Comparing liberal and CONSERVATIVE Values


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Favor the elite...........................Favor 'We the People'
Seek to subjugate......................Seek to liberate
Seek to divide...........................Seek to unite
Seek to exploit..........................Seek to protect
Seek to disenfranchise...............Seek to empower
Demand conformity...................Encourage individuality
Fear opposing ideas..................Welcome opposing ideas
Promote aggression..................Promote peaceful debate
Promote unilateralism...............Promote collaboration
Indulge in deception.................Indulge in truth
Believe people are bad.............Believe people are good

Favor the elite...........................Favor 'We the People'
Seek to subjugate......................Seek to liberate
Seek to divide...........................Seek to unite
Seek to exploit..........................Seek to protect
Seek to disenfranchise...............Seek to empower
Demand conformity...................Encourage individuality
Fear opposing ideas..................Welcome opposing ideas
Promote aggression..................Promote peaceful debate
Promote unilateralism...............Promote collaboration
Indulge in deception.................Indulge in truth
Believe people are bad.............Believe people are good
Is it Opposite Day?

Favor the elite...........................Favor 'We the People'
Seek to subjugate......................Seek to liberate
Seek to divide...........................Seek to unite
Seek to exploit..........................Seek to protect
Seek to disenfranchise...............Seek to empower
Demand conformity...................Encourage individuality
Fear opposing ideas..................Welcome opposing ideas
Promote aggression..................Promote peaceful debate
Promote unilateralism...............Promote collaboration
Indulge in deception.................Indulge in truth
Believe people are bad.............Believe people are good

All MAGAts lie and/or are delusional. You’re an admitted oath-breaker, Hater. I can never trust you until you sincerely repent.

Great to see the lefties still confused with their own party's lack of values system. Just admit it, you're all modern day Marxists/Commies. You sure aren't
valuing, supporting or praising the United States of America. Any of you join your buddies lately in burning the American Flag, or in shouting for the Death
of America or the Death of Israel, and or welcoming in more of biden's illegals?