Compared with this Romney is super intelligent


“America, and especially the East coast states, have been attacking traditional marriage and have also been forefront in stopping unwanted childbirths. These are abominations to God, which He will bring retribution upon with severe judgment. What states allow same-sex civil unions? Hawaii, Delaware, Illinois, New Jersey and Rhode Island. What states allow same-sex marriage? Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York and the District of Columbia. Hmm … where is this storm headed?”

And he’s not the only one. Religious leader John McTernan, who has made similar allusions with Hurricanes Katrina and Isaac, has claimed that “God is systematically destroying America” because of our “homosexual agenda.”

So all you gays and same sexers you'd better grab your mops and buckets and start the clean up AND next summer, when we all want a nice holiday in the sun, just keep it in your pants, huh?
Neanderthals...they live in a different world in another century. Throwbacks to the dark ages.