Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Jonestown Survivor: Trump Has “All the Trappings” of Being the Next Jim Jones

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
The way you describe a cult leader, I can’t help but think about Donald Trump’s own personality and his rhetoric and habits. People do frequently refer to MAGA as a cult.

I said he was a cult leader three years ago. He has all the aspects of a cult leader and as for his followers, I was watching a video this morning where someone at a Trump rally said, “He could kill someone at the White House, and I would still support him.” That’s the kind of absolute control that a cult leader somehow mesmerizes followers to follow. He has all of the trappings. He’s charismatic. Some would argue he’s megalomaniac. He’s paranoid. And all of that makes for a toxic soup that we may be forced to deal with once again.

As far as I can tell, there hasn't been one attack or one attempt to murder any single high profiled dummcrat by
a Republican or by a Conservative. Just off the top I can think of at least two instances where high profile Republicans
were attacked by radical lefties. First, would be that nutcase that was lurking around outside one of the Republican
Supreme Court Justice's house with a gun ready to murder him. Second: There was that incident at the Republican
softball game where a maniac shot up the players and seriously wounded Steve Calise (sp). I'm sure there are more
examples but I need not waste my time looking for them.

Perhaps the white hating racist jew guno can give us an example of someone from the right actually attempting to
murder someone from the left.