Conservatism Includes Social Conservatives

I have listened to a lot of my fellow conservatives, articulate their beliefs in fiscal conservatism, but maintain a very libertarian view on the social issues. I can respect how they feel, because I am somewhat the same, I don't particularly care how other people live their lives, and I believe we should be tolerant and open minded to those who prefer something different than ourselves.

In recent years, the left has successfully stigmatized the "religious right" and anchored social conservatism at the heel, with this pestilence. Because people of religion, are often very devoted and active regarding certain issues, the left can claim that is the basis for rendering all arguments invalid. This is done through an invisible wall of separation, and the liberal misunderstanding that religion can't be involved in government. But some on the right, will play into the trap, because they are like I am, they don't really give a shit about the social conservative issues, and just want everyone to be able to decide for themselves.

As a conservative, I believe this is a mistake in judgment, to abandon social conservative principles because they don't conform to personal philosophy. It effectively removes the counter-ideology to social liberalism, to take away social conservative issues. The fundamental basis for conservatism, is rooted in a very strong religiously-based belief system, where all men are created equally and endowed with certain rights. It is through this belief in 'God', strength of human character and resolve, that we can begin to formulate the basis for fiscal conservative policies and initiatives. Without the fundamental belief that men are created equal, we allow that men may not be equal or created, and may be subject to manipulation and subjugation by men. That is the fundamental basis of liberalism, that is where liberalism begins, with the premise that man is not equal and requires men to manipulate the systems for them, in order to make it equal.

I think there is a clear and defined nexus between social and fiscal conservatism, and Republicans/Libertarians haven't found a way to connect with it. I think the best way to start, is to have a frank discussion about the differences between "social conservative values" and "religious wackos" and how they are not, one in the same. Wanting to have standards of decency in your community, in your schools and neighborhoods, is not wacko, it's pretty fucking normal in civilized society. Respecting life, whether it is a baby seal or an unborn human, is not wacko, it's pretty fucking humane. Many of the social conservative issues, don't require some religious backing or basis, they are just basic concepts of human decency. But it is the fact that they do have religious support and basis, that the left can attack them and fly away up to the top of that invisible wall.

Now, some of my fiscal conservative libertarian friends will say... but I just can't support the social conservative religious right... But, without supporting social conservative values, you are removing a vital pillar to fiscal conservative policy. Oh yes, you can still implement fiscal conservative policies, it's just that, every time you do, the left will pound you with emotive guilt trips, of which you have no answer for, and nothing to respond with, except a graph or chart. End result, Fiscal Conservatives = Scrooge...Grinch...Cheney et al. ....checkmate.

Social Conservatism offers the foundational belief that all men are created equal. That we are endowed by our Creator, certain inalienable rights, and our freedoms and liberties can not be taken by man. It is through that prism, we see the human spirit emerge into greatness and prosperity.
I think a lot of people are fiscal conservatives but not social conservatives.

They should vote accordingly. If they believe that social conservatism is part of their political beliefs that is great. But if not berating them is certainly not going to help.
Of course it does, but not to the exclusion of fiscal conservatism and personal freedoms.

The priorities are askew where social reconstruction through legislation has become the top priority for a party that used to be based on personal freedoms.

Instead of the priorities being this:

1. Anti-Gay Legislation
2. Anti-Abortion Legislation
3. Pro-Christian Legislation
4. Writing articles about the Ten Commandments
5. ..
6. ...
7. Illegal Immigration
8. National Security
9. Personal liberties and gun rights...

They should look like this:

1. Personal Freedoms and Liberties (Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms top tier.)
2. National Security
3. Controlling the border and opening legal immigration.
4. Fiscally sound policy, balanced budget Amendment.
5. ...
7. Abortion... so forth...

The party doesn't need to take them off the list, they need to re-prioritize.
Of course it does, but not to the exclusion of fiscal conservatism and personal freedoms.

The priorities are askew where social reconstruction through legislation has become the top priority for a party that used to be based on personal freedoms.

Instead of the priorities being this:

1. Anti-Gay Legislation
2. Anti-Abortion Legislation
3. Pro-Christian Legislation
4. Writing articles about the Ten Commandments
5. ...
6. ...
7. Illegal Immigration
8. National Security
9. Personal liberties and gun rights...

Well, I think they are backwards. The party doesn't need to take them off the list, they need to re-prioritize.

Please provide a link showing that these are the listed priorities of a mainstream social conservative.
Then how do you explain Reagan's popularity? Didn't he win two landslide elections with this ideology?

Reagan gave lip-service to the social conservatives. He was a fiscal conservative who needed the social conservatives to win.

There are a lot of fiscal conservatives who do not agree with the social conservative's agenda. I would be they are the majority of conservatives now.
Then how do you explain Reagan's popularity? Didn't he win two landslide elections with this ideology?
The uber-Christians in my area think that Reagan Republicans are "libertarians" that need to be in a "different party".

While I agree we are more libertarian in the fact that personal liberty and responsibility drives us, we certainly don't belong in a "different party".

Reagan did not drive his policy in the church-mobile, he let them ride shotgun in the Reagan-mobile. As I said, he had the right priorities. Nobody has to take them off the list, they just shouldn't be the top of the list. When they are, it drives our party into record minority status.
Please provide a link showing that these are the listed priorities of a mainstream social conservative.
Dumb. This is my opinion, and I believe what worked for Reagan. The "link" is what I posted, as it is all original material. You can tell it is my opinion because of the "I think" part of it there. Just a hint.
Reagan gave lip-service to the social conservatives. He was a fiscal conservative who needed the social conservatives to win.

There are a lot of fiscal conservatives who do not agree with the social conservative's agenda. I would be they are the majority of conservatives now.
Wrong-o. Reagan spoke about the sanctity of life and moral issues many times. Social conservatism many times does not require legislation, in spite of Liberals insistence that it does.
Dumb. This is my opinion, and I believe what worked for Reagan. The "link" is what I posted, as it is all original material. You can tell it is my opinion because of the "I think" part of it there. Just a hint.
Then your opinion is baseless. *shrug*
The uber-Christians in my area think that Reagan Republicans are "libertarians" that need to be in a "different party".

While I agree we are more libertarian in the fact that personal liberty and responsibility drives us, we certainly don't belong in a "different party".

Reagan did not drive his policy in the church-mobile, he let them ride shotgun in the Reagan-mobile. As I said, he had the right priorities. Nobody has to take them off the list, they just shouldn't be the top of the list. When they are, it drives our party into record minority status.
If you're not willing to back up your opinion then you shouldn't continue to use it as the basis to justify further argument.
Wrong-o. Reagan spoke about the sanctity of life and moral issues many times. Social conservatism many times does not require legislation, in spite of Liberals insistence that it does.
Yes, he spoke about them yet enacted, or proposed, none of them. The very definition of "lip-service".
If you're not willing to back up your opinion then you shouldn't continue to use it as the basis to justify further argument.

I back up my opinion with my experience. If you are unwilling to take my experience as a basis for my opinion then you are simply idiotic, all of our opinions are formed through our experience. Why must I link to other's opinions to show what my opinions are? So that you can pretend that such priorities don't exist?

When I put forward the reprioritization of the party here, every time, I am told by Ice Dancer, Dixie, etc. how I am "wrong" and that it was those priorities that got us elected. While you pretend that these things haven't become priorities as evinced by the attempt to get people to the polls with anti-gay legislation on election days.

It wasn't, as these priorities came to the fore the party began to fall. In 1994 it was fiscal conservatism that brought us into office, not a litany of anti-gay marriage and abortion amendments.

Now quit being disingenuous and pretentious and give me your opinion as to why you think the priorities are not as I listed them.

I believe that it is evidenced by the actions of the party in the past 8 years.
Wrong-o. Reagan spoke about the sanctity of life and moral issues many times. Social conservatism many times does not require legislation, in spite of Liberals insistence that it does.

So he talked about it but didn't do anything?

Sounds like a good definition of "lip-service".
Again, social conservatism many times does not require legislation, in spite of Liberals insistence that it does.
So true. I long for the days when social conservatives didn't try to pass laws making abortion illegal, pass legislation that says marriage is one man one woman, didn't desire to legislate moments of silence as a weak attempt for prayer in school, etc etc etc. Social conservatives have tried for years to legislate from the bible. It is not government's job to save anyone's soul by legislating prayer, marriage, abortion and contraception.
Again, social conservatism many times does not require legislation, in spite of Liberals insistence that it does.

So all a candidate has to do is say that he is a social conservative, speak about the sanctity of life and moral issues and he will make the social conservatives happy? They don't have to actually do anything?

Again, Reagan gave lip-service to the social conservatives.

Did he try and reverse Roe v Wade?
I have listened to a lot of my fellow conservatives, articulate their beliefs in fiscal conservatism, but maintain a very libertarian view on the social issues. I can respect how they feel, because I am somewhat the same, I don't particularly care how other people live their lives, and I believe we should be tolerant and open minded to those who prefer something different than ourselves.

In recent years, the left has successfully stigmatized the "religious right" and anchored social conservatism at the heel, with this pestilence. Because people of religion, are often very devoted and active regarding certain issues, the left can claim that is the basis for rendering all arguments invalid. This is done through an invisible wall of separation, and the liberal misunderstanding that religion can't be involved in government. But some on the right, will play into the trap, because they are like I am, they don't really give a shit about the social conservative issues, and just want everyone to be able to decide for themselves.

As a conservative, I believe this is a mistake in judgment, to abandon social conservative principles because they don't conform to personal philosophy. It effectively removes the counter-ideology to social liberalism, to take away social conservative issues. The fundamental basis for conservatism, is rooted in a very strong religiously-based belief system, where all men are created equally and endowed with certain rights. It is through this belief in 'God', strength of human character and resolve, that we can begin to formulate the basis for fiscal conservative policies and initiatives. Without the fundamental belief that men are created equal, we allow that men may not be equal or created, and may be subject to manipulation and subjugation by men. That is the fundamental basis of liberalism, that is where liberalism begins, with the premise that man is not equal and requires men to manipulate the systems for them, in order to make it equal.

I think there is a clear and defined nexus between social and fiscal conservatism, and Republicans/Libertarians haven't found a way to connect with it. I think the best way to start, is to have a frank discussion about the differences between "social conservative values" and "religious wackos" and how they are not, one in the same. Wanting to have standards of decency in your community, in your schools and neighborhoods, is not wacko, it's pretty fucking normal in civilized society. Respecting life, whether it is a baby seal or an unborn human, is not wacko, it's pretty fucking humane. Many of the social conservative issues, don't require some religious backing or basis, they are just basic concepts of human decency. But it is the fact that they do have religious support and basis, that the left can attack them and fly away up to the top of that invisible wall.

Now, some of my fiscal conservative libertarian friends will say... but I just can't support the social conservative religious right... But, without supporting social conservative values, you are removing a vital pillar to fiscal conservative policy. Oh yes, you can still implement fiscal conservative policies, it's just that, every time you do, the left will pound you with emotive guilt trips, of which you have no answer for, and nothing to respond with, except a graph or chart. End result, Fiscal Conservatives = Scrooge...Grinch...Cheney et al. ....checkmate.

Social Conservatism offers the foundational belief that all men are created equal. That we are endowed by our Creator, certain inalienable rights, and our freedoms and liberties can not be taken by man. It is through that prism, we see the human spirit emerge into greatness and prosperity.

Ya know what's funny?

You used the term "standards of decency" and then followed with a "fucking" normal and "fucking" humane.

Do you see the irony here??

How about the humor??