Confessions Of A Deadbeat

Did you notice that none of them would answer the question "would you turn down a million dollars?"

It's really no different than owners profiting off of the efforts of employees. It's all in the framing.
Did you notice that none of them would answer the question "would you turn down a million dollars?"

It's really no different than owners profiting off of the efforts of employees. It's all in the framing.

Responding to your glaring ignorance is a waste of time, but for clarification, the owners who form a business that produces a product or service do not steal their wealth from others; and the wages they pay are not stolen.

Only incredibly ignorant, economically clueless uneducated dullards like yourself can come to such moronic conclusions.

You truly do not have the remotest clue about wealth and job creation or how it happens; you really are THAT incredibly stupid.
It's really no different than owners profiting off of the efforts of employees. It's all in the framing.

And what in your feeble mind while it’s up your stupid ass does employees profiting off of business owners by the simplistic fact that they have a job equate to in your idiotic leftist world, commie moron???
Refusing a handout is stupid. The protestant work ethic has turned many americans into idiots who seek slavery.

Yeah! working for your living and having a sense of accomplishment and a moral standard is for the fucking suckers who wish to enslave themselves to those stupidities like honesty, ambition, accountability and reliability when sad sacks of shit like you can simply vote yourself other folks money.
Yeah! working for your living and having a sense of accomplishment and a moral standard is for the fucking suckers who wish to enslave themselves to those stupidities like honesty, ambition, accountability and reliability when sad sacks of shit like you can simply vote yourself other folks money.

First of all, honesty and ambition are incompatible.
First of all, honesty and ambition are incompatible.

Proof positive that you know squat about both. I have been both honest and ambitious my entire life and you've made it perfectly clear you're speaking for your kind the lazy crooked bastards of the world.
Did you notice that none of them would answer the question "would you turn down a million dollars?"

It's really no different than owners profiting off of the efforts of employees. It's all in the framing.

What is the source of the money and the conditions under which I would have to accept it? This makes a difference.
Prove its a real person and a real case.

did they check to see if there was a backwards B carved in her head?
why would it be unbelievable that it was faked?

your party has a long long court record that proves you lie and cheat.

this would not be a problem to fake huh
that call is faked...

...and the damn fool cons fell for it hook, line and sinker.

KLBJ's False Flag

Talk radio station still promoting fake welfare queen story

By Brandon Watson, 11:00AM, Sat. Nov. 23, 2013

By now, "News Radio" KLBJ should have their ears finely tuned to fiction. After all, this is a station that hosts the Alex Jones Show every Sunday afternoon. But when a woman identifying herself as "Lucy" called in with enough yarn to knit a holiday sweater, they were too ready to cuddle up in the warmth.

KLBJ had struck viral gold. Your uncle who bought a lock of Megyn Kelly's hair on eBay probably forwarded you the story. Finally, one of Ronald Reagan's welfare queens was willing to admit that she games the system, hitting the bong and eating Cool Ranch Doritos in government-assisted splendor. What's more, she is unrepentant, calling working stiffs fools.

The hosts of "Austin's Morning News" ate it up. The station's Facebook following were quick to follow suit. "Bitch needs to be sent to jail for possession of an illegal substance, she needs to be kicked off of WELFARE and her damned tubes REMOVED," opined one of the faithful. "But we dont need drug tes testing for them even though I have to pass one fir my job," said another. Soon conservative blogs were reporting the scandalous affair. Geraldo Rivera was likely somewhere lurking, waiting to tickle outrage with his signature mustache.

...There was, however, one small problem. "Lucy" called again a few minutes later to "The Todd and Don Show", where she completely discounted her own story (Wednesday, October 30, Hour 1 at 26:30). The new "Lucy" claimed she had indeed been on welfare, but only for a year. She lifted herself up from her pleather bootstraps and was upset that others hadn't done the same. She invented the welfare queen story to raise awareness of abuses. Touché libruls.

To be fair, the original Facebook post went live before the second call. Obviously, KLBJ would want to keep the grift on the DL. The story went cold. That is until today when KLBJ News Director Todd Jeffries (the "Todd" of "Todd and Don") posted the below very special PowerPoint to YouTube. The retraction be damned, KLBJ wants some more of that Tea Party gold. Along with the (oddly interrupted) "full audio" of the original call, viewers are treated to a slideshow of conservative memes. Here's Brad Pitt eating Lays on a couch. Wait, now it's a potato. Touché libruls.

There is no mention of the second call, no admission of guilt. This "Lucy" is goosey, ready to raise blood pressure again. But this time, KLBJ is aware it's bogus. To their credit, Facebook users are doing a good job of reminding the station that it's a cheap ploy. In defense, the station responded to one user, "it was on a talk show, not news." It's perhaps the most honest thing they have said all year.
Furthermore, dimwitted cons need to research welfare reform. There's a five-year cap on benefits so the welfare kings and queens of America cannot get freebies throughout their lives.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF /ˈtænɨf/) is one of the United States of America's federal assistance programs. It began on July 1, 1997, and succeeded the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program, providing cash assistance to indigent American families with dependent children through the United States Department of Health and Human Services.[SUP][2][/SUP] This cash benefit is often referred to simply as "welfare".

TANF was created by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act instituted under President Bill Clinton in 1996. The Act provides temporary financial assistance while aiming to get people off of that assistance, primarily through employment. There is a maximum of 60 months of benefits within one's lifetime, but some states have instituted shorter periods.[SUP][3][/SUP] The reform granted states wide discretion of how to distribute TANF entitlements. States also have the authority to eliminate payments to recipients altogether. Under the new act, TANF recipients are required to find a job within 24 months of receiving aid.[SUP][4][/SUP] In enforcing the 60-month time limit, some states place limits on the adult portion of the assistance only, while still aiding the otherwise eligible children in the household.