Conservatives finally admit fear is all they have to campaign on!


Well-known member
Somebody finally got a conservative to tell the truth...

Politico's Ben Smith has obtained a Republican National Committee PowerPoint fundraising presentation encouraging Republicans to raise money by promising to "save the country from trending toward socialism."

That, the presentation says, is what Republicans can "sell" when "you do not have the White House, the House or the Senate."

It says that potential small donors can be reached through appeals to "fear," among other motivations, and suggests they are "reactionary," while major donors respond to "access" and "peer to peer pressure" and are "ego-driven."

I guess the RNC doesn't think the little and I...deserve to have "access" to our elected officials...unless we've got a boatload of money to give them.

more here:
For the most part do you think any politician gives you access without money?
So, as a republican, do you support that particular way to win back the House and Senate? You are fine with conservatives having no real message other than fear?
So, as a republican, do you support that particular way to win back the House and Senate? You are fine with conservatives having no real message other than fear?

No I don't support it and it's a big part of what turns me off about politics. Fear, like negative ads, must work otherwise politicians wouldn't use it. I wasn't born yet but wasn't LBJ's commercial using fear about the idea of Goldwater having his hand on the nuke button with that little girl in the field?

And I also can't believe they would actually write it out in a memo even though it's what they are doing. I watched an old DNC commercial today which said Bush and Republicans want to take away your SS and shows Bush pushing an old granny in a wheelchair off a cliff.

The RNC and DNC disgust me. Two things keep me registered as a Republican. 1) I'm freaking lazy and won't take the time to change it and 2) in California to vote in the Republican primary you have to be a registered Republican. Otherwise I would gladly change my registration to Independent. But yes I am a Republican and I hate fear mongering sh*t. But no it's not going to make switch to become a Democrat or vote for Democrats who do the exact same thing.

Edit: And I also realize by voting for a Republican or Democrat I'm perpetuating this behavior which is why there have been times I've voted third party or libertarian.
Somebody finally got a conservative to tell the truth...

Politico's Ben Smith has obtained a Republican National Committee PowerPoint fundraising presentation encouraging Republicans to raise money by promising to "save the country from trending toward socialism."

That, the presentation says, is what Republicans can "sell" when "you do not have the White House, the House or the Senate."

It says that potential small donors can be reached through appeals to "fear," among other motivations, and suggests they are "reactionary," while major donors respond to "access" and "peer to peer pressure" and are "ego-driven."

I guess the RNC doesn't think the little and I...deserve to have "access" to our elected officials...unless we've got a boatload of money to give them.

more here:

5000 people a day die because they have no health care...

Aunt Annie has to eat chicken shit so she can by pills....

Emma can't go to Miami this year because she needs to save for an operation

This can't be scare tactics could way
....fuckin hypocrites...
First you called us the Party of No, and we turned that around and embraced it, gaining converts. What makes you think this fear tactic of your will work? :)
5000 people a day die because they have no health care...

Aunt Annie has to eat chicken shit so she can by pills....

Emma can't go to Miami this year because she needs to save for an operation

This can't be scare tactics could way
....fuckin hypocrites...

I'm not going to argue two wrongs make a right but will point out the proverbial throwing stones from a glass house. Check out this video. Any fear mongering here? Any lies here Desh?
I'm not going to argue two wrongs make a right but will point out the proverbial throwing stones from a glass house. Check out this video. Any fear mongering here? Any lies here Desh?
Why is it that guys like you and I and Damo and SF and Billy and a ton of others on here (not just guys, don't get underwears in wads, women I want the smart in your group too) cannot get our shit together and form a party of pragmatic, smart, respecters of life liberty and private property, alienate the god squad and the haters of success and indepence and take this fucking country back. Is it really because we are too lazy? I hate both parties. I regret like fuck voting for Obama. New boss same as the old boss. Is it because all of us are too busy working at our jobs, and raising our families? If we are, it is going to get harder to work at our jobs and raise our families. We need a centerist party, fiscally conservative, socially libertarian. Otherwise, we are going to be left to the devices of the fringe on both sides.