Commies, Fascists and Perverts, Oh My!


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by Matt Barber

Obama’s inner-circle is shaping-up like the bar scene from Star Wars. It’s a swollen throng of unaccountable czars and policy advisors comprised of some of the most bizarre fringe leftists imaginable. As mom always said, you’re known by the company you keep and Obama keeps some downright creepy company.

Here’s a sampling: First, we have disgraced former green-jobs czar Van “tinfoil hat” Jones. Jones, a self avowed communist and 9-11 “truther,” was forced to resign after revelations of his extremism became public.

Then there’s science czar John Holdren, the unzipped Harvard professor who wants a “Planetary Regime” to control world population through compulsory sterilization and forced abortion.

And of course there’s the administration’s very own Dr. Dolittle: regulatory czar Cass Sunstien, who advocates that animals be allowed to sue people.

But perhaps the creepiest of Obama’s advisers is “safe schools” chief Kevin Jennings. Jennings – an open homosexual activist – is former director of GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), a highly controversial group of adult homosexual activists who promote sexual anarchy and tacitly work to normalize the criminal practice of pederasty.

GLSEN’s primary purpose is to push dangerous and even deadly homosexual and cross-dressing behaviors in our government schools on children as young as five. So bold is Jennings in his promotion of homosexual behavior among children that he even penned the foreword to a book entitled “Queering Elementary Education.” (I don’t know about you, but Jennings and his ilk will “queer” my elementary-age kids over my dead body.)

A number of Jennings past activities disqualify him from holding any position relating to children; but a recently revealed scandal involving an exchange between him and a former tenth-grade student leaves no doubt that he’s unfit to serve in his current capacity. Jennings has admitted that while he was a teacher, a boy – whom he understood to be 15 years-old – shared that he had been sodomized by an “older man” who lured him home from a bus stop toilet.

Of course any reasonable teacher would have immediately called police and notified the student’s parents. But Kevin Jennings – an anti-Christian bigot who once said of Christians: “F – k ‘em! … Drop Dead!” – is anything but reasonable. Instead, he affirmed both the man-boy homosexual encounter and the boy’s “gayness,” flippantly telling him, “I hope you knew to use a condom.” (Jennings recently admitted that he “should have handled this situation differently” but, as of yet, has arrogantly refused to step-down or even apologize).

Still, Jennings cavalier attitude toward adult-child sex should really come as no surprise. In a1997 speech he voiced his admiration for Harry Hay, longtime advocate of the homosexual/pedophile group NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association.)

According to NAMBLA’s website, Hay made the following statement in a 1983 address: “I also would like to say at this point that it seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAMBLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world. And they would be welcoming this, and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need.”

Sickening, right? Shocking, no? Well, not to Kevin Jennings. His take? He gushed, “One of the people that's always inspired me is Harry Hay.”

But, again, this should come as no surprise. Homosexual/pedophile groups like NAMBLA and homosexual activist groups have long been brothers-in-arms. In many instances, members of both groups are one-in-the-same. According to the non-partisan homosexual activist watchdog organization Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, NAMBLA marched alongside “gay” activist groups in “gay pride” parades for years until it became politically burdensome for homosexual activists to continue allowing them to do so.

As with “gay” activist pioneer Harry Hay, legalizing adult-child sex has long been a goal of many homosexual activists (for years, overtly and today, covertly). Boys and teens utilized for homosex are referred to as “chicken” in “gay” lexicon.

In fact, part of homosexual activists “1972 Gay Rights Platform” called for the “repeal [of] all laws governing the age of sexual consent.” This should send a chill down the spine of any parent. Such a repeal would legally allow homosexuals and pedophiles to access your children and teens for their own predatory sexual gratification – so long as those children “consented” to having sex (like the boy who confided in Jennings).

To be sure, Jennings is no stranger to scandal. In a 2000 GLSEN sponsored event, adult homosexual activists were caught in an ACORN-style sting teaching children as young as 13 the horrific practice of “fisting.” (For a definition click here, it’s not fit to print). Jennings, response? He defended the event and even filed suit in an attempt to cover-up the scandal.

read the rest..,_fascists_and_perverts,_oh_my!
some links in article
by Matt Barber

Obama’s inner-circle is shaping-up like the bar scene from Star Wars. It’s a swollen throng of unaccountable czars and policy advisors comprised of some of the most bizarre fringe leftists imaginable. As mom always said, you’re known by the company you keep and Obama keeps some downright creepy company.

Here’s a sampling: First, we have disgraced former green-jobs czar Van “tinfoil hat” Jones. Jones, a self avowed communist and 9-11 “truther,” was forced to resign after revelations of his extremism became public.

Then there’s science czar John Holdren, the unzipped Harvard professor who wants a “Planetary Regime” to control world population through compulsory sterilization and forced abortion.

And of course there’s the administration’s very own Dr. Dolittle: regulatory czar Cass Sunstien, who advocates that animals be allowed to sue people.

But perhaps the creepiest of Obama’s advisers is “safe schools” chief Kevin Jennings. Jennings – an open homosexual activist – is former director of GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), a highly controversial group of adult homosexual activists who promote sexual anarchy and tacitly work to normalize the criminal practice of pederasty.

GLSEN’s primary purpose is to push dangerous and even deadly homosexual and cross-dressing behaviors in our government schools on children as young as five. So bold is Jennings in his promotion of homosexual behavior among children that he even penned the foreword to a book entitled “Queering Elementary Education.” (I don’t know about you, but Jennings and his ilk will “queer” my elementary-age kids over my dead body.)

A number of Jennings past activities disqualify him from holding any position relating to children; but a recently revealed scandal involving an exchange between him and a former tenth-grade student leaves no doubt that he’s unfit to serve in his current capacity. Jennings has admitted that while he was a teacher, a boy – whom he understood to be 15 years-old – shared that he had been sodomized by an “older man” who lured him home from a bus stop toilet.

Of course any reasonable teacher would have immediately called police and notified the student’s parents. But Kevin Jennings – an anti-Christian bigot who once said of Christians: “F – k ‘em! … Drop Dead!” – is anything but reasonable. Instead, he affirmed both the man-boy homosexual encounter and the boy’s “gayness,” flippantly telling him, “I hope you knew to use a condom.” (Jennings recently admitted that he “should have handled this situation differently” but, as of yet, has arrogantly refused to step-down or even apologize).

Still, Jennings cavalier attitude toward adult-child sex should really come as no surprise. In a1997 speech he voiced his admiration for Harry Hay, longtime advocate of the homosexual/pedophile group NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association.)

According to NAMBLA’s website, Hay made the following statement in a 1983 address: “I also would like to say at this point that it seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAMBLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world. And they would be welcoming this, and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need.”

Sickening, right? Shocking, no? Well, not to Kevin Jennings. His take? He gushed, “One of the people that's always inspired me is Harry Hay.”

But, again, this should come as no surprise. Homosexual/pedophile groups like NAMBLA and homosexual activist groups have long been brothers-in-arms. In many instances, members of both groups are one-in-the-same. According to the non-partisan homosexual activist watchdog organization Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, NAMBLA marched alongside “gay” activist groups in “gay pride” parades for years until it became politically burdensome for homosexual activists to continue allowing them to do so.

As with “gay” activist pioneer Harry Hay, legalizing adult-child sex has long been a goal of many homosexual activists (for years, overtly and today, covertly). Boys and teens utilized for homosex are referred to as “chicken” in “gay” lexicon.

In fact, part of homosexual activists “1972 Gay Rights Platform” called for the “repeal [of] all laws governing the age of sexual consent.” This should send a chill down the spine of any parent. Such a repeal would legally allow homosexuals and pedophiles to access your children and teens for their own predatory sexual gratification – so long as those children “consented” to having sex (like the boy who confided in Jennings).

To be sure, Jennings is no stranger to scandal. In a 2000 GLSEN sponsored event, adult homosexual activists were caught in an ACORN-style sting teaching children as young as 13 the horrific practice of “fisting.” (For a definition click here, it’s not fit to print). Jennings, response? He defended the event and even filed suit in an attempt to cover-up the scandal.

read the rest..,_fascists_and_perverts,_oh_my!

Ignorance on display.
Obama said we can know him by who he surrounds himslef with....ick :(

Still, Jennings cavalier attitude toward adult-child sex should really come as no surprise. In a1997 speech he voiced his admiration for Harry Hay, longtime advocate of the homosexual/pedophile group NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association.)

According to NAMBLA’s website, Hay made the following statement in a 1983 address: “I also would like to say at this point that it seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAMBLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world. And they would be welcoming this, and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need.”
(I don’t know about you, but Jennings and his ilk will “queer” my elementary-age kids over my dead body.)

Your dead body is actually the primary purpose here.

Dead conservatives - whoever has beheld such a beautiful site before? :clink:
Obama said we can know him by who he surrounds himslef with....ick :(

Still, Jennings cavalier attitude toward adult-child sex should really come as no surprise. In a1997 speech he voiced his admiration for Harry Hay, longtime advocate of the homosexual/pedophile group NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association.)

According to NAMBLA’s website, Hay made the following statement in a 1983 address: “I also would like to say at this point that it seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAMBLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world. And they would be welcoming this, and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need.”

I bet Obama wishes he had never uttered those words.
Your dead body is actually the primary purpose here.

Dead conservatives - whoever has beheld such a beautiful site before? :clink:

Well then good. We will let you and your party have him all to yourself, and he can queer up your college dorm.

All in the name of Liberalism of course and keeping the line pristine, eh?
We need more context. Media Matters claims Jennings praised Hay for his work as a gay rights activist.

Media Matters, is itself, a suspect source, imo.

One may praise another for some of their views or deeds without endorsing all of their views or deeds. However, when it comes to something like this, I think I might make the exception explicit.

As for the boy who had sex with an adult male. He has stated that he was 16 at the time of the incident, the age of consent in Mass.

Unfortunately, the LP had a plank calling for the repeal of age of consent laws. Would you tar everyone that has expressed some support for the party or their positions with that same brush?

The fact is that the laws are arbitrary. There are some below the age that have the capacity to consent. At the same time, there are some over the age, and even past the age of an adult, that are not emotionally equipped to consent. But all laws concerning maturity are necessarily arbitrary. There is no way to avoid it and there obviously should be laws to protect children from predation.
The ignorance on display appears to come from the liberals.
Oh, I bet that really stung her, again, the borrowing of the insults, so lazy and unoriginal! Can't even think up anything on your own! Liberals are also probably to blame for your lack of a personality!
Oh, I bet that really stung her, again, the borrowing of the insults, so lazy and unoriginal! Can't even think up anything on your own! Liberals are also probably to blame for your lack of a personality!

You seem to have a lot of jealousy. Of course, I can't blame you.
Yeah, I feel so sorry for all of the angst she imposes on herself. :rolleyes:
Oh, you two just love to imagine what goes on between Bud and myself and our 30+ year marriage! I hope you both have happy marriages like myself!

Sneak tokes, what nonsense! He has seen the difference between marijuana and the pain drugs they want to give me, and he likes me all doped up on pot, sorry! It is a lot better for my physical well being!

He is a wonderful husband, friend and my everything!

It never ceases to amaze me how fast ID claws come out after Sunday services, you would think there would be a little "grace" period, but no, she starts her sinning right on Sunday! Hellaluya!
Oh, you two just love to imagine what goes on between Bud and myself and our 30+ year marriage! I hope you both have happy marriages like myself!

Sneak tokes, what nonsense! He has seen the difference between marijuana and the pain drugs they want to give me, and he likes me all doped up on pot, sorry! It is a lot better for my physical well being!

He is a wonderful husband, friend and my everything!

It never ceases to amaze me how fast ID claws come out after Sunday services, you would think there would be a little "grace" period, but no, she starts her sinning right on Sunday! Hellaluya!
Projecting Tutu!!!! two, too, to many times! It is always about you! Sheesh!