treats its own people. We didn't turn on Saddam because he was brutal to his people, we turned on him for oil and power.

Unknown to most Americans, the real hand behind this deal is Bill Clinton. Still wondering why Mark Penn was double-dealing?

Bill Clinton was paid nearly a million dollars in 2005 to give speeches promoting a trade deal and he met with and recieved an award in 2007 from Columbian President, Alvaro Uribe .. AND, one of the biggest donors to the Clinton charity, Frank Giustra, got business deals with Columbians .. arranged by Clinton. Clinton then went to work on Congress.

Still wondering why Penn is still in the Clinton campaign?
Ohh yeah that guy. sorry I had not know his name until that came out.
I guess Hillary is like Bush and promotes loyalty above country.
Ohh yeah that guy. sorry I had not know his name until that came out.
I guess Hillary is like Bush and promotes loyalty above country.

It should also be noted that Penn also has ties to Blackwater.

Still wondering why the Clintons are hedging on their 2007 tax records?
And we wonder why the world has turned against us.

This is American support for Saddam, the Shah of Iran, and every other brutal regime we've supported all over again. This isn't just economic policy, this is American foreign policy. You'd have to be an American to be blind enough not to recognize what we are. We are a plutocracy and we don't really give a damn about how a regime treats its own people. We didn't turn on Saddam because he was brutal to his people, we turned on him for oil and power.

Unknown to most Americans, the real hand behind this deal is Bill Clinton. Still wondering why Mark Penn was double-dealing?

Bill Clinton was paid nearly a million dollars in 2005 to give speeches promoting a trade deal and he met with and recieved an award in 2007 from Columbian President, Alvaro Uribe .. AND, one of the biggest donors to the Clinton charity, Frank Giustra, got business deals with Columbians .. arranged by Clinton. Clinton then went to work on Congress.

Still wondering why Penn is still in the Clinton campaign?

And now they are trying to sell the story that there is a "split" between Hillary and Bill on this issue! They must think I'm as stupid as Bush took me for.
It should also be noted that Bill Clinton removed human rights standards from China’s Most Favored Nation status requirements ... AND, he was the first president in the world to visit China after Tiananmen Square.

This was a direct reversal from what Clinton was saying about China during his 1992 campaign when he called the Chinese the "butchers of Beijing" and he was pointing the fingers at Bush 1 for deciding "that we should give Most Favored Nation Status to Chinese communists who deny their people's basic rights."

Now, Hillary is touting the same line about China.


First Lady Hillary Clinton toasts with Chinese President Jiang Zemin at the beginning of a state banquet in Beijing's Great Hall of the People Saturday, June 27, 1998.