Compare 1920 Nazis with Modern Democrats

Compare the 1930 Nazi's with the modern Republicans. We are in danger of being destroyed as a nation by the incredible evil that is conservatism.

Todays COMMUNISTS are a nice fit to todays Democrats...

Communist Party condemns Israeli attack

The Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) denounces the cowardly and illegal attack by Israeli commandos on a flotilla of six ships bearing humanitarian aid ...

A better world is possible — a world where people come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA.


Jarvis Tyner, the party's vice chairman said that a "new racist counteroffensive" after the election of the nation's first African American president threatens the progressive labor-led coalition that formed during the 2008 elections and is continuing to make its mark today.

"Once a Black president and a reformer was elected and presented his program, the fight against racism assumed an even greater importance because it, along with anti-communism, is the main weapon the right is using to defeat progressive change," he said.

Tyner blasted Sarah Palin for her insistence that Teabaggers are not racist but just "angry."
The CPUSA strangely, and unlike the SPUSA or the Greens, strategically supports the Democrats in elections. I don't think you should be judged by who decides to randomly support you, though. 100% of Klan members voted for John McCain.
I literally didn't agree with a single word in the platform. It's much closer to conservatism than liberalism.
Nazism is neither. SM is being as disengenous with this as he is about southern conservatism and it's history of racism. The far right is far more guilty of using the elements of totalitarianism then the liberalism in our nation. Remember which party it is that has restricted freedoms recently (the USA Patriot Act comes to mind). Which Party has abused it's authority, endorsed torture, made a mockery out of habeas corpus, has approved of illegal wire tappings? The Republican Party! Which parties extreme propaganda wing has utilized Joseph Goebbels propaganda model vis-a vis, Fox News and Right Wing Talk Radio to demonize and marginalize all political oppositions as "liberals"? The Republicans. So though it would be unfair to to classify Republicans, as a whole, as fascist, the same can not be said for the right wing of their Party. The modern Republican party has danced on the cliff's edge of authoritarianism and it is they who pose the gravest risk of falling off that cliff into totalitarianism/fascism. In that respect, SM's comments are low comedy and completely laughable, not to mention almost virtually devoid of any facts.
Nazism is neither. SM is being as disengenous with this as he is about southern conservatism and it's history of racism. The far right is far more guilty of using the elements of totalitarianism then the liberalism in our nation. Remember which party it is that has restricted freedoms recently (the USA Patriot Act comes to mind). Which Party has abused it's authority, endorsed torture, made a mockery out of habeas corpus, has approved of illegal wire tappings? The Republican Party! Which parties extreme propaganda wing has utilized Joseph Goebbels propaganda model vis-a vis, Fox News and Right Wing Talk Radio to demonize and marginalize all political oppositions as "liberals"? The Republicans. So though it would be unfair to to classify Republicans, as a whole, as fascist, the same can not be said for the right wing of their Party. The modern Republican party has danced on the cliff's edge of authoritarianism and it is they who pose the gravest risk of falling off that cliff into totalitarianism/fascism. In that respect, SM's comments are low comedy and completely laughable, not to mention almost virtually devoid of any facts.

Wow Mott almost none of this dribble is true.
The CPUSA strangely, and unlike the SPUSA or the Greens, strategically supports the Democrats in elections. I don't think you should be judged by who decides to randomly support you, though. 100% of Klan members voted for John McCain.

Bullshit....prove it....
I am so tired of people comparing either party to the Nazis. Both party's have authoritarian strains. Both party's want to control aspects of my private life they have not business controlling. A pox on both your houses.
I am so tired of people comparing either party to the Nazis. Both party's have authoritarian strains. Both party's want to control aspects of my private life they have not business controlling. A pox on both your houses.

You must have missed this.

SouthernMan-You watch too much Glen Beck. Turn Fox 'news' off, it's been proven that the more you watch the dumber you get. Corporate power fears the left and will do or say anything to put Obama and the Dems in a bad light. This is just one more extremely stupid example. No not stupid, ignorant.
SouthernMan-You watch too much Glen Beck. Turn Fox 'news' off, it's been proven that the more you watch the dumber you get. Corporate power fears the left and will do or say anything to put Obama and the Dems in a bad light. This is just one more extremely stupid example. No not stupid, ignorant.

Why do you think I call them neocon parrots? They just keep repeating the same BS ad nauseum, regardless whether it's true or not. But unlike regular parrots, the neocon parrot has the unique ability to ingore anything it hears that doesn't conform to the Limbaugh like talking points. Observe:

RNC Chairman Steele: African-Americans ‘don’t have a reason’ to vote Republican.