Communism Is Systemic


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I am still trying to figure out how AG Barr separates police forces from the rest of society. The truth is that black race hustlers make small fortunes keeping non-existent racism alive in every police force.

Barr Says There Is No Systemic Racism in Policing
By Katie Benner
June 7, 2020

Racism is a bad joke because it does not exist, yet you hear television mouths say “RACISM” a thousand times a day trying to convince viewers that stopping racism is about brotherly love not the money:

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.

Communism is another matter.

So when in hell is Barr going to admit that Communism is systemic throughout every institution, the courts, and in every government policy regardless of which political party happens to be calling the shots? The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats openly promote Communism’s violent objectives, while Republicans refuse to face reality. God forbid that any dirty little moralist with a public voice says “Black Americans Communists are not loyal to this country.”

Everybody, except the douche bags in the swamp, understand one thing above everything else:


Communists/Socialists must pretend loyalty to any form of government that puts them on the payroll —— any payroll. Constitutional Republics, Fascism, dictatorships, military dictatorships, monarchies, democracy, you name it and every non-Communist government becomes a stepping stone to totalitarian government. Regardless of which form of government has to be overthrown matters not to the Socialist mindset; so long as they live well on tax dollars until they are in a position to forcibly impose their religion’s economic morality on everyone who opposes them. After all opposition has been stood against the wall, only the Communist priesthood will be allowed to accumulate wealth. [Today’s black Communists are building that wall brick by brick]

Why are today’s black American Communists succeeding beyond their wildest expectations? The answer is easy —— TELEVISION.

Television networks —— taking direction from FOX —— are doing everything possible to keep Americans from learning that black Americans have been engaging in a Communist revolution since the LBJ years. A few months ago they latched onto lying about coronavirus —— bat shit was quickly followed by a police officer accidentally causing the death of George Floyd —— Floyd’s death certainly was not premeditated, nor was it murder. No matter. Black American Communists swooped down on both events like a flock of vultures feasting on carrion.

White Democrat governors and mayors are probably Communists at heart. After all, they are Democrats! Nevertheless, they have no choice but to fan the flames of Communist revolution in order to placate their most influential constituency.

Take a look at my primer that details the advent of black American Communism:

Note that Norman Thomas founded the National Civil Liberties Bureau during WW I which morphed into the ACLU in 1920. Roger Baldwin, one of the ACLU’s founders, and its first director, laid out the ACLU’s judicial philosophy for all time irrespective of the ACLU barring Communists from leadership and staff positions in 1940. Basically, Baldwin realized that controlling the courts was more important in the long run than was keeping a few easily-identified Communists on the ACLU’s payroll.

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

March 24, 2011
ACLU v. Religious Liberty
By J. Matt Barber


The Democrat Party became the party of Socialists/Communists in the 1930s.

The Democrat Party became the party of traitors in 1945. (The United Nations)

The Democrat Party became the party of black Americans with the Civil Rights Movement. (1950s & ‘60s)

There is always a larger percentage of white American touchy-feely freaks taking part in violent demonstrations than there are black Communists. Anybody who believes that riots and demonstrations are spontaneous also believe that Muslims attacking the compound in Benghazi was spontaneous. In short: Every time television reportage triggers widespread violence you know the rioters are being organized, coordinated, and funded by a small percent of black Communists. That was obvious in the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations.

Note that demonstrations organized by run-of-the-mill gun grabbers who come out of the woodwork after every mass shooting are mild-mannered compared to the violence black American Communists organize and fund.

Finally, when black Americans had Soviet Union muscle backing their play they nurtured and kept Communism alive and growing. My point. Chinese Communists are giving black American Communists more support than they got from Soviet Communists. If I was FBI Director I would be looking to identify the procedure Chicoms use to transfer funds to black American Communists. I would start looking at Americans working for the United Nations.

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Save this post for the next conspiracy silliness

This thread should be in Conspiracy section. It is full of rather dumb assumptions and the usual empty finger pointing that keeps some uneducated Americans looking in the wrong direction. Name calling is so childish on top of the other nonsense. Then it repeats Benghazi, is Hillary's email in there too. Education failed this poor soul.

"Conspiracy theories are first and foremost forms of political propaganda. They are designed to denigrate specific individuals or groups or advance a political agenda. The theory that the Clintons were somehow involved in the Epstein suicide denigrates the Clintons. The notion that the US government staged the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School helped the pro-gun lobby to deflect arguments for greater gun control. What better way to pre-empt calls for greater gun control in the wake of a school shooting than to claim that it never happened?"

'Such beliefs promote extreme political agendas and allow governments to dismiss their critics as cranks.'

'conspiracy theory serves a useful purpose as a balm to the politically alienated segments of society'

'InfoWars host who called for Obama to be lynched interrupts impeachment hearing: “Trump is innocent”

'A host who pushed "Pizzagate" and Sandy Hook conspiracy theories accuses Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler of "treason"

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shiit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?"

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character."

The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays
This thread should be in Conspiracy section.

To midcan5: Your response about conspiracies belongs in the conspiracy forum. My OP belongs where I decide it belongs. Respond to #3 permalink in this thread if you want to talk about conspiracies:

Incidentally, do you call Da Reverend Al’s horseshit a conspiracy?

Da Reverend Al is an icon to every race hustler. He was not the first to gain fame and fortune selling fifty pounds of excrement in a small bag,

but he is the most famous on television. I wondered why it took him so long to offer sage advice:

Al Sharpton defended growing calls from progressives and Black Lives Matter to defund police departments across the United States, but added "defund the police" is a misleading slogan.

Al Sharpton Says Growing Calls to 'Defund the Police' Is a Misleading Slogan
Julio Rosas
Posted: Jun 08, 2020 1:35 PM

p.s. The history of police forces is one of the most fascinating subjects interested posters can find. Wikipedia provides a good beginning:

As far as I can see, what Americans mean by 'socialism' is normal capitalism, while they pretend, unconvincingly, to themselves have a classical, 'competitive version such as would produce slumps or starvation immediately. The system can only work at all if it includes heavy intervention by the capitalist state.
Barr Says There Is No Systemic Racism in Policing​

Thanks to AG Barr the word systemic is sure to get a lot of play in the days ahead.

Racism is a bad joke because it does not exist, yet you hear television mouths say “RACISM” a thousand times a day trying to convince viewers that stopping racism is about brotherly love not the money:

Now that black American Communists —— marching alongside white dirty little moralists —— are on a roll they will triple the number of times you hear the word racism every day. Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reports that FOX is planning to furlough their writers and simply have FOX talking heads repeat “RACISM” from start to finish of every show.

This is a pretty good article by Dov Fischer, but he does touch on the Black American Communist Revolution:

A person applies for admission to college or grad school. Or to the federal or state or municipal government for a Small Business Loan or other program to help promote commerce. Or for a job at most anywhere. The résumé is submitted and is competitive. Or the business loan paperwork is in perfect order. Or the job applicant is able-bodied and dependable. Time passes, and a decision is made as to whom to admit, or who gets the government business benefit, or who gets the job. And it turns out that the decision went to someone based on race. The person with lesser credentials won because of his (male) or her (female) or their (whatever other gender they got) race.

That is racism. Of course it is racism. It is an “ism” derived from and based on race. If the English language still has any words not yet deconstructed by the Left, that is the very definition of racism: admitting people to schools, supporting businesses, hiring for work … based on race. It is racism, and racism is the theological sacrament of the Left.

We now are half a century into “Affirmative Action.” As with all Left initiatives, words are distorted to mean things they are not because the Left refuses to call the Truth by the truth. When an Arab Muslim terrorist murders Americans at a military base, the Left calls it “workplace violence.” Obamacare is called the “Affordable Care Act” even though it gyrated health-care prices through the roof and forced many to lose their preferred doctors and health plans. Likewise with “Affirmative Action.” Instead of honestly calling it “Quotas,” they call it “Goals and Timetables.” But it is quotas. Here is why.

The government tells an entrepreneur that they will leave her alone if Albanians comprise at least 18 percent of her workforce. (Why Albanians? Why not?) They add, of course, that she should know that America is fair (wink, wink), and she of course will not necessarily get into any trouble if Albanians comprise fewer than 18 percent of her workforce, but the government then might just need to come in and take a peek in her books to figure out why she had so much trouble finding enough qualified Albanians to hire. She sits down with her husband or her lesbian life partner or whatever else they got and asks herself, “Do I want the government poking around my life, auditing my Widgets business, and do I want to have to fill out dozens of papers explaining why 18 percent of my employees are not from Albania and proving that I am not anti-Albanian and that I reached out to Albanians?” Only an idiot would say, “Yes, please, I want Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch and all the others to come in and poke.” So here is what happens: She double-checks on the “Affirmative Action Goal” that the government has “recommended,” and she sees that they recommend she hire a workforce that is at least 18 percent Albanian. She understands that if she treats the “goal” as a “quota” and hires the necessary quota of Albanians, she will be left alone. So she does. Thus, the “goal” inexorably becomes a “quota.”

Meanwhile, someone else has a job opening and has the perfect candidate for the job. Maybe the entrepreneur knows the guy personally from having served with him under fire in the military. Or maybe he once before worked famously with the guy. Or maybe that potential hire has been recommended by the entrepreneur’s colleague. The problem is that there is “Affirmative Action” for Albanians. And no one wants Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch poking around. So here is what the entrepreneur does: He advertises in Albanian publications, solicits Albanians wherever he can find them, and he interviews 10 or 20 of them — with absolutely no intention to hire any of them. So these Albanians take time off from work, change their schedules, buy airline tickets and fly to interview for a job they will not get. The entrepreneur takes three days out of his life and productivity to interview 10 or 20 Albanians he never will hire. Each interview runs between 30 to 45 minutes. Maybe he also takes each Albanian out to lunch. He also arranges for two or three others in his mid-level management to interview the unsuspectingly hapless Albanians. He then carefully documents each time-wasted interview copiously, documenting for the government agency that will poke around, and then he hires the guy he wanted to hire three weeks ago. Everyone’s time is wasted. People’s hopes are raised falsely.

Or a white guy has a business. He wants to get a business loan or benefit from some other government business-supporting program. He finds out that his business has all the needed qualifications, except for two small problems: (i) he is White, and (ii) he is … a he. So he finds himself a woman … who is … Blue or Green or Purple or Whatever Color the Government Wants … and even better if she is an Albanian … and he makes a deal: “You be the president of my company, or whatever title the government requires, and I will pay you ‘x’ amount of dollars per year for allowing me to use you as my Front to get the government loan.” Now he is a “minority-owned business.” So he qualifies — er, she qualifies — for the government program.

This all is racism in a society that no longer is racist. Fifty years after “Affirmative Action,” we now are in the third generation; that should be more than enough time to shift any imbalances. Look at the immigrants who came here in the 1880s from Germany, Italy, Poland, Ireland, Russia — even Albania. After 50 years there still was some prejudice. For example, American-born Jewish people who descended from Jewish immigrants who arrived here legally from Russia between 1881 to 1914 still could not get into the Ivy League in the 1940s and 1950s because of the Ivy League’s anti-Semitic admission quotas. The few who did slip in, say to an Ivy League law school, could not get hired by any respectable law firm in America. So the Jews had to start their own law firms or practice bankruptcy law because the elite major law firms needed some attorneys who specialized in bankruptcy work but found the practice area too greasy and grimy to touch themselves, so they told the Jews to do it if they wanted in. Jews could not get high-level executive positions in American banks or other such corporations, so they had to found their own companies and industries.

And so it went with continued latent discrimination against Irish Americans, Italians, Poles, Germans, and others who had arrived here legally, worked hard and honorably, saw their kids still facing discrimination half a century later, but now could not be stopped from achieving great things because they had worked their way into the American dream through honor, honesty, ethics, and hard work. Asian-Americans particularly got the short end of the stick. We encouraged Chinese to come here to build the western half of the Trans-Pacific railroad, and then we passed the Chinese Exclusion Act to deny them citizenship through World War II. We interned 110,000 Japanese Americans. Yet that did not stop their descendants from attaining their slice of the American pie, even in the face of new anti-Asian quotas in the Ivy League and at other major universities.

Fifty years of government programming to offset imbalances is ample. With Affirmative Action, many Americans in newly burned-out neighborhoods now can look outside the window and see what it has wrought. Fifty years of correcting an imbalance. Fifty years of assuring that goals and timetables have been met. Fifty years of college and graduate school degrees. Fifty years of government programs, government loans, government food assistance, government housing programs. Fifty years, paid with taxes collected from the “Haves” on all sides of the spectrum. Fifty years of systemic largesse. If you live in Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, or even down the block from Macy’s at Herald Square — look outside the window.

I agree with Dov Fischer wholeheartedly on this one: Television freaks are on the Left.

The only racism in America that is systemic — deeply ingrained into the system — is on the left.

Filthy do-gooders with the bit in their teeth are determined to shout “RACISM” until they change our National Anthem to:

It is so disgusting that it is hard even to speak about it. It is shameful, and it exists for one reason only: for White leftists to grab votes, to attract more viewers to their television channels at a time that no Malaysian planes are missing so as to increase advertising revenue, to claw for power in whatever field they practice. How low will they grovel to get power? They will kneel on the floor. They actually will kneel on the floor, groveling for power.

Of course, as Nancy Pelosi just found, she kneeled so long that she could not even get back up.

You think she was kneeling to Jesus? Nancy Pelosi is America’s leading Catholic proponent of abortion — though Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, and a boatload of other Democrat Catholics would take great offense at Nancy Pelosi getting all the credit for funding the killing of fetuses, especially in the Black community. That Pelosi is kneeling to Jesus?

And who, pray tell, was Schumer kneeling to?

I am not sure of the answer, but I do know these people are kneeling to Vomit Schumer:

He claims to be Jewish, so he is not kneeling to Jesus. But wait! It is a core tenet of Judaism that kneeling is forbidden except on Yom Kippur during the recitation of the Kohen service that occurred at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem during Talmudic times. Otherwise, it is so fundamentally against Judaism to kneel that every Jewish child learns the story associated with Talmud Tractate Gittin 57b of “The Woman and Her Seven Sons.” During anti-Jewish persecutions, an evil Emperor ordered each of the woman’s sons, one by one, to show fealty to the foreign gods by kneeling since he knew that, as a core tenet, Jews are forbidden ever to kneel. None of the sons would kneel; therefore each was executed. Jews do not kneel. Perhaps nowhere in the Bible is that core Judaic tenet more dramatically central and underscored than in the Book of Esther, Chapter 3:

2 And all the king’s servants that were in the king’s gate bowed down and prostrated themselves before Haman because the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai would not bow down nor prostrate himself before him.

3 Then the king’s servants who were in the king’s gate said unto Mordecai: “Why do you transgress the king’s command?”

4 Now it came to pass, as they spoke daily to him and he did not hearken to them, that they told Haman — to see whether Mordecai’s words would stand, because he had told them that he was a Jew.

5 And when Haman saw that Mordecai would not bow down nor prostrate himself before him, then was Haman full of wrath.

6 But it seemed contemptible in his eyes to lay hands on Mordecai alone for they had made known to him the people of Mordecai; wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews, the people of Mordecai, that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus.

So to whom was Schumer kneeling? Why, the Senate Minority Leader was not kneeling at all. Rather, he was groveling, groveling for votes from Black voters and perhaps kneeling to firebrand racist Al Sharpton. And, oh that cultural appropriation, donning that kente fabric that is unique to the culture of Ghana! Interesting. I searched the internet for a photo of Schumer ever wearing a Jewish prayer shawl. Nope. Just a kente.

The Left kneels. They grovel. They bow down to others, as Obama — then holding the office of president of the United States — bowed down to Arab Muslim oil sheiks. That is their way. They bow. They kneel. They grovel.

And they hate.

If one wants to find systemic hate in America, you will find it among outliers on the right and within the very core and system of the left. The hate that has been shown in burning down even minority-owned drug stores and clothing stores. The looting and the physical violence that awaits us all if the Left and its Ocasio-Hyphen anarchists ever attain their dream of defunding ICE at the border and the police in our cities. And when the mob strikes, nowhere do they let their hate demonstrate itself more manifestly than when they go after the Jews. First they go after the Jews who will not bow, just as Stalin did. And eventually they get to the Schumers and Bernies just as Stalin got to the anti-Semitic Jewish apostates of another time like the Trotskys, Kamenevs, and Zinovievs.

The Left media have been so enthralled covering a few troubling but isolated cases of police roughness that they conveniently have refused to cover the anti-Jewish pogrom that took place in Los Angeles in the name of “Black Lives Matter.” The Black Lives Matter Pogrom saw attacks on Temple Beth El, Baba Sali Congregation, the Kosher Mensch Bakery and Kitchen, Cong. Beth Israel, Cong. Beth Tivereth Avi/Morasha, Shaarei Tefilah Synagogue, Shalhevet Yeshiva High School for Girls, and a Shul wall on which were spray-painted anti-Semitic and anti-Israel slogans. The Black Lives Matter pogromists even — get this! — defaced a statue of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who lost his life during the World War II era by leveraging his diplomatic status to save thousands of Hungarian Jews from being gassed and cremated by Hitler’s Nazis in Auschwitz. Wallenberg issued thousands of falsified Swedish passports to Hungarian Jews and rented 32 buildings in Budapest, declaring those edifices to be extraterritorial Swedish national property protected by diplomatic immunity. He hid thousands of Jews safely inside them. The haters of Black Lives Matter attacked Raoul Wallenberg’s memory during their anti-Jewish pogrom. Did you see that on social media? Do you remember Don Lemon, Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Chris Cuomo, Brooke Baldwin, David Axelrod, Erin Burnett, Anderson Cooper, Van Jones, Robin Meade, Brian Stelter, Fareed Zakaria, Lester Holt, David Muir, Norah O’Donnell, Morning Joe, or Rachel Maddow reporting or commenting on the Black Lives Matter Nazi pogrom? No? Neither do I.

Know that the Black Lives Matter Pogrom was so violent and vicious that it even scared the Rabbinical Council of America, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, and Yeshiva University into silence. In the aftermath of the pogrom, each issued mollifying milquetoast statements that were targeted carefully at not getting the Black Lives Matter pogromists and Nazis angry. There was even a non-kosher “Jewish deli” that decided, in light of all the destruction all around them, to put a “Black Lives Matter” sign in their window and to hand out bottles of water to the anti-Semitic Black Lives Matter pogromists and Nazis. Their cowardice worked; their structure was not burned down. Only the Zionist Organization of America had the courage to speak out unequivocally.

The Left is systemically racist. And we see that they welcome as brothers in arms those who are pathologically hateful. They see everyone and everything in racial, gender, and ethnic categories. They cannot simply see people as people. Their hate and violence reveals itself most manifestly when their target is history’s perennial canary in the coal mine — the Jews. The coal miner watches the canary die of a lack of oxygen and knows who is next. When Stalin went after the Jews, it was predictable what would come next for the rest of the USSR. When Hitler went after the Jews, it was not long before he targeted Holland, France, England, and even America, engulfing the entire world in flames and mass death. Bernie Sanders can waltz with Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, Schumer can kneel and grovel, the whole Democrat apparatus can wear those African kente scarves like they are doing a TV ad for the United Colors of Benneton. But let us all know what would come about if the Antifa-Ocasio-Ellison anarchists and their Pelosi enablers ever defund ICE and the police. Inasmuch as most American Blacks do not walk around all day like Eddie Murphy in Coming to America, those kente cloths will just make Pelosi, Schumer, and their whole murder of crows easier to target after Black Lives Matter’s pogromists and Nazis finish with the Jews.

Systemic Racism and Bigotry Are the Lifeblood of the Left
by Dov Fischer
June 9, 2020, 1:37 PM

Discussions about ‘race’ is a trap. Every discussion about race must end in discussions about non-existent racism. Fools being led down the garden path are trapped on a wheel like a mouse who cannot get off when the discussion is NOT about racism. Around and around the wheel goes until the mouse dies of exhaustion, or race hustlers of every skin color get what they want.

Note that discussions about race came after RACISM was invented. Ask yourself if anybody in the history of the world ever discussed ‘RACE’ before the Civil Rights Movement?

Also note that race hustlers never call for a discussion about slavery because they know that slavery is about cheap labor not skin color. Throughout history every race was enslaved by another race, more often than not ruling classes enslaved the poorest citizens of their own race.

Parenthetically, every Communist Revolution is about Communists uniting the workers of the world so a global ruling class can enslave them.

Anyway, this article is interesting, but it falls into the DEBATE TRAP:

June 10, 2020
An Honest Conversation on Race?
By Fletch Daniels
Communism is another matter.

For twenty years I posted hundreds of messages covering every aspect of the never-ending Communist Revolution —— in addition to thousands of replies to parasite Socialists defending Communism because they truly believe there is a difference between the two. I happily admit that I never put it all together as clearly as Gary Gindler does in this article:

Do some people really think that the impeachment, the corona-gulag, and the pogroms all occurred in America one after another in a completely random pattern of events?

Why did pre-planned and synchronized riots and looting suddenly arise? Because the adventure with the coronavirus hysteria failed.

Why did the coronavirus hysteria suddenly lead to a corona-gulag being created? Because the impeachment failed.

Why did impeachment suddenly arise? Because "Russiagate" (or, rather, Obamagate) failed.

Why did "Russiagate" arise? Because leftism was defeated in the 2016 elections.

The preparatory work has been well done, comrade Democrats! In 2020, the Democrats managed to simultaneously shoulder on America the analog of the 1918 epidemic, the analog of the 1929 depression, and the analog of the 1968 riots. Moreover, as soon as the corona-gulag began, impeachment was completely forgotten. As soon as the pogroms started, the coronavirus had been milked for all it was worth, and they want you to forget about it conveniently.

The pogroms of 1968 (both in America and in other Western countries) became possible only because of the significant external influence and support of thugs. The whole machine of foreign propaganda in the USSR worked toward this. It should be remembered that before hippies of the 21st century occupied Wall Street, hippies of the 20th century were occupied by agents of the Soviet KGB.

The pogroms of 2020 also became possible only due to profound influence from abroad. This time, communist China acts as an external force, with a fifth column inside the United States — the Democrat Party. The country most affected by President Trump, the Anti-People's Republic of China, is one of the 2020 pogroms' most prominent sponsors.

The task of the Chinese communists is to bring bankruptcy to American cities, states, and businesses and thereby bankrupt America as a whole. For them, Trump is just another obstacle to achieving their goals. The attacks on Trump are not personal — they are just business, the political business of the communists, in which there are only winners. The defeated, according to the old Stalinist tradition, are simply erased from history. Moreover, money in this business is secondary, while ideology is primary.

The platform of the Democrat Party for the 2020 elections looks like this: "America, on your knees!" Anyone who thinks this election slogan is a winning one needs to be reminded that real America has not gone anywhere. America, which has never knelt and will never kneel before anyone, is still here.

In addition to this, the Democrats' latest slogan — to defund the police force and eliminate it — is a real gift not only to Trump, but to all Republicans. Let's recall that it was Vladimir Lenin who proposed first the dissolution of police in April of 1917, six months before the Communist Revolution in Russia.

The ancient philosopher Pericles is credited with the phrase "Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." To paraphrase Pericles, one could say, "Just because you do not take an interest in a worldwide communist conspiracy doesn't mean the communists will leave you alone."

Who now, after the collapse of the USSR, is on top of the communist Olympus? Who else is behind the pogroms of 2020?

Much to the chagrin of global leftism, the key players on the left side of the American political field are not one, but three — China (American disinformation media), George Soros (Black Lives Matter, Democratic Socialists of America, and their numerous mediators), and the Democrat Party (Washington and regional politicians and the militant wing of the party — Antifa).

The most important thing is that these three strike forces of the left are not united. Not only are they not united, but they are in competition with each other. This is what will guarantee their defeat.

What is happening in America today is not anarchy or lawlessness. In America, there is an open communist terror. This terror was premeditated, albeit poorly coordinated. The inconsistency of the left's actions occurs because the activists of this terror are divided into three ideologically opposing factions. Without going into the nuances of ideological discussions, we simply note that the main difference among these factions of the left is what particular form of Gulag should be built in the United States.

The Mussolini blackshirts' emulators in America — Antifa — are not a centralized organization. Antifa is a conglomerate of hundreds of independent groups in all states. The Black Lives Matter group has a similar decentralized structure. Their financing is also not centralized. The essential thing that these ersatz revolutionaries do not have is that they do not have a leader on the scale of Trotsky. They do not have a leader who could unite all the disparate left groups and lead them to a revolutionary assault.

The previous attempts to unify the left are well known — the First and the Second International. They were replaced by the Socialist International (Socintern), which still exists (the branch of the Socintern in America is located in New York and is called the U.N.). Also, there was the Communist International (Comintern), dissolved by Joseph Stalin in 1943. It was the third in the order. After it, the Fourth International was created. This Fourth Communist International is Trotskyist, and it still exists.

The history of all these leftist Internationals extends for a century and a half. The last of them — the Fourth — was founded back in 1938. Since then, leftist philosophy has not been able to offer anything new.

And now — lo and behold! — something incredible happened.

In May 2020, the Fifth Communist International was established. This new International is called Progressive International. At the helm of it is a man well known in America: Bolshevik Bernie Sanders.

The Fifth International is the response by the left to Trump. It is another attempt to unite the leftist, anti-American forces. This is a materialization of the hatred of the Democrats for Trump, the quintessence of the hatred of the Democrats for the Republicans, who dared to deprive the Democrats of their black slaves. The name of this International — Progressive — should not confuse anyone. It has nothing to do with the progress of humanity; rather, it is about progressive taxation (which, as it's known, was one of the requirements of the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx).

The disunity of the anti-American forces in the 2020 elections is a manifestation of the confrontation between globalism and communism, the clash between the Fourth International and the Fifth International. This confrontation resembles the fight between communism and fascism, which, too, being ideologically very close, have always been irreconcilable political opponents. Therefore, it has long been clear to everyone that Antifa, although nominally attacking "fascism," is basically not different from it. As for the catchphrase "Black Lives Matter," it should be confronted with "Gray Matter Matters" (hat-tip Greg Viola).

Antifa, BLM, Democrats, Democratic Socialists, communists — all of them, although fragmented, oppose Trump. Trump is fighting on several fronts simultaneously, but only now, the idiocy of the left is beginning to resemble some kind of rationality.

The rationality of the leftists is that the first half of 2020 could be defined as a political banzai charge. It is a psychological, suicidal banzai charge of desperate losers, political kamikazes. They decided, in the end, to wage, using words from the USSR national anthem, "the last and decisive battle" in America.

Perhaps that is why the riots in America began with the Jewish pogroms of 2019, and at the exit from the corona-gulag, we observe the next, openly anti-Semitic phase of the leftist pogrom. After all, the "peaceful protest" of the left was, is, and always will be an oxymoron.

June 11, 2020
Communism Is Reborn with a New Name in America
By Gary Gindler
For twenty years I posted hundreds of messages covering every aspect of the never-ending Communist Revolution —— in addition to thousands of replies to parasite Socialists defending Communism because they truly believe there is a difference between the two.

Victor David Hanson kind of surprised me because he sees elements in the ongoing Communist Revolution to elements in the French Revolution and to the American Revolution.

The French Revolution was about Socialism.

Francois Noël Babeuf (1760 - 1797), is considered by some to be the Father of Socialism. (Happily, he came to a bad end.) It is fair to say that Karl Marx Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels came along and blueprinted Babeuf’s Socialism in The Communist Manifesto published in 1848. To my way of looking at it today’s motivation for the violence has more ties to every Communist Revolution than it has to the French Revolution.

NOTE: Go all the way back to Spartacus and you can find an element or two in every rebellion. Marx certainly did:

In communism

In modern times, Spartacus became an icon for communists and socialists. Karl Marx listed Spartacus as one of his heroes and described him as "the most splendid fellow in the whole of ancient history" and a "great general, noble character, real representative of the ancient proletariat". Spartacus has been a great inspiration to left-wing revolutionaries, most notably the German Spartacus League (1915–18), a forerunner of the Communist Party of Germany. A January 1919 uprising by communists in Germany was called the Spartacist uprising. Spartacus Books, one of the longest running collectively-run leftist book stores in North America, is also named in his honour.

The American Revolution was fought for independence. Liberty and individual Rights came after independence. None of those freedoms would have been possible without first gaining independence from a faraway tyrannical government. Today’s American Communists are fighting for a return to the past —— a happier time as they see it.

With the single exception of our WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE the people lose revolutions because the people that have the most to lose mistakenly rely on their existing government to do whatever it takes to stop violent revolutionaries. Had Russians, Chinese, Cubans, etc., executed Communists before they got the political power in their hands instead of relying on their governments the world would be infinitely better-off today.

NOTE: Communism’s ideology does not win revolutions —— a well-organized tiny minority will win every time.

Communists winning prove that strength is not always in numbers. Citizens of every country far outnumber Communists, yet instead of the majority organizing they waste years hoping and praying until it is too late.
The truth is: Governments always compromise with the revolutionaries as you can see in the trillions of tax dollars taken from Americans who oppose Socialism/Communism the government already sent to Democrat Party causes via the coronavirus scare tactic.

The question is: Will a well-armed armed free people revolt against private sector Socialists/Communists as well as revolt against the military might of their own government? There is only one answer —— THEY BETTER if they hope to remain free.

Here is Hanson’s great piece from his perspective:

After morphing into splinter groups, the protest of the death of George Floyd in police custody has become "wholistic," entering a new stage accentuating the ongoing clash between the values of two different historic revolutions, the American of 1776 and the French of 1789, observed scholar Victor Davis Hanson.

Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, said in an interview with Eric Metaxas he seeing characteristics of the French Revolution's Jacobin dictatorship, known for its "reign of terror."

"Everything is on the table," he said. "I never imagined that NPR would be telling listeners to decolonize their library or there would be women to shave their heads so they wouldn't have non-African American hair, or they wouldn't privilege their whiteness."

He also cited ideas gaining traction such as banning cop shows, abolishing police departments and "pledging formally what we're going to do to promote racial diversity and identity politics."

"We're entering a space now that's even transcending the violence," he said. "When you have FBI people or health care workers that are in reeducation camp mentalities, where they bend a knee, take a formal oath."

It's affecting sports, entertainment and the military.

Facing the ruin of his career, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees has apologized several times for saying he would never disrespect the U.S. flag, referring to the National Anthem protests. He and his wife are now renouncing their "white privilege," Hanson noted.

And a dozen military leaders recently came out calling Trump's willingness to deploy the military to secure order amid violent protests as fasict, Mussolini-like or Nazi-like.

Equality of opportunity

The American Revolution was founded on liberty and equality of opportunity, Hanson pointed out. For the less fortunate, there is a moral role for churches, communities, families and even government.

But the French Revolution's values of "egalitarianism and fraternity" were based on equality of result. The revolution sought to change every aspect of the citizen's life.

"That's what we are witnessing now with this movement," he said. "They're not content to have the liberal county district attorney, not content to have the liberal state attorney general in Minnesota, the liberal governer, the liberal mayor, handle this atrocious behavior by a particular cop and investigate it," he said, referring to the death of George Floyd.

"They're not happy, they're not satisfied that the number of black Americans who are killed unarmed by the police is less than whites ... or that interracial crime is assymetrical," Hanson said.

"That doesn't matter now."

"We're in a revolutionary fervor that's going to change everything we look at, from our sports to our politics, everything," he said.

How we got here

Hanson said that among the reasons why America got to this point is globalization and multiculuralism.

"We gave up on the melting pot of integration and assimilation," he said, with 55 million people in the country who were born abroad and are not familiar with American values.

There also is the educational crisis, which has an economic element.

"We sent millions of young Americans to be indoctrinated in the university," he said.

They ended up with "the ignorance and the arrogance" of thinking they had been educated, which is "a fatal combination."

And that's accompanied by the per capita debt of more than $100,000.

A reckoning

Metaxas observed that America is experiencing a reckoning with utopianists "who have been around a long time."

The election in November, he said, will be a referendum on whether America chooses the French or the American revolution.

Trump has taken a stand, he said, but establishment Republicans such as Mitt Romney, Colin Powell, George W. Bush, Bill Kristol and George Will have sided with the left against him.

Hanson agreed.

"They prefer to lose nobly and be accepted as part of the establishment than to win in a way that might question their cultural or their social fides," he said.

Hanson said he's never seen before what he's witnessed regarding Trump, the Republican establishment attacking a conservative "because they felt that in some way his mannerism or his comportment were not conducive to conservative advocacy."

But conservatives, he said, have had to "make the elementary calculus" regarding Trump.

They reason, Hanson said, "Wait a minute, the fact that Trump is crass and can be crude is more important to these very well off [establishment figures] than 300 conservative judges that affect my future, or 3% GDP growth or minority unemployment, or getting out of that awful Iran deal."

"All of that doesn't matter (to them) because they feel that as conservative elites, they have the money or the influence to exempt themselves from the ideologies that are so pernicious and fall so heavily on the middle class," Hanson explained.

"So, yeah, that's why we're upset about it."

See the interview with Victor Davis Hanson:

Race protests morphing into 'French Revolution fervor'
By WND Staff
Published June 11, 2020 at 7:30pm