Combining the halves of two Dune movies would be epic


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
I realize that David Lynch had a vision but he was limited and rushed by Dino De Laurentiis so it ended up a box office failure.

My opinion it should be split into 3 parts. It's a long and complicated story.

Combining those two movies would be great. And rock on Captain Picard!

8 out of 10 for the new Dune movie.

I realize that David Lynch had a vision but he was limited and rushed by Dino De Laurentiis so it ended up a box office failure.

My opinion it should be split into 3 parts. It's a long and complicated story.

Combining those two movies would be great. And rock on Captain Picard!

8 out of 10 for the new Dune movie.

I watched it last night . I thought it was good.
I realize that David Lynch had a vision but he was limited and rushed by Dino De Laurentiis so it ended up a box office failure.

My opinion it should be split into 3 parts. It's a long and complicated story.

Combining those two movies would be great. And rock on Captain Picard!

8 out of 10 for the new Dune movie.

Even though the 1984 version was considered a box office failure I still liked it…a lot. It’s one of those movies I bought on dvd for my son to watch. I even printed up the booklet of terms and definitions they handed out when we went to see that first one back when I was 18.

We went to see the new one Friday night and are excited for part 2. A good movie. My boy (now 18 himself) was glad he’d seen the first one.
Even though the 1984 version was considered a box office failure I still liked it…a lot. It’s one of those movies I bought on dvd for my son to watch. I even printed up the booklet of terms and definitions they handed out when we went to see that first one back when I was 18.

We went to see the new one Friday night and are excited for part 2. A good movie. My boy (now 18 himself) was glad he’d seen the first one.

Yeah I don't understand why it was a failure, even though I understand the explanations. In Lynch's defense, the production was rushed and the entire book cannot be condensed into 2 hours.

I love the new movie. Looking forward to the 2nd part like you.