Congress: Vytorin Makers Held Bad News


Villified User
Congress: Vytorin Makers Held Bad News

Monday March 31, 10:08 PM EDT

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — A congressional committee, investigating whether the makers of cholesterol drug Vytorin withheld data that would hurt sales, released new evidence supporting such suspicions Monday.

The Senate Finance Committee said even the researcher who led a crucial study of the drug accused Vytorin makers Merck & Co. and partner Schering-Plough Corp. of withholding negative results to boost sales.

A letter from the committee's ranking Republican, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, states that delaying the results affected medical decisions and put financial burdens on patients and the federal government, which has paid hundreds of millions of dollars for Vytorin since the study ended nearly 2 years ago.

Someone should go to jail over this.
Corruption, here, corruption there, corruption everywhere, sheesh!
Corruption, here, corruption there, corruption everywhere, sheesh!


now, now - perhaps not at home...i hope

in this day and age i wonder if the corruption starts before or after a person is elected

businesses should be presumed guilty until proven innocent - the larger the business the more this holds true:shock:
The companies should be required to give up all sales money since they started sitting on the test results. And prison time for whomever authorized sitting on the data.
I agree with you Usc.

Why anyone would think you can take your eyes off these bastards for one second is beyond me.

Why is it that some think that because they have a pharmacuetical degree and drive a beamer that you dont need to police what they do?

People are people and you have to police them when they have that ability to make money by harming people.

Just like you have to police your streets you have to police the markets. Im so tired of people pretending these people are all saints and need no oversite. They are human beings whos only aim is profit. Every sector of the market is just the same.