Comer scores win in FBI fight as Wray agrees to show top members Biden 'bribery' memo


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Hopefully we will learn about the Bribe Biden took

FBI Director Christopher Wray has agreed to allow top members of the House Oversight and Reform Committee to view a subpoenaed document relating to the committee's investigation into President Joe Biden and his family.

A spokesperson from the committee told the Washington Examiner the document will be reviewed and that Chairman James Comer (R-KY) will receive a briefing from the FBI on Monday.Chairman Comer has been clear that anything short of producing the FD-1023 form to the House Oversight Committee is not compliance with his subpoena. This unclassified record contains pages of details that need to be investigated further by the House Oversight Committee," the spokesperson said.

The document will be brought to Capitol Hill on Monday, and Comer and Oversight Committee ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) will be the only two members to view it in a SCIF, an ultra-secure room used for viewing highly classified information where technology is not permitted.

This comes after Comer threatened to hold Wray and the FBI in contempt of Congress after the director failed to hand over information the Oversight Committee requested related to an "alleged criminal scheme" involving the Biden family during Biden's time as vice president.

Comer claims the documents prove that the Biden family set up dozens of shell companies meant to conceal money received from foreign nationals.

On Wednesday, Wray and Comer spoke on the phone, joined by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Wray confirmed to the lawmakers that the document the chairman is looking for exists, but he declined to turn it over to Congress, citing the sensitivity of the matter.

Wray offered Comer the chance to view the internal bureau document with information redacted, on FBI grounds, but Grassley and Comer were not satisfied.

Monday's viewing on Capitol Hill is a likely compromise, but Comer still views Wray's actions as a violation of a congressional subpoena, and he hasn't taken the threat of holding Wray in contempt of Congress off the table because the FBI director is still refusing to hand over the document in accordance with the subpoena.

The FBI said in a statement to the Washington Examiner that, by offering access to the document and a briefing, the agency is giving the committee "all of the information it originally asked for and more."

"The commonsense protections the FBI has requested to maintain the confidentiality of that sensitive information are routinely employed both in response to congressional requests and in court in criminal proceedings to protect the physical safety of sources and the integrity of investigations. The FBI remains committed to cooperating with the Committee in good faith," the FBI said.
The truth. The guy who claimed to have the form, was a Russian operative. When Putin attacked Ukraine, he was arrested. Later he was used in a prisoner swap. He is in Russia. The form you want to believe in has to be in his hands. However, on a good day, you can figure out how trustworthy he would be. This is a typical right-wing nothing.

“WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI offered Friday to show top lawmakers next week a bureau document that purports to relate to President Joe Biden and his family”

“In a statement, the FBI said it would produce the document in a secure location inside the U.S. Capitol for the Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Rep. James Comer, and the panel’s top Democrat, Jamie Raskin of Maryland.”

“At issue is an internal FBI document known as an FD-1023, which agents use to record unverified tips and information they receive from confidential human sources. The FBI says such documents can contain uncorroborated and incomplete information, and that documenting the tip does not validate it.”

“The lawmakers used the word “alleged” three times in the opening paragraph of the letter and offered no evidence of the veracity of the accusations or any details about what they contend are “highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures.”

In other words, Comer and Grassley want all the ever tips given to the FBI concerning everything and anything possibly related to the Biden family even if it is not validated or has been recognized as bogus. And they don’t want to look at them in private to protect the privacy of individuals, but want them all out there for all to see

They want all they can get true or not to start the innuendo machine, Murdoch couldn’t have orchestrated the scheme any better, truth be known, he probably did. Imagine if the Investigation Committee demands all the tips of any kind ever given on all the opposing parties members revealed in public

Only thing Comer “scored” was making himself look foolish again

“WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI offered Friday to show top lawmakers next week a bureau document that purports to relate to President Joe Biden and his family”

“In a statement, the FBI said it would produce the document in a secure location inside the U.S. Capitol for the Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Rep. James Comer, and the panel’s top Democrat, Jamie Raskin of Maryland.”

“At issue is an internal FBI document known as an FD-1023, which agents use to record unverified tips and information they receive from confidential human sources. The FBI says such documents can contain uncorroborated and incomplete information, and that documenting the tip does not validate it.”

“The lawmakers used the word “alleged” three times in the opening paragraph of the letter and offered no evidence of the veracity of the accusations or any details about what they contend are “highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures.”

In other words, Comer and Grassley want all the ever tips given to the FBI concerning everything and anything possibly related to the Biden family even if it is not validated or has been recognized as bogus. And they don’t want to look at them in private to protect the privacy of individuals, but want them all out there for all to see

They want all they can get true or not to start the innuendo machine, Murdoch couldn’t have orchestrated the scheme any better, truth be known, he probably did. Imagine if the Investigation Committee demands all the tips of any kind ever given on all the opposing parties members revealed in public

Only thing Comer “scored” was making himself look foolish again

quit fucking whining.

jesus h.
So, this form is on the level of the Steele Dossier, which was good enough to use against Trump and a number of people in his election team hum?
So, this form is on the level of the Steele Dossier, which was good enough to use against Trump and a number of people in his election team hum?

No, not even close, at that time the dossier, which never played the role the right claims, in fact, played little at all, came from a known source, although proven largely unreliable later, he was at the time recognized in information circles, and on top of that, on a circumstantial level, it piggybacked some of the facts known at the time in the FICA hearings.

This file contains everything from anybody, which has been verified as useless or unreliable
So, this form is on the level of the Steele Dossier, which was good enough to use against Trump and a number of people in his election team hum?


That REPORT was not some scum making a single complaint without benefit of any facts

That report contained facts idiot

This one is just a baseless complaint